I sort of got off on a different footing yesterday about this love note. I guess it is because I have a heart for people that are in need. At one time I did have a problem with giving money or food to homeless people. But something my daughter said to me once, got me to thinking that I had the wrong attitude. She had said, "Who knows what they have been though that brings them to those times when they live on the street, are addicted to drugs, and have nothing to eat. They may have a very good reason for where they are in life. If I was homeless, I would probably want to drink or take drugs too, just to escape what I am going through, if only for a few hours."
Neither my daughter nor myself and our families have ever been homeless, praise God. But we have come close and thank him that there were people who at times reached out to us with some help to keep our head above water. There were times when we had tread some pretty deep water, but God promises when we pass through them, he will not let them over come us. (Isaiah 43:2) And sometimes he uses people to keep others from drowning.
I believe, that if I give money or food to someone on the street, it is not up to me what is done with it. I do not know and cannot therefore judge what their situation is. Only God knows. Only he can.
What I do know is that scripture is clear in that we are to give to everyone that asks of us. Do we do that? I would say, not nearly enough. Because it might mean I have to give up something. And God knows that I don't want that. And yet, if I don't, then it shows that I don't care about people like I say I do.
Moving on to this love note from God however, about Jesus preparing a place for us is what life is really all about. The things of this world will one day pass away. Whatever we have will be gone. We will be eventually gone because life is about death. The death of our physical bodies at least. Where will we be then? Because our spiritual bodies will live on. Either in heaven-which we look forward to, or to a place where fires burn forever and people live in torment.
Jesus had told his disciples: "...in my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you that I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you unto myself, so that where I am, there you will be also. John 14:2-3,
Our home here in earth, is important. We do need a place to live and raise our families. But it only temporary. We are just passing through on our way to something greater and much more exciting than we can ever imagine. For those that know God and has excepted Jesus as their Savior. Because not doing that, will mark our place in something that we truly do not want. Are you waiting for your place in God's house, where we will be with Jesus? I know that I am. And hope the same for you.
Thanks for coming by, Friends. Until next time, may the Lord bless and keep you everyday!