Friday, February 28, 2020

I Am Preparing A Place For You

In My Fathers House

I sort of got off on a different footing yesterday about this love note. I guess it is because I have a heart for people that are in need. At one time I did have a problem with giving money or food to homeless people. But something my daughter said to me once, got me to thinking that I had the wrong attitude. She had said, "Who knows what they have been though that brings them to those times when they live on the street, are addicted to drugs, and have nothing to eat. They may have a very good reason for where they are in life. If I was homeless, I would probably want to drink or take drugs too, just to escape what I am going through, if only for a few hours."

Neither my daughter nor myself and our families have ever been homeless, praise God. But we have come close and thank him that there were people who at times reached out to us with some help to keep our head above water. There were times when we had tread some pretty deep water, but  God promises when we pass through them, he will not let them over come us. (Isaiah 43:2) And sometimes he uses people to keep others from drowning.

I believe, that if I give money or food to someone on the street, it is not up to me what is done with it. I do not know and cannot therefore judge what their situation is. Only God knows. Only he can.

What I do know is that scripture is clear in that we are to give to everyone that asks of us. Do we do that?  I would say, not nearly enough. Because it might mean I have to give up something. And God knows that I don't want that. And yet, if I don't, then it shows that I don't care about people like I say I do.

Moving on to this love note from God however, about Jesus preparing a place for us is what life is really all about. The things of this world will one day pass away. Whatever we have will be gone. We will be eventually gone because life is about death. The death of our physical bodies at least. Where will we be then? Because our spiritual bodies will live on. Either in heaven-which we look forward to, or to a place where fires burn forever and people live in torment.

Jesus had told his disciples: " my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you that I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you unto myself, so that where I am, there you will be also. John 14:2-3,

Our home here in earth, is important. We do need a place to live and raise our families. But it only temporary. We are just passing through on our way to something greater and much more exciting than we can ever imagine. For those that know God and has excepted Jesus as their Savior. Because not doing that, will mark our place in something that we truly do not want. Are you waiting for your place in God's house, where we will be with Jesus?  I know that I am. And hope the same for you.

Thanks for coming by, Friends. Until next time, may the Lord bless and keep you everyday!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

I Am Preparing A Place For you!

#WednesdayWisdom #God   #AGoodTimeIn4Words  #Jesus : "..Father's house..many mansions.." (John 14:2)  #Bible #Scripture #Gospel #BibleVerse #Christian #inspire

Do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me as well. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you in to my presence so that where I will be, you will be also. John 14:1-3

Have you ever known anyone to be homeless? Or on the verge of being homeless. Have you ever seen a homeless person on the street, begging for anything from food, to money. Do you hesitate to give them money because they may spend it on alcohol and/or drugs?

You figure that they don't deserve getting handouts because they should just go get a job.

Many Christians feel that way. They don't want their money that they have worked hard for, to become....dirty. What was that you said? I said, "dirty." I don't want my money to become dirty by  giving to the poor man on the street, or the mother that was in a Walmart parking lot asking for money to buy her baby diapers and food, with the possibility that they will spend it in the way which we don't approve.. The lady at Walmart was oriental, but I do not know where she was from. She had her request written out on a card, which she showed my husband and myself, and with her was a teenage girl. 

Did I give her any money?  Yes. GASP!!!!

Shame on me for giving money to someone who had to have her request written out because she may or may not have been able to ask in English. And if she did indeed have a baby, it was not with her. And how could I trust that she was not going to spend it on something that would....dirty my money?

Well, I can tell you, I have sort of been on that side of the fence, as it were. Not completely homeless, but getting there and not always knowing where the food for my kids was going to come from.

It isn't our business to know what anyone's situation is. What happens to that money that leaves your hand, the end result becomes God's and whomever is on the receiving end. 

We could argue about with God Why really should I have to give to the poor? But we would only lose that argument.

Whoever gives to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have. Proverb 18:17

Give to everyone that asks you....Luke 6:30

There is other scripture about giving to the poor and I have not found one that says we are to judge, put them down or ignore them. 

God's heart is with them. And he is for you and I. Poor or not.  

I know today's love note is a little different then its title, but I will be back tomorrow to talk about Jesus preparing a place for us. Thanks for visiting today. God's blessings and perfect love on you!

To anyone going through a hard time right now, God has not left you. It may seem as if he doesn’t hear your prayers, but he does, and he has a plan. You may not see it now, but you will soon . . . …

Monday, February 24, 2020

I Gave You Breath

job 33:4 - Google Search

Who but God, gives us life? Who but God has the right to take life from us?

No one, that is who. And only God does.

And yet every day, there are many babies aborted because parents did not want them but yet, did not take precautions to not have them in the first place. And so those babies pay for the sin of their parents.

Like wise, every day, people die from overdoses of medications  or other ways.And many take their own lives on purpose

Who but God gives life? No one. Who but God has the right to take life away? Only God. That is who. 

Job 1:21 Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked will I depart. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; may the name of the Lord be praised. 

Every breath we take, comes from God himself. I wonder what God thinks when he looks down on his creation and finds the babies killed because of the selfishness of their parents. Jesus said: in Luke 17:2, that it is better for someone to have a millstone hung around `their neck and thrown into the sea, than to make children stumble.

Milestones can weigh hundreds of pounds. That would be a serious punishment for anyone that had
done anything to hurt a child.

The 5th commandment in Exodus 20:13 says: Thou shall not kill. 

People killing other people. People killing innocent babies and children. People killing themselves.

It goes on everyday and in every way. What is the God of heaven to do with his sinful creation?

One day, when Jesus comes back, the killing will stop. He will take those that have accepted him as Lord and Savior home with him. He will defeat the devil and his cohorts and there will be no more of the sin that runs rampant  in the world today.

But there is only one problem. To be taken home with him forever, we must be born again. For those that aren't, it will be too late.

Will you be counted in the number of those that will be allowed to enter heaven? If not, his love note today is for you. Pray the following prayer, so you don't miss it. Because believe me, you won't want to miss heaven.

Salvation Prayer Learn how to give your life to Jesus and receive salvation. How to go to heaven

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Until next time, God bless you today and always!

Next post today 2/24 by 10 pm est

Saturday, February 22, 2020

I Will Teach you

Lord, teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong, I will not do it again. Job 34:32

How many times when we pray, do we actually ask God to teach us about ourselves so that we can learn what we should not be doing? Sometimes we are doing something wrong, and just don't realize it. We may be sinning by default. 

There are some people that just do not want to know. They think that whatever they do is okay. That they are right and everyone else is wrong. That their ways are better ways. That no one "does it like they do." And if everyone doesn't take their advice or do something the way they think they should...well they are just wrong. 

Maybe we are all like that at times. 

 Just maybe we all need a good dose of humility at times, Knowing that God can teach us the things that he wants us to know and do. And not do. 

Job asked God to teach him the things within himself that he could not see. The things he had done wrong without knowing. Is it too much to ask God to teach us those things that we do not see in ourselves? Hidden things in our hearts. 

That is what growing as Christians is all about. From the time we become born again, God wants to grow us up. To become like him. But it takes time. An infant isn't born one day, only to do the things that he would learn as he grew. It takes time. 

However, God wants us to grow up. We are not to stay as babies in our Christian lives. And the way to do that is through the Holy Spirit whose job it is to teach us the things that we should know. And one of those things are  to learn of the things we do wrong, that we can confess and not do any more. 

Do we ask God to reveal those hidden things of our hearts?

If not we should. And we should be doing it on a regular basis. Because we want God's forgiveness all the way. Not just a little bit. But all the way. David in Psalm 51:10 asked God to create in him a pure heart after he had been with Bathsheba and took part in their affair. And God did. And he will for us too as he changes us from the inside out. And teaches us his ways which are better then our own.  What better a life is that? But the teaching we get, comes from God and our desire to know it and him. What better is a life for us then that?

Lord, teach me what I cannot see. So that I may not do wrong again. Teach me your ways that can know you better.

It's one way to grow as a Christian. 

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend, Friends. 

Saturday, Blessings, Encouragement Photo by Suzanne210 | Photobucket

Friday, February 21, 2020

You Are My Child

How great is the love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called Children of God ~ 1 John 3:1

No longer are do we Not belong to someone.


Even as those that feel they are orphans in today's world, those whose parents have abandoned them and ended up in foster care. Those that whose mate left them. Those that have virtually nobody

If they have God, the  have the one person that they need more then anyone else.

The gospel song: This world is not my home, I'm just passing not just a song to make us feel good about where we will eventually ended up. It is the truth. Because 1 Peter 2:11 tells us that we are strangers here. This place we call home, is not really our home at all. It is just our journey into the next world. Where ever that may be.

If we have found God and committed our lives to Jesus Christ, we are on our way to everlasting life in the most wonderful place we can imagine.

And as such, we then have the right to be adopted by God into his family and become joint heirs with him. Galatians 4:7

Any kind of earthly inheritance we might receive  pales to dust when compared by what we shall receive when we stand at heaven's door. And yet sometimes, when on this side of heaven, we hope to receive an inheritance from someone, sometimes our greed kicks in and we forget what is important.

What is important is whether or not we have the right to be called God's children.

And it is only through the shed blood of what Jesus did on the cross, and whether or not we accept him as our blood sacrifice for our sin, that gives us that right.

Can we say we diffidently have that right? We have to be sure we can because at the exact second that our life ends here, we will know for sure.

Hello Friends. May you have a wonderful day with Gods blessings showering down around you.  

WEATHER FORECAST ~ God REIGNS and the SON shines ~ expect showers of blessings! Description from I searched for this on

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

No Certain Group

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. #Galatians3_28

I am not a Jew. But I love God. And yet, I have no hope for heaven since I am not a Jew. Because God's chosen people were the Israelite people.. Right.?

Well, the answers to those questions are wrong and right?

Ok so what am I getting at?

Before coming to this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was coming would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. So you are all children of God through faith, for all you that were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew or Gentile, neither slave or free, nor is there male or female. For you are all one In Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Galatians 3:23-29

That means that once we have become a child of God, there is no difference. At the foot of the cross, no one is turned away. We are all the same in the eyes of God.

Dose it matter to us that salvation is for everyone, and not just the Jews? It doesn't because it does not matter to God.

After all, he created us.

God's love note for today promise us that just because God's chosen people were Jews, we have nothing to fear by being left out. Because we aren't left out at all. There is hope for all and Jesus is waiting to welcome us into his arms. Will you be one that make it there? Or, will you be left behind.

Precious Moments God Bless You, Cross, Ceramic/Wood

Monday, February 17, 2020

I Will Give You Peace

John 14:27 Bible Verse Fridge Magnet

Peace? How can we possibly have that in this day and age? Things happen every day that scares us. Is there really such a thing. I mean come on, when God gave that love note, the world was in a much better shape. Wasn't it?

Well no, it wasn't. The whole bible is filled with things that did not make God's people always feel really peaceful.

"Peace I leave you. My peace I give you. Not as the world gives you..." John 14:27

Ah, so that is the key. The peace that Jesus gives. Because you see he said that to his disciples after he had been crucified and had risen from the grave.  Jesus was trying to prepare his disciples for when he would  be returning to his Father in heaven. 

He knew his friends w would miss him. After all, they had lived with him for three years. Now he was going away? What would they do? 

Thoughts of that time had to be troubling to them. Losing him just wasn't what they had thought would happen. They had watched him die on the cross. Had they really thought they had lost him then?

Now here he was. Back with them talking about going away. "Did this really have to happen, Jesus?"

But it had to. It was part of God's plan. 

And yet how would they get along without him?

"I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you."  (vs 18)

Were they quietly wondering....How is going to do that? If he was in heaven, how did he intend to go back to them? 

I think if I had been there, that would have been on my mind. Or something like that. 

"Anyone that loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with them..." (vs 23-24)

"All of this I have spoken to you while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and remind you of everything that I have said to you."

"Peace I leave you; my peace I give you not as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

After Jesus rose from the grave, it was imperative that he go back to the Father so that the Holy Spirit could come to those that love God and obeys him, can then dwell within them. The Holy Spirit has specific jobs to do as he lives in us. Two of them are to teach us the things that God wants us to know. But the other one is PEACE. He brings it to us as we are obedient and grow in grace. 

Despite all the bad things that go on in the world, peace is attainable. 

There is only one way to have true peace.And that is the peace we can have through the Holy Spirit and knowing Jesus Christ.  I hope that you have it. Because it is the only kind worth having. 

Thanks for coming by Friends. May the blessing of God's peace surround you today!

100 Good Morning Quotes with Beautiful Images 89

Sunday, February 16, 2020

I Will Order Your Steps

Psalm 37:23

Have you ever known anyone that has tried to get you to go do something or be something that you never want to do, or be?

Many kinds of people would lead us away from the truth. Of the love of God. Of everything that Christ has done for us.

And many of us go. Maybe because we don't know any better. Or maybe because a way of life that seems more fun.

And then at some point, we realize that those ways only led us to grief, unhappiness, and a whole host of other unpleasant situations that we wished we would never have followed someone into.

Sin. It takes us in directions sometimes that we never wanted to go. Never thought we would go. And yet, there we are. Hoping for what it can give us and finding out it isn't what we wanted in the first place.

However, there is one person that leads us not into sin, but away from it. God. 

His love note for today goes ike this:

The steps of a  good man is ordered of the Lord. And he delights in his way. Psalm 37:23

But what does that mean?

When we belong to God, he gives us direction for which way he wants us to go. And then because he loves us, he enjoys seeing that we are going the ways that he wants us to go. It is that simple. 

Sin no longer has dominion over us when we are God's.child. We are then under his grace and it does not have to rule over us.  Romans 6:14.

It is our choice. Do we want to go down our own path or follow someone that wants to lead us that way. Therefore living the kind of life that brings sorrow to us. Or do we want to take God's path and know that he delights in watching us as we fulfill the things that he has set us for us to do?

Which way do you chose?

Thanks for coming by today Friends. I hope you had a blessed Lord's Day. May Bod bless you in the new week ahead!

10 Best Sunday Blessings Quotes To Start Your Day


Thursday, February 13, 2020

I Will Never Leave You!

Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”!!!

Has anyone you love, left you? And how about rejection. Has anyone ever rejected you? I am sure most of us have had these things happen in some form or another during our life time.

We know there are many people that completely reject God all together. But I am not speaking of those people in this post.

Rather I am speaking of those that have accepted Christ and then after a time, turn away from him and go back into the sin that they did before they accepted Christ.

God's love note for today is that he will never leave or forsake us.

I know of people that have done it. I have been one of those that had done it. It doesn't take much to see some people that have been well known evangelists fall back into the devil's trap. We know that he goes after those that preach God's word more then any other. To make Christianity look bad to the world.

But there is good news. God's love is unconditional. I believe that if a person was truly saved at one point and then left God to go back to a sinful life, that he will pursue them and preserve their souls until they go back to him. Hebrews 13:5 and Psalm 121:7

If we look at David's life, and all the things he did. Those kinds of struggles that the men of at that time and still are struggling with. And yet he is known as a man that was "after /God's own heart"
When he sinned with Bathsheba, God could have rained down fire from heaven to destroy him for his indiscretion, if he had wanted to. God could have taken offense at it. Do we think David's actions could have embarrassed God?

Not on you life. Why would God have let David's and Bathsheba's story in his Holy Book? Maybe it was to embarrass David? Nope.

David was truly repentant after he had had Bathsheba's husband killed and slept with her and gotten her pregnant. Read what he prayed to God after the fact....

"Create in me a clean heart; Oh God. And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence , and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of my salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit." Psalm 51:10-12

And so what did God do about that prayer? He completely dismissed Davids plea for God to restore his relationship with him. Right?

No. God restored David's relationship to him because his love is unconditional. And until that prayer actually went up to the ears of God, he preserved him from any evil that could keep David on the enemies turf.

And I believe he still wants to do that for those of us today that have truly asked him to forgive our sins. He wants no man to perish but all to come to repentance and he is waiting for those that have not yet come. 2 Peter 3:9.

But we must not wait too long for there will come a time when it will be too late. For those that wants to put God off for awhile, they could wait too long and they will then have no excuse. Don't let it be you, my Friend.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. God bless you today and everyday!

*12622* Thursday Blessing~~J~ Isaiah 41:13 KJV

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I Will Protect You!

No weapon that is formed against thee will prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. Isaiah 54:17

The promise in Isaiah 54:17 may seem like a contradiction to anyone that has actually had a weapon formed against them by someone that may be trying to rob or kill them. Elizabeth Elliot along with  and her husband Jim were missionaries back in the 50s when he  and four friends were tragically speared to death while trying to evangelize the Auca people, a tribe in Amazonian Ecuador.

Much closer to me, was my great-great aunt Mildred who was killed by a teenage boy who went to rob her as she stood at a bus stop waiting for a bus, and when she resisted, he shot her at point blank range and killed her, back in 1990 in Indiana. She was a Christian, had attended church all of her life and played the organ in at least one church that she attended.

Especially when some one has served God like these people had, why does he let these things happen? 

If God says that no weapons formed against us will prosper, how is it that these and many other Christians even now are slaughtered for the name of Christ?

Is God really serious or is he just playing a cruel joke on us? And if not, then what does that scripture really mean?

We know that there are weapons that our adversary the devil wants people to use. The physical weapons of war, of course are some. And perhaps as Christians we don't use those kinds of weapons against each other. At least we hope not.

However, the weapons within the Christians Church/Community is that of our tongues. 

But first, speaking about the weapons used in war, or terrorism etc, we hear everyday of someone being named or killed by them. For those of us that believe the bible and are accosted by someone wanting to do us harm, why doesn't God just zap him dead, or at least render his weapons useless?

And then for those of us that gossip and judge others, that is just as bad as if we would use a weapon against them, because sin is sin. And there is no difference to God in what sin we are committing. But he promises that those people who are the recipients of the judgment of others, they will be vindicated.

We don't know why God does or does not do what we think he should do. But there are always reasons because he has the whole picture in everything and we don't. If he was going to just protect us all from bad things, he would have done that for his followers that were with him throughout his ministry on earth. Instead, his own disciples were beheaded and/or hung on a cross. 

Just because we are saved by his grace from eternal judgement, does not mean that we are saved from even some of the horrors we might face in life. 

Our hope though is contained in the scriptures throughout the bible that tell us to not be afraid, that he is our strength, that when we are weak we are made strong through him. And Iasiah 43;1-3 tells us not to be afraid, that he has ransomed us and called us by name. 

It is not important what happens to our physical bodies as it is the spiritual part of us, that is important. What can man do to us? Plenty to our physical. But nothing to our spiritual. That is the part that no one can touch. Only God if we have asked him to be our Savior. And if we have done that, there is no real cause for us to be afraid. Even in the face of death, we know where we are going. And it is God's love note to us, that keeps us protected until we meet him on that side of our lives.

Thanks for coming by Friends. I appreciate your patience with me. Take care and God bless!

Today Is Beautiful Day Simply Because God Made It Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

Saturday, February 8, 2020

I Am Your Hiding Place

You are my hiding place. You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7

For You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble,You surround  me with songs of victory   Psalm 32:7

Many years ago, when I was growing up, we used to play Hide & Seek. I am sure most kids have played this game where as one person closes their eyes and starts counting to 20. Others playing the game would then go hide and when the one counting got to 20, he would have to find the others.

We know that God does not hide from us. In the Garden of Eden, who was it that sinned and went into hiding from God. Adam and Eve, of course. 

But God doesn't want us to hide from him. He wants us to be our hiding place whereby we run to him and as we do do he promises to protect us.

That does not mean there won't be times of despair, heartache and sadness. Times we might get into trouble. But he wants us to be there for us, and will help us get through those times when we are afraid. 

And when he does, we can truly sing his songs of deliverance as he answers our prayers. 

He is our hiding place. He is our protector. He is our deliverance. He is everything we need as we look to him for his help. .

Hello Friends. Thanks for coming by. May God richly bless you as the weekend continues.

christmas day quotes #christmas #quotes

Friday, February 7, 2020

I Am For You!

#Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If #God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not #His own #Son, but delivered #Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also #freely #give us all things?
"What, then, shall we say in response to these things, if God is for us who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

What are the things, that this verse is speaking about?

In his word, God has given us many things to bring us comfort in the trying times of our lives. Such as, We know that God works all things to the good to those that loves him and are called according to his purpose. Romans 5:28. and "We are more than conquers in him that loved us." verse 37 and "Now there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus."  verse 1.

So if God works everything to our good, and that we are more then conquers and there is no condemnation along with the other promises that Romans 8 gives us, it stands to reason that we have nothing to fear from others because God already has our backs.

He is with us. He is on our side. He fights our battles.

God is good. He is working for us behind the scenes, for our good, even when we don't think he is. There will be those that oppose us, and may try to come against us, but in the end, their attempts will be futile because God is greater and his spirit resides within us to overcome our enemies .

Who else can write us such a love note as this. to say these things to us and mean them? No one. God alone does. For those that loves him and is called according to his suppose.

Thanks for coming by today, Friends. Here's praying that you will have a blessed start to your weekend!

❤️I hope you have a blessed weekend.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

I Will Comfort You

When we pour out our hearts before God in total sincerity, He will NEVER turn away from, but He comes to us and comforts us. He will heal us in our brokenness if we let Him in.

Have you ever lost someone that you love? Whether by death or even by divorce? We all do at sometime or another. And as the years roll on, death comes to everyone more and more.

There are teachings in some churches, that we should not grieve or be sad.

Here we have another false teaching.

If it were true, why all the scripture on the comfort God gives? Here are a few....

Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Mathew 5:4

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18

Come unto me all you that are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Mathew 11:28

And consider this one...

...there is a time to laugh and cry, a time to mourn and a time to dance. Ecclesiastes 3:4

Jesus himself wept. John 11:35  And he did so in two other verses.

If  there were no reason to mourn or cry, they would not be important to God and therefore
would not be in the bible at all.

God does comfort us when we are sad. No matter what kind sadness we are having. 2 Corinthians 1:3

So what can we do when we are grieving?

We can...

1 Have a good to cry. Crying gives us a good release which helps us feel better. And it is ok  to cry out to God for help. He won't be insulted. And is not surprised or mad when we do. Not only that, he already knows how deeply hurt we are

2 understand that it is normal and do not let someone tell us it is not normal and we should just get on with life.

3  Talk to friends, family or a minister. Let them know how you are feeling if you can trust them to help you by listening, and offering to help you.

4 take care of your self through eating right, sleeping enough, supersizing

5 Know that time usually takes care of itself. Life gets easier at some point.

6 As much as possible, think on the good things you had with this person instead of their death.

7 Read the scriptures that God gave us in his love notes, about how he comforts us.

These and other ways of dealing with this subject can help getting you through a time of mourning. God is at always at the ready to give you the comfort you need  However, if you are getting at the place that you can't take it anymore, tell someone so that they can get you help. Don't go it alone.

God has given so many ways that he loves and comforts us. Again, why would he give us comfort if we did not need it. Life is hard sometimes. And he wants us to call on him in our distress

Thanks for coming by today Friends. God bless  you and yours!


Sunday, February 2, 2020

I Will Give You What You Need

Philippians 4:19 (KJV)

Has anyone in your life made promises that they don't or can't keep? Have they supplied you with everything you need?

Sometimes they may tell us they will take care of us with good intentions. We may discover that they couldn't or refused to follow through for whatever reason.

One of Gods love notes promises to take care of us Philippians 4:19.

Have you ever felt like that scripture was a mistake because He doesn't seem to be supplying much, if anything at all?

There are many examples of teachings with in (and without) the Christian church that teaches us that if we give X amount of dollars, God will abundantly shower us with blessings and we can become wealthy.

This is a false teaching.

The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:19 that he know what it is to be in need, and what it is to have plenty.

But, throughout his ministry he was ship wrecked. robbed and beaten. On his way to evangelize the gospel of Jesus Christ. he did not have fortunes to keep for him, locked up in the local bank.

That scripture in Romans, tells us, that God will supply all of our needs, according to his riches in glory. It doesn't say he will supply every thing we want. Nor does it say that we will become wealthy.

Paul gives us the secret to his life is found in Philippians 4:12

I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in every situation, whether will fed or hungry whether living in plenty or want.

To be content in every situation. No matter what. And in the mean time, God takes care of our needs according to what he deems we should have. Not what we want. Not how rich we think we should be.

That is today love note from God who loves us and keeps his promise that he will supply our needs.

According to his riches!hanks for coming today, Friends. God bless you and your famili

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Saturday, February 1, 2020

I Love You!

Its perhaps one of the most noted verses in the Christian Church today.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe on him will not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

A one line, one phrase sentence that through the power of Christ, can save the world.  And getting right down to it, can save you and me.

Have you ever felt that God does not love you? I know I had at one time, and yet if we believe that, we are denying God's love. 

Sometimes we feel like because of what we have done in our life, he cannot love us. And there is no hope for us to ever make it to heaven.

And yet, there it is, his lovenote of hope and love for not only us but this entire world, because in Romans 3:23 it tells us that "All have come short of the glory of God." 

That includes you and me. But...going to John 3:16, we go find that he loved the world, and for those that believe in him, through Christ Jesus, we will not perish but have ever lasting life!

What a love note God has sent us is His message, So simple and yet so direct. 

How much more love is that for us? I don't think that it can be any clearer. 

And so today or any day that are you feeling that God does not or cannot love you, go back to the scripture that tell you he does. Because believe me, he does if you believe on on him through Christ Jesus.

God bless and thanks for coming by today, Friends.

Saturday, Blessings, Encouragement Photo by Suzanne210 | Photobucket

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...