Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Fall! Easy Cookie Recipe

It used to be many years ago that meals were all made from scratch. Our ancestors did not have the luxury of picking up boxed deserts at the grocery like we do today. Cooking meals for some families were a chore that took up a good part of the day. (Can you imagine having to cook on a wood stove like they did back then?)

Case in point. My husband's grandparents had 14 children. They lived on a farm in Ohio and raised most of their own food. As each child came along and began growing, they were started very young doing simple chores because every hand on that farm counted to keep it going.

They ate well, for sure because they worked hard. It took many loaves of homemade bread every day to feed them, among the other foods that they ate back then. There was no going to the grocery to buy it or much of anything else. It was indeed, a different way of life.

 According to when was the first boxed cake mix sold - Google Search  Packaged cake mixes were introduced in the 1920s, biscuits in the 1930s and Betty Crocker/General Mills made them famous in the 1940s. And just look at how far they have come since then.

Today we have gotten away from a lot of that way of cooking. Gone are the days of having to spend that much time in the kitchen. For many families, there just is not time as women have gone out into the workplace to help supply the needs of their families. Boxed mixes and frozen products for the microwaves have replaced our way of dealing with meal times, not to mention the fast food industry.

In some ways, it is a shame that it has become that way. However, on the other hand, life is easier and if you don't really like to cook (which is true in my case) then perhaps you don't really mind all that much. With that in mind, I looked for an easy fall recipe for today and found something I had never heard of before. (Which is hard to believe in this day and age)

They are called  Cinnamon Crinkle Cookies. And they are made using a box of none other than one of the popular cake mix products sold in the stores today. Betty Crocker. Maybe you have heard of these cookies. Maybe you have tried them. At any rate, the recipe for them follows. See also: 
Cinnamon Crinkle Cookies Recipe! {5 Ingredient Spice Cookie} - The Frugal Girls

Fall Cookies Recipes | This Easy Cinnamon Spice Fall Cookie Recipe takes all of your favorite flavors of autumn and wraps them up into one cozy treat!  Give them a try this week for a new favorite dessert!  Just 5 Ingredients!!Cinnamon Crinkle Cookies
1 box Betty Crocker Spice Cake Mix (15.25 oz.)
2 teaspoons Ground Cinnamon
2 eggs
1/2 cup Canola or Vegetable oil
3/4 Cup Powdered Sugar

  1. Mix together Cake Mix, Cinnamon, Eggs, and oil until well combined
  2. Chill dough in the refrigerator for one hour
  3. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper
  4. Preheat over to 350 degrees
  5. After dough has chilled, form into small teaspoon sized balls
  6. Roll each ball in Powdered Sugar until well coated. (the key to perfect crinkles is small balls coated well in the sugar)
  7. Bake 7-8 minutes or until done.
Easy? Yes, even for me. And they may be a good idea for the kids fall school party or a dessert to take along to a fall cookout.  Taste good? I have never tried them, but I am sure they are. And to find out, I am going to give them a try. 

We have come far in our cooking from yesteryear. With many good ideas and some that perhaps aren't so great. But whatever, there is no going back to those days to simpler and yet maybe harder ways of living. Ways of doing the kinds of things back then, that are slowly dying out in this day and age.

Thought for the day:
I leave it Lord in your hands as you make my hands clean. Amen

Joan, Wishing you a great and blessed

Thanks for visiting today friends. Have a wonderfully blessed day and be sure to pass your blessings on.

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