Have you ever heard the statement, "God helps those that help themselves." ?
Of course, the bible does talk a lot about us helping others. Galatians 6:2, Hebrews 6:10, Hebrews 13:16 and more....but what about that statement. Is that a verse that is actually in the bible, or not? If so, where is it found? If not, is the concept of it there?

We have probably all heard it quoted at some time or another. Maybe there have been times that we have even quoted it. It had been a favorite quote years ago stated on occasion by my aunt, who is now passed on. It was usually stated when speaking about someone that she felt was not really helping themselves. and had gotten themselves into a jam of some sort. Being young myself those years, I did not realize until later in life. that though that statement that is probably often used, is not found as scripture in the Bible, even though it can be correct.
Maybe she thought it was in the Bible, as she was a Christian. Maybe you do. But if it is not in the bible, why is it quoted so much by people?
It could be just that it is someone's way of finding fault with someone who had gotten themselves into a jam. I don't really know why we use it, though that seems reasonable.
Whatever its origination (see: God helps those who help themselves - is it in the Bible? ) the Bible actually teaches, "God helps the helpless." Hmmm, quite a difference in those two statements, isn't there?
And yet these scriptures clearly define it for us: For you have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat...Isahia 25:4. And: While we were yet helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6
At least apart from salvation, we were (and many still are) helpless. In and of ourselves we have no hope. No hope without Christ. We can do nothing to free us from the sin that is leading us down a path of destruction. That is why Jesus had to pay the price for us. The penalty for our sin. It only comes through his shed blood.
However, in a way, that statement does make sense. There are times when we all need help and if we don't get it...well, what we need it for may not get done.

Or if we have just purchased a home and need help moving a refrigerator to it, and do not ask for help, it is probably not going to get to the new home. That refrigerator is not going to move itself.
And so, in that sense it does...make sense. And that is the difference. Not found in the bible. No, it isn't exactly. However, experience tells us that, it really is the truth apart from our salvation.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Have a blessed new week ahead!
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