And would you believe that it is estimated that the Christian market alone will be getting $79.82 per household alone according to Christians and Halloween
And speaking of costumes, have you seen some of those lately? It seems they are getting more and more eye-catching not to mention elaborate (and extravagant) if you will-with each year. Even a dollar store in our town had a type of mask that wasn't the kind of masks that we had as kids. They were furry animal heads that completely covered one's head. Whatever happened to the idea that children should use makeup instead of wearing a mask so that their vision is not blocked in any way?
How has our society evolved from the days of simple costumes, perhaps made by our mothers, to these elaborate ones that get more that way every year yet some get more revealing each year?
Where did it all come from? And is it just a fun time of year, or are there darker roots? Occultic roots? And if it is the latter, should we really care? Is it really that harmful?
Its origin comes from Celtic traditions having to do with the end of summer sacrifices to gods in Druidic tradition. It was the beginning of the year in what is now called Britain and France. They believed that Samhain, the lord of death sent evil spirits abroad to attack humans that escaped only by wearing disguises and looking like evil spirits themselves. With dark winter days approaching, those nasty evil spirits loved playing tricks on people.
You might say, "Yeah, so what. Really, what has that got anything to do with dressing up in costumes today?" "Or for that matter, what has it got to do with celebrating Halloween today in any sense of the word?"
Did you know that Samhain is one of the most important points on the "wheel of the year" on the Wiccan calendar? Wiccans believe that it is the day that the god dies and they celebrate his rebirth at Yule. During this time, they also believe that the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest and the best time for contacting the dead.
(My own thoughts: seems to me that alone is enough to stay away from anything having to do with the occult because Deuteronomy 18:10-12 warns us to stay away from these kinds of practices because they are an abomination to God.)
Samhain is celebrated on either October 31st or November 1st. It is one of two "spirit nights" nights each year. The other is called Beltane. It is the magical interval when the mundane laws of time and space are suspended temporarily and The Thin Veil between the worlds is lifted. They believe that communicating with dead ancestors is easy at this time because they are on their way through the world to the Summerlands.
( My own thoughts? Ok, I am sorry. That sounds outlandish to me. You wonder where some of these ideas come from? Except that as Christians we do know.)
Anyway, it is at this time that they study the Dark Mysteries honor the Dark Mother and the Dark Father which is symbolized by the Crone and her aged Consort. (What????)
Sources used: Is Halloween Evil? Why Witches, Occultists and Satanists Celebrate Halloween and Why You Should Not — Charisma News
What is The Big Deal....What About the Occult? part 5 to resume on Oct.16
There is more to come on this particular part of the series and part 5 will be on October 16th, as I am going to skip a day to do something else for tomorrow. I hope you will be back both days to see what it next. In the meantime, as always, thanks for coming, enjoy the fall season and stay blessed!

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