Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path, that I may not sin against You!
Psalm 119:105
Continuing study from 10/14
Samhain (pronounced Sow-in, Sah-vin, or Sam-hayne) means "end of summer." It is the 3rd and final harvest of the year. The dark winter half of the year commences on Sabbat.
Originally, the "feast of the dead" was celebrated in Celtic countries where offerings of food were left on altars and doorsteps of the "wandering dead." (My thoughts: What? The dead only ate once a year?) Practitioners today still carry out this tradition. Single candles were lit and put in windows as well as other practices were done in efforts of guiding their loved ones home. Traveling was not advised at night and so people dressed in white, (like ghosts) wore masks of straw or dressed in the other gender in order to fool the Nature spirits. (My thoughts: They believe/believed that demons/devils are/were that stupid to believe they were fooling them?)
Extra chairs were sat around tables to seat unseen guests.
Do you know that Wicca is one of the fastest growing religions in America? On Oct.31st they will gather to conduct rituals and cast spells all over this nation. To learn more about their beliefs and practices please go to: Is Halloween Evil? Why Witches, Occultists and Satanists Celebrate Halloween and Why You Should Not — Charisma News There is much more there to warn us of how evil the celebration of this holiday is for people who are into Wicca/Occult and or Stanism. I think it important for people to become aware of what it is, however, my goal is just to guide people to the whole truth of it, and ask the question of whether we should participate on even just a much more simple level of it as Christians.
This year, as is years past and will in years going forward, churches in this country will embrace the "Christian version" of this holiday. And a lot of them will not really deal with the true origin or meanings of it. Most will have the typical games, food and fall-type decorations without even giving out a tract or teaching about what it really was and is. Many pastors will encourage their members just to bring their friends to this Christian version of it without really saying much about it why they are having it in the first place.
There may be those of you reading this particular part of my blog that may not believe this information about the Wiccan religion. But just because we don't actually see real witches riding on brooms, running around in black hats and a mole on their face, does not mean they do not exist. Through the ages, Satan has very well disguised the evil that he promotes in our everyday lives. He wants us to get so involved in the occult and other religions that draw us away from our one and true God that created us. And he has been able to so that so very well over the centuries.
Sometimes all it takes something as simple as putting on a costume to go to a party.
Sometimes it can be as simple as a young girl raised in a home where one of her parents was a Jew and one was a Catholic. While growing up, there was much fighting between not only the two parents about who was right and who was wrong but also between their parents and family members as well. It left her very confused about who was right and who was wrong and so when this girl got to be old enough to decide for herself, who do you suppose she sided with? Neither. She joined a group of Wiccans. And she wanted to read my palm on time. Oh yes, this was a girl I worked with and her story was a sad one of how she had missed the boat because of the way she was raised. It happens, folks. In this USA it happens, not only in these pagan religions but any that do not follow the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are those among us that believe the junk that the devil puts out. Only for the grace of God, do I walk there? I am so thankful that I don't.

When you enter the land in which the Lord God gives you, do not practice the abomination of evil nations. Do not let there be found anyone among you that makes his child walk through the fire, or uses divination or witchcraft or interprets omens or is a sorcerer, or casts spells, or is a spiritualist or an occultist or is a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination to the Lord and will be driven out from before the Lord. You must be blameless before him. Deuteronomy 18:9-13
I am glad you come by today Friends. Please come back tomorrow to find out what my next subject I will be looking at with you. Thanks for your support! Have a blessed Fall Day!

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