Hump. Why would God allow his Son Jesus, to become a mere carpenter? Seems a bit unrealistic, doesn't it? Jesus was born to be King of the Jews. Kings did not belong in such a position as that.
Or was that true of Jesus of Jesus? And why was it?
Well, yes it was true of Jesus. Even though he was God's Son, he was born and raised into a family, whose livelihood was in carpentry.
It does not seem natural that his earthly father Joseph would teach the Son of God the trade that humans do. But according to Philippians 6:8 Jesus took on a human form, becoming a servant that was obedient, even obedient to die on the cross.
Jesus was called the son of a carpenter. Mathew 15:55. And he was known as such. Mark 6:3. And though we do not know why he was born into this profession, it is really not surprising at
all if you think about it. Some of the teachings of the bible speak of him going home to prepare a place for us. Does that mean he actually is building structures for us to live in? He also speaks of the temple being torn down, but that he will raise it again in three days. And he is building his church. But there is one last thought that came to me. The very kind of nails or spikes that he probably used and perhaps the kind of wood or maybe similar type of wood that were his tools of the trade, were also what was used to crucify him.
Maybe, just maybe that is the correlation between the two. Maybe that is why God gave him the job of being a carpenter to show us that even in his humility, he gave it up to have those tools turn on him for us. I do not know God's reasons of course. We do not know his mind. But it is something to think about. An interesting concept, I think.
Thanks for your visit today Friends. Tomorrow the question will be: God is holy, holy, holy. What does that mean? Until then, be blessed and pass your blessings on!
Maybe, just maybe that is the correlation between the two. Maybe that is why God gave him the job of being a carpenter to show us that even in his humility, he gave it up to have those tools turn on him for us. I do not know God's reasons of course. We do not know his mind. But it is something to think about. An interesting concept, I think.
Thanks for your visit today Friends. Tomorrow the question will be: God is holy, holy, holy. What does that mean? Until then, be blessed and pass your blessings on!

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