Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Q & A Are Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible?

real dinosaur pictures - Google Search

Are dinosaurs mentioned in the bible? 

That question has been debated within the Christian community. Some say that yes it does though the word dinosaur is not actually used. Instead, the Bible uses the Hebrew word tannlyn which is translated different ways in the English Bible. I could not find this word in the bible, however, to be fair, I did not do an exhaustive study for it. And not being a scholar or someone that does do that kind of study, I may be wrong.

According to What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible? the word tannlyn is translated as a sea monster, dragon or serpent. And it appears to have been some kind of giant reptile. It is supposed to be mentioned 30 times in the Old Testament but again, in what little research I have done, I could not find it.

However in Job 40:15-24 describes a sort of creature that may be similar to the dinosaur It is called a behemoth. and the Hebrew translation for it is a huge biblical beast. Dictionary.com defines it as an animal, perhaps the hippopotamus or any creature or thing of monstrous size or power.

Others say that the answer is no because the dinosaur died out millions of years before man appeared on the scene. Therefore, the men that wrote the bible could not have seen them.

But could they have existed and died out after the flood due to some dramatic shifts and also that they were hunted by man? The bible does not give us this information and God did not see any reason for it. Perhaps it is one of those mysteries that he gave us that we will get the answers for in heaven. Maybe, there are dinosaurs there. Wouldn't that be something to actually see one instead of just the skeletons of them thar we have today?

Whatever their story. How they lived. How they became instinct. The debate goes on. And we probably will never know until we get to heaven to perhaps see them for ourselves. In the meantime, what do you think? Are you pro or con believing that the bible mentions them or not?

Me? I am not sure. I guess I will let that one go for now. I think only God has the answer to it and it must not be for me to know. In his time, perhaps I will.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. I will be back tomorrow with this question: Was Jesus really a carpenter? I hope you will come back to find out! Have a blessed day!

California artist Cynthia Webb borrowed from the Judaic tradition of mezuzahs to create this handcrafted House Blessing.

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Ephesians 2: 8-10

  8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9  Not of works, lest any man should boast....