Why doesn't God stop people from mocking him?
Good question. After all, he is God. Can't he stop them? Doesn't he want to?
Why? Why? Why?
Actually, the answer to that question can be found in the very beginning of Creation. Back in Adam and Eve's beginning. Back in the Garden of Eden.
Genesis 2:16-17 says this: And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden. But you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will surely die."
Did you catch the answer there? The answer is free will. To put it in another way, the Bible is full of the things that God wants us to follow. Words to live by as in the 10 Commandments Things to know to do or not to do for our own good. To keep us from harm. How he wants to bless us. How we can spend eternity with him. And much more.
It all really goes back to that verse in Genesis. You are free.....those are the three words that give people the right to follow or not follow anything the bible says. And the right to mock God. If we so choose to do so.
At least for now. But the thing is, God really cannot be mocked by us. Maybe in our own thinking, he can. But Galatians 6:7 is a warning to us. That he is not mocked because whatever we sow, we will reap. And Romans 13:2 Whoever rebels against authority, is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will bring judgment on themselves.
It all really goes back to that verse in Genesis. You are free.....those are the three words that give people the right to follow or not follow anything the bible says. And the right to mock God. If we so choose to do so.
At least for now. But the thing is, God really cannot be mocked by us. Maybe in our own thinking, he can. But Galatians 6:7 is a warning to us. That he is not mocked because whatever we sow, we will reap. And Romans 13:2 Whoever rebels against authority, is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will bring judgment on themselves.
Freewill is given to us by God who does not force us to not do anything we do not want to do. If we mock God, if we refuse to follow his laws, disobey his commandments, choose to deny he exists as so many do today, sooner or later if we do not repent of it his judgment will be on us.. God is the ultimate authority and he will not put up with it forever. We have the free will to follow him or not. But as a child that disobeys his parents who have set consequences for him when he doesn't obey, so it is with God. At some point, we will pay the consequences for our disobedience. Why? Because as it is written, God will not be mocked.
We all sin. We all mock God in our own ways at times when we don't obey him, but thankfully he also gave us a way to pass from death and hell into life and heaven. Repentance to him, accepting Jesus as our personal Savior is our only hope. And I for one, am thankful I was given that choice. Because it brings freedom. The freedom to repent of my sin and the knowledge that someday I will spend eternity with him. How about you? Have you freely accepted Jesus as your Savior? Or are you freely mocking him?
I am happy you came to visit today Friends. Tomorrow's question will be: Is it wrong to gossip about our Pastor? What if what we are saying is the truth? God Bless you on this the Lord's Day
We all sin. We all mock God in our own ways at times when we don't obey him, but thankfully he also gave us a way to pass from death and hell into life and heaven. Repentance to him, accepting Jesus as our personal Savior is our only hope. And I for one, am thankful I was given that choice. Because it brings freedom. The freedom to repent of my sin and the knowledge that someday I will spend eternity with him. How about you? Have you freely accepted Jesus as your Savior? Or are you freely mocking him?
I am happy you came to visit today Friends. Tomorrow's question will be: Is it wrong to gossip about our Pastor? What if what we are saying is the truth? God Bless you on this the Lord's Day

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