Wednesday, November 30, 2022

How to let God be your strength

When I was younger and before marriage came along, I thought that being a Christian was to be an easy life. That just shows how naive I was. Because my family struggled with hardship all through my childhood and right up until those in my family passed on.

We think it should be that way. Perfect I mean. And why not if we are truly walking with Jesus, the one that we believed in and who had died for our sins on Calvary.

Is it fair that we have to struggle in life? God does promise to give us life. But not only that, but abundant life. John 10:10.

But along comes the monthly bills, the addictions, the marital problems. And sometimes heartache. 

And it's as if our whole world crumbles before us when we experience any of these situations. And we feel weak and helpless.

But its at these points that God wants to make us strong. And so the question becomes: How do we let God be our strength?

I believe the first thing we must do is to keep our eyes firmly on Jesus.

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

Are we any better than He that was despised and rejected during the time he was on earth, only to be put on the cross to endure a cruel death for our sins? 

No. He sure did not have a perfect life.

We need to remember that our weakness is made perfect by His grace.

 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

But how do we do that when we are going through something that has or is having the wind knocked out of our sails?

Believe me. It is not easy. But Paul didn't just leave us there. Read what he goes on to say.

Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me

In a church years ago, the minister in his message of this scripture said that the Apostle Paul had demon spirits that were trying to attack him. But the Hebrew word or infirmities is:  An unsound or unhealthy state of the body; weakness; feebleness. Old age is subject to infirmities.

Looking at my own situations of the past, there have been many times I felt weak. Sometime too weak to handle things. Not always using a sound mind in dealing with them. 

And in most, not rejoicing in them.

But the night my daughter came to my door at midnight to tell me of her father's death, once her words sank in, and I began to try to process it, I honestly can say I said, "Bless you Jesus."

The days that came after were not easy and still are not. There have been days that I have not been able to stop crying. There have been days that I could not rejoice. But then there are days that I have been able to see God's hand in this situation and am thankful for the fact that my husband is with Jesus. And it's in those days, I feel His strength because I am not good on mine alone. And one day, He will wipe my tears away and every other believer's eyes as well. And we will worship Him in the Throne room of heaven, praising Him. The cares of the world as we know it now, gone forever.

I have been able to take comfort for those scriptures that I have hid in my heart for such a time as this. And one day I will be able to do this:

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Maybe not today. Maybe not next week. Or next year. But some day, I will mount up with the might wings of God and run into heaven. Not on my strength. But on God's alone. 

Until then, I will have to keep doing the best I can. One day at a time. One step at a time. Maybe even just a crawl at a time. Depending on God my Father to get me to where he wants me to go.

For those that find themselves weak and going through tough time, go to God's word for your strength. It's the BEST place to be.

Thanks for your patience with me. I know maybe that you may be ready for me to move on to something else on this blog. And so, with Christmas coming, I am going to try to do that. I still won't be posting every day. But will as often as I can be. In the meantime, blessings to you and your family. 



Monday, November 28, 2022

I Though I had....

.... learned this important lesson that Paul was teaching about in Philippians 1. 

He had learned to be content in verse 4:11 in all things. No matter what he was going through. And he had a lot of bad times and so learning to be content was something that got him through those bad times.

But getting back to Chapter 1, he teaches us about being joyful in everything. That really hit home in September when my husband was suddenly gone. How can you be joyful about losing the person that you had just celebrated your fifty second wedding anniversary with?

Until that time, I had thought I had it down. Not that I am perfect. No way. We had had many hard times over the years but gradually I had learned a lot about being joyful. 

And yet, I guess I am not quite there, after all. Not just in that area of my life, but in other areas as well. Daily life can be hard in our relationships with family or those we work with. Paying bills when there is more month at the end of our money can be a real downer. Marriage problems, additions, and more. The list goes on and on.

How can we be joyful when those kinds of things hit us smack in our face?

The answer is, we can't. Not in ourselves. But then how?

Come back tomorrow for some answers that helps us learn to be joyful no matter what we are going through. 

Thanks for coming today. I hope to be back here now most days anyway. It has been a stressful time for our family.  God bless!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Nothing, Absolutely Nothing....


 Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us, as believers from God's love. 
As a family, we were shocked to find our dad and husband had passed away. We didn't get to know ahead of time. Nor did we get to say goodbye to him. 

In our grief it has been overwhelming sadness that wants to wrap its arms around us and smother us in its grips.

But I am reminded of Jesus who wept at the news that his friend had died. He knew about the suffering of Lazarus's sisters who were devastated when their brother had died.

I find myself devastated at my husband's death. But I can take comfort that Jesus knows my own suffering and he is right here with me to rejoice that nothing can separate my husband or myself from his love. 

And he knows your suffering as well. No matter what we are going through, he has us in the palm of his Almighty hands. 

And that someday, he will wipe every tear from our eyes. No more crying, no more death, and no more tears. No more pain. When we ourselves will enter the gates of our Savior. 

Because the former things of this life will be passed away. Revelation 21:4

What a promise to hold onto even in the grips of the death of our loved one. My husband is already there. Waiting for us with others that have gone on before, for those that have been left behind.

Thanks for coming by today, friends. It has been a sad time, but I still plan on going forward with this blog, for as long as I can. 

God bless you and yours!

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...