Tuesday, July 30, 2019

On My Way

Hello Friends,

For the next few weeks I  will not be posting a regular blog. We are leaving today to go back to our home state to settle some things there, concerning  And so for at least a couple of weeks, I will try to at least post a scripture every day until I get back to the usual ones.  So I hope that you will stick with me during this time.  Please keep us in your prayers as we take care of the things we need to do to finally settle in our new home.

In the mean time, thanks so much for your support of reading this blog as I have considered it a privilege to bring to you a bit of God's word every day. He is so real to me and I am so blessed to have shared him with you.

Take care, and may he so ever richly bless you and yours!

July 30, 2019 Promise: And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." John 6:35

Sunday, July 28, 2019

God's Armor conclusion The Sword

Ephesians 6:17 - {The Sword of the Spirit, which is The Word of God. There's no…

  • ...and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17 

The last piece of weapon in these scriptures that we need as Christians, is the sword of the spirit, and that is because it is the word of God.

As the Roman soldiers of their day used the swords in battle, they were both an offensive and defensive tool in their hands.They were used for both protection from the enemy as well as to attack and kill their enemy.  But to use them effectively, they needed training on how to use them, to get their maximum benefit.

Paul described the sword as the word of God. Because just as soldiers needed them in battle to do their enemy harm, we as Christians need to know how to use God's word effectively in our walk with him, to destroy our enemy the devil.

We can't see him physically, but we know that spiritually he and his demons are around trying to destroy our faith in God, and do other damage to his Kingdom. In learning his word, we can be effective in it by becoming strong to withstand the attacks that Satan tries to launch at us.

Hebrews 4:12, tells us that the word of God is living and active and sharper then any double edge sword. A double edge sword is a very dangerous weapon, and so is the word of God to our enemies in the spiritual world, if we know how to use it properly.

And so in conclusion, these 6 weapons of our warfare against our enemies, are essential to our being able to withstand all that they try to use to destroy us. We need them all, just as the Roman soldiers did so long ago. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take on to you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day...Ephesians 6:12-13.

It is not enough to just become a Christian. If we want to win the battle against our enemies in the spiritual world, we need to know how to protect ourselves against them.

July 29, 2019 Promise: Blessed is he that endure temptation,: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to him that loves him.

Hi Friends. Thanks for visiting today. I pray that God is richly blessing you! Take care!

Monday Blessings!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Armor of God part 6 Salvation

Bible Fun For Kids: Armor of God: Helmet of Salvation

Take the helmet of salvation....Ephesians 6:17

The thoughts we have in our head can do one of two things. They can destroy us. Or they can keep us safe in the Lord. Just as soldiers in all wars have worn helmets in battle, so must we wear one as a Christian. Our fifth piece of God's armor of protection, is our salvation. Once we are saved, we mus learn to put our helmet of salvation on and keep it on at all times. This protects us from the things that Satan tries to put in our minds to lead us away from God.

 Our minds are a battlefield for both good and evil. Good from God, and evil from Satan. So in what ways does this helmet help us?

If we start doubting God in our minds, we can stop it by knowing the truth. Learning his word and then obeying his commandments. We need to get rid of the things that were wrong before we became saved, and let God renew our minds with his word.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve of what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

It helps keep our prospective of heaven in place. No matter what is happening around us, our hope is in God, knowing that this life as we know it is not going to last forever. It is just a step from this life into the eternal. And the eternal is our goal. Our salvation in the Lord, is how we will meet that goal.

Whom have I have in heaven but you? Besides you, I desire nothing on earth. Psalms 73:25

When doubts and temptations try to flood our minds, we know that Jesus has already paid the price for our salvation. As we grow in his word, letting him renew our minds, keeping the helmet on, we can effectively win the battle from evil through prayer and faith in him.

 Nothing we desire on earth, compares to what is in store for us once our lives here are over. Our salvation assures us of that.

July 27, 2019  Promise: Just as my Father has loved me, I also love you. Abide in my love. John 15:4

Hello Friends. Thanks for coming by today. I used to think God couldn't love me and it took some time to let him renew my mind to accept that yes, he does love me. And there it is in John 15:4. He loves you and I just as his Father loves him. And so if you are struggling with that too, put on your helmet of salvation and let him transform your mind so that you will no longer have those doubts. Have a blessed day!

Saturday Blessings Exodus 33:14

Friday, July 26, 2019

Armor of God part 5 Faith

in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one… -  Ephesians 6:16

In addition to all of this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all of the fiery arrows of the evil one. Ephesians 6:16

To the Roman solider, a vital piece of his armor was his shield. It was called a scutum and it was large enough to cover his body. It was used defensively, but also offensively in that he could use to push back his enemy. They were used to protect themselves against arrows that were launched at them from the walls of whatever city they were attacking.

Just as these shields provided the soldier protection from their enemies, our faith provides protection for us because when Satan tries to launch his lies and doubts about what God has done for us, it lets them bounce back off as we are reminded of his promises to us.

Faith is a gift, as is hope and love. 1 Corinthians 13:13. And without it, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6

But just like the Roman shield, our faith is to be taken up on all circumstances when it comes to fending off the enemy and extinguishing the fiery circumstances that he throws our way. It is our shield of hope once we believe God and take him at his word.

July 26, 2019 Promise: The Lord is my light and salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord  is the stronghold of my of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

Hello Friends. Whom shall we fear or be afraid of when we have God on our side? Taking up the shield of faith, gives us protection from our enemies. If not always physically, he always provides it spiritually. And who else can give that to us but God? God bless!

Friday Blessings!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Armor of God part four Peace

From a Bible study on the Armor of God - Ephesians 6. [ My wife drew this amazing illustration of a Roman soldier in pencil. I "digitized" it and added the sepia/bronze color.]

...and your feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:15

When my husband was stationed in Viet Nam in the late 60s, he often talks to other men that served during those years. He tells stories of pretty much sleeping with his weapon. He and other soldiers had to be ready to junp to their feet so that should they be attacked, their weapons were right there with with them. 

The word readiness in the dictionary is a noun and is defined as being fully prepared for something. The Roman Soldiers of their day had to be ready as well, and how could they be if their feet did not have the proper footwear on them?

His battle shoes were studded with nails or spikes which helped him keep his balance in battle. If he lost his balance and went down, the rest of armor was not going to do him any good. His enemy had him right where they wanted him.

It was with that in mind that Paul gives us a picture of what he meant by being fully prepared with the gospel of peace. Being ready with it at all times. It means standing our ground, but also moving ahead.

Standing our ground with the truth, but moving ahead in peace. Extending God's grace to others as he has given us when we do not deserve it, and yet not abusing it with others but extending it in a peaceful manner.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone that asks you for the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15

We must always be ready. With the truth, in righteousness, and also ready with peace. This and more is what God has provided us to protect us from the evils of Satan. Are we ready? If not we should be. It may take practice. Starting with God's word. It is necessary if we want to live a Christian and holy life before God.

July 25, 2019 Promise: But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

Hello Friends. Not everyone can be called "chosen, royal or holy. God's special possession." Only those that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior have that right and it is only because of God's grace that we can go forth in peace, to extend it to others. May God bless your day!

*12622* Thursday Blessing~~J~ Isaiah 41:13 KJV

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

July 24, 2019 Promise

 July 24, 2019 Promise Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.Psalm 91:3-4

Monday, July 22, 2019

Armor of God/ Righteousness part three

Breastplate of Righteousness

Another part of a Roman in Soldier's armor was a breastplate. This piece covered and protected the vital parts of his body like the hearts and lungs If a soldier did not wear his breast plate, he was vulnerable to an attack that could cause him death.

Paul compares the breast plate of righteousness to a breast plate in a soldiers armor.

When we sin, we set ourselves up for Satan's attacks on us. We let sin get in the way of God's best for us. Apart from God, we are not righteous. Romans 3:10.

Letting your sinful nature control your minds leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. Romans 8:6.

If Romans 3:10 is true, that there is not one of us that is righteous, then how can we become righteous? What does it mean to put on the breast plate of righteousness?

To become righteous in the Lord, we must learn what it means by learning God's word and then practicing it. As we fellowship with him through prayer and his word, we can learn how he wants us to live, and we grow spiritually accordingly. And as we grow and learn, we are able to stand against the attacks that Satan sends our way, and his efforts cannot penetrate those places that are vulnerable to his attacks, that would take us down and away from him. And instead we live in such a way that it pleases God.

July 23, 2019 Promise: I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God: in him will I trust. Psalm 91:2

Hi Friends. Thank God that he is our refuge and we can trust him. God bless your day!

God will love, care and comfort you always! Tuesday Blessing

Sunday, July 21, 2019

God's Armor/Truth part two

Roman soldier - belt/girdle/apron. Armor of God. Belt of Truth.

Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist...Ephesians 6:14

To be able to stand against our enemy the devil, the first thing we have to know is Truth. Because, there are so many false teachings in our world. Satan is the instigator of everything false and is called the "father of lies" in John 8:44. A lying tongue is detestable and an abomination to God. Proverbs 6:16-17.

It is imperative for us to know the truth if we are to stand against Satan. But how can we know the what the truth is?

Jesus called himself the truth. In fact, he called himself the "way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but by me."

If there is any other person, any other church, any other organization that does not recognize that Jesus is the only way to God, it is a lie from the devil. As we know, there are many out there that profess to be the truth and are not.

Jesus also said in verse 32, "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free." God's love sets us free through forgiveness of our sin, his love for us and eternal life through the shedding of his blood on the cross.

Acts 4:12, Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other way under heaven given to man by which we must be saved.

It is these truths that sets us free from sin and death, and gives us the hope of eternal life when our lives here on earth are over.

But why is truth compared to a Roman Soldiers belt in his armor?

It was the belt that held together all the other pieces of his armor. Without the belt, there was nothing in place to keep them there.

Without truth, we do not have God and his Word to hold our faith together. Nothing to stand on. All we have is empty religions that do nothing but leave us empty. They rob us. Not only of our time, our fellowship with Jesus, our will, and most likely our money and assets from greedy so called "ministers" that proclaim to be the true God or God himself.

Jesus said in Mathew 24:4-5. "See that no man deceives you. For many will come in MY NAME claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many."

And how many have we seen that have literally died because they followed the wrong person that claimed to be the Christ?

Knowing the truth. It sets us free. And it sets us up. It sets us up for our forgiveness of sin and eternal life in Jesus Christ. We must have this piece of armor in order to stand firm in our faith, because without it, everything falls apart.

July 21, 2019 Promise: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

Hello Friends. Thanks for coming by again today. I pray that this Lord's Day will bring you blessing and peace!

Sunday Blessings

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Armor of God part one


I have known people in my past years of being in church and learning the bible that believe that there is a demon behind every bush. And some go looking for those demons. I however, don't look for demons because for one thing, I don't think they are behind every bush. Looking for demons can be a dangerous thing. At the same time, there is darkness in the world because the bible tells us there is. (Ephesians 6:12) Not only that, but we are bombarded with it by watching the news on the tv or even the kind of music we listen to or the movies we go to see. The Apostle Paul admonishes us to put on God's armor, so that we can ready to fight against the darkness and evil that is out there. Not on our own, but with his power and might can we do this. 

Through out our lives, we have to stand our ground so that the schemes of the devil do not take over us. We can't do this with physical weapons, of course. We must have a different kind of weapon. Ones that is of a spiritual nature. Ones that only God can give.

Paul equated the Armor of God with the soldiers gear of his day to help us better understand what each piece meant.So what were they?

Stand firm with the buckle of truth around your waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Also take up the shield of faith with which you can put out all of the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

Six pieces of armor. Designed by our Creator with which to take up arms against our spiritual enemies. And in the lives of Christians, all very necessary.

That is all well and good. But what are they used for and exactly what do they do. Come back tomorrow to learn what the buckle of truth is. Do you know, or can you guess if you don't.?

July 20, 2019 Promise: Teach me to do your will, for you are my God: may your good Spirit lead me to level ground. Psalm 143:10.

Hi Friends. May God pour out this richest blessings on you and yours during this weekend. Til tomorrow....Take care!

*12574* Saturday Blessing~~J~ Romans 5:18 KJV

Friday, July 19, 2019

We Are Heaven Bound (part two)

Stairway to Heaven..BHAGAVAD GITA {6. 41 , 42 } प्राप्य पुण्यकृतां लोकानुषित्वा शाश्वतीः समाः । शुचीनां श्रीमतां गेहे योगभ्रष्टोऽभिजायते ॥ 41॥  अथवा योगिनामेव कुले भवति धीमताम्‌ । एतद्धि दुर्लभतरं लोके जन्म यदीदृशम्‌ ॥ 42॥

...God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:3-4

That part of scripture has to beat any other promise we can find in the bible to hold on to. Once this life is over for the Christian, there will be no more mourning, crying, pain. No more death.  He is going to wipe every tear from our eyes.

And it seems unfathomable. Unattainable. Almost unimaginable. And yet there it is. God's promises to us. And perhaps the greatest part of all says that God himself is going to dwell among us and we will be his people.

How can this be? How can this happen?

I can't give you the answers to those two questions. What I do know about it in my limited capacity to think and understand, is that we just have to faith and believe. Only God knows the secrets of those things that are to come. We just have to wait and see.

Is it any wonder why so many people disbelieve? Yesterday my daughter was looking up a relative on Facebook that we had not seen or spoken with in 
several years. 

 It turns out she says she has become agnostic. 

How sad is that, that she does not able to put her trust and hope in the God that created her? She will one day stand before a holy God, who will not accept her into his kingdom if she did not accept him before she meets him.

And there are so many many others that will face the same judgement. 

It still causes me to wonder "why me, Lord." Why is that I have chosen a path that leads to you, when I could have gone down the one that doesn't, like countless others.

I don't know the answer to that one either. But the one thing I do know, is thank the good Lord, that I did. I am not perfect that is for sure. There is nothing so special in me that made me choose the right path. What is special in my life is God's grace and his ability to forgive me of my sin.

There is a path that leads to destruction. But there is also a path that leads to life. Mathew 7:13-14. Which would we choose? I choose life. How about you?

July 19, 2019 Promise: I have set the Lord always before me: because he is my at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Psalm 16:8

Hi Friends. What a week we have had. Trying to get somewhat settled into a new place. A new land really. One much different from where we came in a lot of ways. It reminds me of the Children of Israel and how they must have felt leaving their home land to go off to the place that God said was "flowing with milk and honey.". Were they apprehensive? Discouraged at times? Did they do like I did the first night I was here, and ask myself just what was I thinking when I took on this move to another state? I am sure all of the above and more. Thankfully, we did not have to trek across a wilderness on foot or the backs of animals. But just like them, God made the approriate provisions and help that we needed. And though I am still wondering about what is still ahead before we can truly call this home, I am settled in my thoughts about what reasons brought us here and know that no matter what, God has my back. Because as usual, he surely does!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fighting Our War Without The Proper Weapons

Roman Facts: 55 Facts about Ancient Rome ←FACTSlides→

The soldier was rushing into battle. He was going to destroy his enemy. But what if he went to battle and did not have his battle gear on? What if he was not prepared like he should have been for the battle that he knew was ahead?

Years ago, someone told me about a dream they had one night. A Roman Soldier had rushed rushed into a battle just like the one pictured above. That was all. She wondered what the dream had meant, so she asked the Lord to tell her its meaning because she felt that there was some spiritual meaning to it.

And God did tell her. He said that she had been trying to fight her battles (which had been serious ones) without the gear and weapons that he had made available to her. Just as the Roman Soldiers of their day, she needed to use them to fight against her adversaries.

That made perfect sense to her then. She had realized exactly what that dream had meant.

So what did it mean? Ephesians 6: 10-13 explains it for us.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can stand against the devils schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground and when you have done everything to stand, stand firm...."

Verse 14 goes on to tell us about the armor of God and what it means for us in order to stand firm against all the powers of darkness. Because as we know, they are out there and can be in anything we think or do. Anything we can encounter in the world. 

Starting on July 20, I will start listing the pieces of God's armor and give you more information about what they mean. If you would like to read ahead in that chapter, please do. It is something that we all need to know in order to be effective in our spiritual journeys with the Lord. 

July 18, 2019 Promise: Therefore, there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1

Hello Friends. Thanks for coming by today. I am hoping that for now the days of skipping days without posting are over. We are still busy but I think I will be able to post something everyday. Thanks again for sticking with me. Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Thursday Blessings

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

God Can't Use Me

Repent --turn from SIN and God will be your guide --read the Bible

Have you ever thought that God could not use you? That he probably does not want to use you? Do you feel like you are a nobody and so why would he use you?

There were people in the bible that had flaws and problems like we do today. And yet he used them in great and mighty ways.

Naming just a few there was Abraham who was too old. Joseph was abused by his brothers. And the Samaritan woman that slept with men that was not her husband.

What do these and many more people all have in common? They were human. They had problems. They were loved by God for who they were. And they were used by him.

And so the next time you don't think God can use you or doesn't want to use you, get into some of their stories and get a new perspective on who God really is.

Because, he not only can, but he will use you. If you let him.

July 17, 2019 Promise: So is my word that goes out of my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and will achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Have a truly wonderful and blessed day!

Wednesday Blessings wednesday wednesday quotes happy wednesday wednesday blessings wednesday image quotes wednesday images

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Too Good To Be True

16 Glorious Quotes about the Promises of God | ChristianQuotes.info

You have heard of things that you know were just too good to be true. Such as false claims about cancer cures or doing a specific diet to lose weight, or a money scam.

But God always keeps his promises. If it is in his word, we can believe it to be true. Some times it may take time. He may need to get us to a certain place our lives to make it happen. He may not promise it in the way we expect. But he always keeps whatever he has promised us.

Sometimes we grow so weary of something in our lives and need so much to see him complete something he has promised us. It may happen right when we are about to give up.

God is never late with his promises. He always is on time. His time. And when it happens, he refreshes our spirits. He gives us what we need when we need it.

The next time you are waiting for him to keep a promise he has made to you, don't give up. The next minute may be the minute that you see it kept.

July 15, 2019 Promise: I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

Hello Friends. Well, we are moved. To a certain degree at least. We have a lot of work we still need to do. But I am back and will try to be here as much as I can every day that I can. I am so blessed that you have stuck with me through out this time and thank you for your prayers as it has been some what of a difficult time. So please keep praying for us.

Take care and may God bless you!

50 Inspirational And Motivational Images & Quotes To Start The New Week

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

God Will Make Crooked Paths Straight

I will go before you and make the crooked places straight.

Have you ever ventured into something unknown but you knew that God is in it? You know he is doing something even if you don't know what at the time. Or maybe you know what is ahead, but you just aren't sure what the whole picture of it will turn out to be.

It has been that way for us these last couple of months. The reasons I have not been here every day is what I am about to share with you  today. 

And why this will be my last post for a few more days.

The reason is that we are moving out of state to be closer to our two adult children. We have lived in our home state all our lives and they have been trying to get us to do this so that they can be around if and when we need their help, since we are getting older. So as much as we love our own state, we look forward to this move.

There is a mixture of sadness in leaving, but also a sense of joy for what is ahead. We know to some degree what is ahead, , but a little bit of unsurety of it as well, as we are not only approaching it, but approaching in our ages as well.

It will be a new chapter in our lives. A friend called it a " new journey with the Lord." And it is. Because I do know that while we are not sure of all that is ahead in our lives, he is making our crooked paths straight as we look to him for guidance. 

This decision to undertake this really began about three years ago or so. All of that time, we knew it was coming. We just did not know how or when it would. Not until a few weeks ago. God has revealed it a little at time, working on our behalf to straighten it out for us, up until this very moment, every step of the way. And it won't stop until we are settled there. If, even then.

Once we get there, we will be living very close to our daughter, and I will use her Internet for awhile until we get it again. And God willing, it should only be a short time, that I will be here once again to post on this blog.

Until then, I do hope you will pray for us. It is a big undertaking for us and we need any prayers for us to go up to the Lord for this move to go as smoothly as possible. 

Thanks to all of you that support this blog by your visits every day. May God richly bless you. I look forward to the time I get back here to post on this blog again, Until then, take care.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Happy 4th of July: The Day After. Will be posted by 12 a.m. EST

12" Metal Sign: God Bless America BlueHello Friends. I know. I am just a tad bit late for wishing everyone a Happy and Blessed 4th of July. I truly do hope you have had a safe one that will continue through this whole weekend. 

Thinking about the month of July, it makes me wonder just where this year has gone already. We are close to being half way through the year and it seems like just yesterday I was wondering where 2018 went. Not only that, but what would this year bring? Well, for us, it has brought a bit of sadness, but a good deal of happiness too. I still am not ready to tell you what we have been up to, but it will come soon. I promise. 

In the mean time, what has this day meant for the freedoms of our great country? Our own lives? The people we have voted in to office face challenging issues everyday, and parties remain pretty much divided. 
Hands on a Bible (19015)
Still we are the greatest country on the earth, given to us by by God. And whether we realize it or not, governed by him as well. Right or wrong in what we do here, God will have his way for this country in the end. It is up to us to seek him about everything. Even who we put into office. Because as we know, there is evil there too and we need to do our best to get it out and we can do that not only by voting for who God would want us to vote for, but also with our prayers that he would put into office, who he would want to be there.

If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways;then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Friends, a lot of this country turning from its wicked ways, starts with us. You and I. And then goes out from us to those whose lives we touch. Albeit, in ways not to offend, but just to teach. Jesus taught love, and though he got angry a few times, he had good reasons for those times. We must learn to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:1t5) because our anger gets us no where we don't want to be.

inspirational happy 4th of july wishesGod has given us this wonderful land. And I agree with Lee Greenwood's song, "I am proud to be an American, where at least I know I am free. And I won't forget the men that died that gave that right to me..."  More then that, I am thankful that God gave me life here. I could not imagine living in any other place then this country.  But there is one more thing we cannot forget. 

12" Round Military Sign: Proud to Be American  #wreathsupplies #holidaydecor #madoorablecreations #homedecor #holiday #ribbon
There have been many soldiers that have fought for this country and died. We are so indebted to them and also their families that have lost them. Because freedom is not really free. It is a price paid by those willing to sacrifice their lives for it. And there is One other that sacrificed his life for us over 2000 years ago. Jesus Christ. He paid for our freedom from death. Because for those that have accepted him, death on earth is not the end. It is for us, the ultimate freedom. What more can we ask? He made this country truly, ONE NATION UNDER GOD.

July 5, 2019 Promise: Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest in your souls. Mathew 11:29

Have a blessed holiday weekend and stay safe Friends. Thanks for coming today.


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Call to Him

Jeremiah 33:3

When we call out to God, he will answer us with great and incomprehensible things that we otherwise would not ever know. (Jeremiah 33:3) 

How exciting is that amidst all the craziness that the world has to offer? 

Take a look around and see how things have changed in the world as you have known it even from the time of your birth. From just the very ways of communication.

My dad had just begun to become acquainted to using the internet a couple years before his death in 2005. And it has changed so much since then. My mom never knew anything about it when she passed in 1995. She loved to write and was using an electric typewriter for most of her written correspondence prior to that time. On back it goes to the earliest of all communication, the changes that have come about in the lives of the human race.  

When I was very young, we had what was known as a party line on our phone line so that several people share the same line. If someone was already talking on the phone in one household, and someone from a different household wanted to make a call, they had to wait until the person had hung up. Which meant you had to keep checking in to see if they were off yet. Talking about privacy. There was none in those days so far as that kind of communication went. There were ways you could sort of find out other people were calling without them knowing, as we found out an elderly lady on our road had been doing back then.  As time progressed, party lines in cities were gone and each household had its own line, its own number. But in the country, the party lines were still around when I was married in the early 1970s because phone lines were not yet set up so that each home could have its own line. 

We ourselves had to share a line for two or three years after we were married and lived in the country at that time. And it was not pleasant because we had to wait sometimes when we wanted to make a call, and we then deal with our neighbor too. 

Through the years, communication and ways of using it have surely progressed, of course. And as we know, it didn't start with the invention of the telephone. It didn't even start when cave men drew pictures on the walls of their caves, or when God's people walked the earth.

It started with God when he had created Adam and told him to work the garden in Genesis 2:15. This is the first biblical account we have, in his communication with human beings. From then to today, his communication has increased through the use of the tools that man has created (with God's help) to advance God's Word to us. From stone tablets (the Ten Commandments) , to being able to listen to it on CDs and videos, and even the Written Word can be had on Smart Phones. And who knows what might be next for as long as God tarries before coming back to take the church home. He has surely increased the knowlege of man to invent such things we enjoy today.

The thing is, God's Word, unlike all else man made on this earth, will never pass away. And while the progress of man has given man all the evil things it has on movies and the internet, it has also given us a wider range with which anyone that wants to can also have the good things of God.

Because why? Because God's Word will never pass away. Mathew 24:35.

And while we have his word, we also have communication with him through our prayers as well. God is always waiting for us. He is always listening to us. He wants to have communication with us because if he didn't, there would have been no reason for him to create us. He is our Father, and unlike many fathers and so called fathers that are human, he doesn't leave those that belong to him. It isn't in his nature because we are too important to him.

 We can bank on that, when there is little or nothing else we can bank on.

July 3, 2019 You will go out with joy and led forth in peace, the mountains and hills will burst forth in song before you and the trees will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

Hi Friends. Thanks for coming by today.I will try to be here again tomorrow. Take care over the July 4th holidays. In the mean time, God bless! 

When we think of July Fourth, we think barbeques, fireworks, spending time with friends and family – but it’s also a time to celebrate all the freedoms we are given in the United States. So, with Independence Day almost upon us, we thought we’d reflect on Bible verses all to do with freedom. We hope these words from the Bible will help with your spiritual celebrations on the July 4th holiday.

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...