Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving Day Gone For Another Year

A chicken in a red dutch oven with thyme sprigs and gravy

Another Thanksgiving Day is gone and Christmas celebrations have already begun. On the way home from my son's home that evening, there were homes with lights decorating them along the way. I made the comment to my daughter, that it just isn't right that the weather was warm here in the south as people began to decorate their home for Christmas. We are originally from Ohio and it is cold up there already. 

Anyway, back to thanksgiving, since this is the last day of November, I wasn't quite ready to move ahead with the things I will be posting for December, so I thought I would end the month with a few funny and or truths about Thanksgiving. 
Funny 'Thanksgiving Memes' Jokes, Pictures, Images & Turkey Meme | Happy Thanksgiving

These guys are lucky or maybe blessed, that this guy can't see them~

“I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.”– Erma Bombeck

I know that a lot of people hosting dinner this year would have liked to use this gals idea about what to stuff her bird with. However, I do'n't think it would be a good idea, at all!

“Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving.”

– Amy Grant

The Flying McCoys Comic Strip, November 25, 2015     on

This poor guy is getting a hair (head) cut for his holiday. 

 “God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don’t have now, we don’t need now.” –Elizabeth Elliot

Turkey can't find any of his 500 turkey friends on Facebook all Thanksgiving Day - turkey humor

\Where did they all go?

“No matter what our circumstances, we can find a reason to be thankful.” –Dr. David Jeremiah

Turkey Black Friday | SydesJokes | Flickr

For all of you that loves Black Friday, I couldn't leave this one out.

For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many rebound to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15

I pray God's blessing on your life for the remainder of this year and as we begin a new year in January. God is really all we need. When we have him, we have everything. God bless!

All i ask is for God to bless you and your family. And I know He will bless you if you just believe. #blessing #faith #biblequotes #inspirationalquotes #spiritualquotes #amen

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Thanksgiving Day Wish

By James T. Atkins  

I could list the gifts I'm thankful for and write until next week.
My health, my eyes, my darling wife, granddaughter's rosy cheeks.

Treasured friends, that If I called, would say, "I'm on my way."
A precious mother, that lucky me, turns eighty-one today.

Children I'm so proud of, sisters that make me smile,
little ones that call me Pops; my list could reach for miles.

A soldier in some foreign place, assuring liberty for me,
a sunny sky, a frosty morn, a blue-green shimmering sea.

I'm thankful that in this land I love, we're free to disagree,
where we aspire to so much more than mediocrity.

I keep this mental list of gifts and add to it each day,
like God's unique and precious love, whose patience never sways.

A similar list, I know you have, so think on that awhile,
and be thankful, friends, that everyday our gifts outweigh our trials.

And to that friends, I add that I pray that this Thanksgiving Day, blessings will be rained upon you over and over as the day goes forward. We thank God for all he has done for us this year and all he will be doing for us in next one! Until next time....Happy Thanksgiving! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Thanksgiving In Our Hearts

Thanksgiving Blessings Message And Quotes

At this time of the year, we especially want to thank God for all his blessings that he has given us through out the year. And so today, I want to give you some scripture that  speaks to us about being thankful.

Enter His gates with Thanksgiving; Go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and Praise His name, for the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever and His faithfulness continues to each generation. Psalm 100: 4-5  Click to download this FREE print!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise, be thankful to him and bless his name. For the Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting and his truth endures to all generations.Psalm 100:4-5

Jonah 2:9

But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pray that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord. Jonah 2:9

Scripture Art Psalm 107:1 Fall leaves give thanks | Etsy

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107: 1

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is the will of Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Colossians 3:17 (NIV) - And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

Colossians 3:15

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2

As we approach the day of dinner with our friends and family, may we never forget that had it not been for Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the cross, we could never enjoy this day in its fullness. God bless.

10 Daily Blessings That Will Inspire Your Life

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Life Changing Conversion

Zacchaeus - lots of ideas here
There were many life changing conversions in the bible. But this story is about a tax collector. He was rich. He worked for Rome. He cheated people.And because of this, he was not popular with the people. His name was Zacchaeus.

And he found Jesus.

His story is told by Luke. (19:1-10)

Jesus was coming through town one day. And Zaccheaus wanted to see him. But he was a short fellow and there were lots of people that made it impossible for him to see over them. So he had to figure out how to do that. Jesus would be passing by a sycamore tree, and so Zaccheasus decided to run on ahead and climb that tree. Did he really think that Jesus would not notice him? But Jesus did notice him and he said, "Zaccheaus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house."

 Zaccheaus was overjoyed and he climbed down from the tree. But the people following Jesus were not happy with this. They grumbled because he was going to the house of a "sinner."

Zaccheaus then admitted that he had cheated people and said that he would pay everyone back four times what he had cheated them out of. .

But Jesus denied him and told him to go away. Right?

Absolutely not.

These are the words that Jesus said in verse 9 and 10: "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man too is the son of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which is lost."

Sometimes, we as Christians look down upon those that aren't saved because we feel like we are better then they are. I knew a young man years ago that was a sort of an evangelist in his own way. He would actually go into bars. Not to drink, but to witness to the people in them just by sitting and talking to them. It is not something I would recommend anyone do. Especially not in this day and age. But that was his calling at that time of his life. He believed that as Christians he should go where non-Christians were. Jesus didn't just hang with the saved. He went to those that needed salvation. He made several statements in the gospels where he said that healthy people do not need doctors, so he came for the sick. Likewise, he came to give sinners life. And we have all been sinners and need of Jesus, to come into our lives to give us his life.

But how can we tell them about Jesus if we don't go where they are? If we don't tell them? If we don't love them as Jesus loved us through someone that brought the good news to us?

Zaccheaus found a wonderful gift that day. A gift of eternal salvation because Jesus knew he needed a Savior and instead of passing him by, he called him down out of the tree.

What kind of love is that? Do we have that kind of love?

November 24, 2019 Promise:  Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Mathew 11:28-30

Thanks for visiting today Friends. As you go through this holiday season, depend on God to carry your burdens. To give you rest when you are weary, because he promises that he will give it to you. God bless you!

Thanksgiving quotes that brings thoughts of happiness

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Dodging the Bullet


Exodus 32

Have you ever dodged a bullet by getting caught at something you know was wrong and you didn't want the truth to come out?

That was what Aaron, the brother of Moses had done while Moses was up on the mountain getting the ten commandments from God.

The children of Israel had began to wonder what was going on with Moses staying so long there. Perhaps they got tired of waiting. They weren't even sure where he was.

Aaron had been left in charge of them, and so he told them to bring all their gold jewelry and he made a golden calf out of the gold for them to worship And then they partied  and all this had angered God. He told Moses to go down to the people and let him be alone because in fact, he wanted to destroy them.

Moses convinced God not to destroy them before taking the two tablets with the ten commandments on them, and he saw the golden calf and the people drinking and dancing. He became angry himself and threw down the tablets which then broke into pieces.

Then he destroyed the golden calf. He asked Aaron what the people had done to him that made him do this sin. Aaron told him that these people were prone to sin, and that they had not known what had happened to him and wanted something to worship, and so he had gathered all their gold up and threw it into the fire.

"...and out came this calf." (verse 24)

The people were evil. Moses was no where around. A calf came out of the fire.

Aaron offered no responsibility for his own sin of not standing up to the people and preaching against their sin. Instead he helped them do it.

He wasn't the first one to dodge the bullet in the history of man. It started with Adam and Eve in the garden. It has continued up to this very day. It continues in Washington DC. It continues in our own homes.

We may not worship a golden calf. And yet, we worship other things that can be just as destructive.Money, a car, a home. Even other people if we put any of these before God. And when we do something that we know is wrong and get caught at it, we try to dodge the bullet by blaming everyone and everything else, except where the blame should really be. On us.

As with the children of Israel, we all have to pay the consequences of our actions. But the thing is, God is always ready forgive us, because he loves us. Even when he is angry with us. He forgives. And then he forgets it. Because he loves us. Because he is God.

November 23, 2019 Promise: For I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sin no more. Hebrews 8:12

God Bless You, In Jesus Name, Amen.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Thanksgiving Humor

My family told me to stop telling Thanksgiving jokes ...goodhousemag
The Thanksgiving season is a serious one because we give thanks to our God for all the blessings he has given us during the year. But it can also be enjoyable and certainly can be fun as well. With that in mind, I am going to share some fun things in today's blog. I hope you enjoy them.

Well Ok, this first one doesn't fit me too well. I don't often tell jokes because frankly I am just not a good joke or story teller. That doesn't mean that I don't like a good joke though. As long as it doesn't get told over and over to me. My father-in-law once told me that I have a dry sense of humor. That was many years ago when I first met him and my "too be" in-laws. They were going fishing one day when we stopped at their home. And I told them that if they didkn't catch any fish, I knew a good fish store where they could get some. That was the truth. But I don't think that it was taken as being very funny even though I was tryjing to be.. So you be the judge. 

Now here is a funny, or maybe not so funny one for our thanksgiving meal. Depends on if you are trying to diet that day.What is your favorite part of the meal? Mine is definitely the mashed potatoes and gravy. That is always been mine from the time I was a little girl. I could forget the turkey, Just bring on that part of the meal and we can call it quits on the rest, as far as I am concerned. 

Actually, if you want my opinion, (and you probably don't) I would rather have ham for Thanksgiving dinner. Really? Well, I know that some families cook both. But not us. We always did turkey for Thanksgiving and ham for Christmas. But I am with this turkey. Eat ham for both dinners. He will appreciate it and I know that in our family, I would too. Although, I do have to admit, that even though I would rather have ham, I am thankful for the turkey that I will be eating too. 

Happy Thanksgiving Day! Here are a plateful of Thanksgiving jokes by Boys’ Life readers that will make you thankful you have a funny bone.

Ok. So my favorite cartoon character is none other then the Grinch. Well, there is a reason for that. Back when I was just a kid in grade school, the story about how he stole Christmas came out in our paper. And so my dad, used it that year to read to us on Christmas morning. So Christmas is not the same for me, if I don't see the Grinch somewhere in it. Because my dad is in heaven now and every year, that childhood memory comes back to make me think of him. 

Thanksgiving Jokes Clean | Clean Thanksgiving Humor

Some little birdies told me that this turkey they knew was going to drop by. Hummm, wonder how good he will be to eat after he has fallen on the electric wires?

At Least You're Not A Turkey thanksgiving pictures thanksgiving images thanksgiving ideas thanksgiving quotes thanksgiving humor funny thanksgiving quotes thanksgiving image quotes thanksgiving 2015 quotes

There is one thing we can sure be thankful for. That we aren't going to be served as meat on the dinner plate come Thanksgiving!

Funny jokes can help you make it your day in thanksgiving!  #thanksgivingjokes #funnyjokes #thanksgivingfunnyjokes #jokes
Everybody has followers these days. Me? I don't have too many. But that is ok because I do know I am getting quite a lot of traffic to my blog. And I am eternally grateful for that because I love to share the things of God with you. As you know, my life has gotten a lot busier these days and it is because I am now around some of my adult kids and their families. God has been good to me to allow this move to happen at this time of my life. Sometimes I can't always post something, but I will always do the best that I can. Until next time: 

November 20, 2019 Promise: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name, you are mine. Isaiah 43:1 

Source of graphics used in this post: Pinterest 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

It is An Attitude of Gratitude


...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:11-14

Saul of Tarus became the apostle Paul when he was converted to Christianity on his way to Damascus one day. He was on his way there to arrest Christians and extradite them back to Jerusalem. He had been persectuting them and the Lord up until that day when Jesus himself came to him and asked him why he was doing that. Jesus told him that he was to go to the city and he would be told what to do. The men he was traveling with were speechless and had to lead Paul by the hand because though his eyes were open, he could not see. Acts 9:2-8

Thus was the very beginning to possibly the most dramatic conversion and ministry of this man that had been persecuting Christians for their belief in God. 

He himself then became a target of the same kind of persecution He was hated by many Jews because he taught that Jesus was the Son of God. But he went through many trials while traveling to proclaim the gospel. In 2 Corinthians 11:25-27, he tells us he was shipped wrecked three times, had problems with robbers and people of his own race, and basically danger wherever he went. He had sleepless nights, went through hunger, thirst, cold and exposure..

How frustrated he must have felt at times for all he was going through and yet it did not give up and ended up himself in prison due to his preaching of the gospel. 

He had known what it was to be in the different situations of life. Times when he had plenty and times he had needs. And yet he remained faithful to God, to the very end of his life, no matter what circumstances he went through.

Can we have that same faithfulness to God even when we are going through tough times/ I do not know about you, but I have nothing on the apostle Paul. Sure there have times I have had a need of things. Even maybe that I might become homeless. Was I greatful for even what little I might have had those times. Probably not like I should have been.

I remember years ago I read a book by Joni Eareckson Tada about her travels to I believe it was Africa. She herself had became a parapalegic in a diving accident in 1967 and out of that experience, has ministered to people who have needed to know that God can still use them no matter what they go through. And not only that but how much he loves them.

In her travels to Africa though she saw how desperate that country was and I remember her saying that those people didn't have anything and to many, God was all they had and they still could praise him for it. (Not a quote)

I have always had a home, even though we had some times that were tough.. But at times I was worried  that my kids would not have enough to eat. But even though, was I grateful enough to God. Because  you know what. He never let us down. We never went hungry and we were never without a home. Close to it a couple of times, but thankfully never without one. As I look back, I can honestly say, probably not.I had really been in too much of the moment in worry, and that took away from my being grateful for what I did have and what God did provide for us.

Like the apostle Paul in the bible and our more modern day Joni who suffered a tragic physical situation, can we be as thankful? I hope I have learned through the people in their world, to be be more thankful for the things I have now. And even in my  past.

Make this season a real season of thanksgiving for you and teach it and be an example to your family and friends. Not just on November 28, but every day of your life. Because it really is an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude to God who is the supplier of our very life.

November 19, 2019 Promise: Now let us come boldly to the throne of God. There we will receive his mercy and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16

I am thankful for every one of you that come to this blog! You do not know how much I really appreciate you! May God be an everlasting part of your life and bless you today and every day!

Monday, November 18, 2019

Hello Friends. The past few days have been busy and I apologize for not not getting here. I hope you will come by tomorrow, as I will have something posted about Thanksgiving. Until then, may the Lord bless and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious into you. Numbers 6:24

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Did You Know?

Our Lord Jesus Praying For Us Die Cut Holy Card

Jesus's ministry on earth had a lot to do with us that have come after. Yes, he healed people that followed him and his teachings. He died for their sins. But it wasn't just for those that were around in his day. They were for all of us as well. The things he taught them, and the miracles he preformed for them were lessons for us, so that we can have all that they had in their time.

In fact, did you know that Jesus prays for us?

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 1 John 2:1

An advocate is someone that stands in for someone that can't speak for themselves. He pleads that persons case. He pleads our case

Satan our enemy tries to accuse us before God. But we have nothing to fear because Jesus is always praying for us. Romans 8:33-34. His prayers for us are more powerful then anything that Satan can try to throw up against us. We should always remember that he was defeated at the cross of Jesus and one day will be thrown into the lake of fire.

I heard one time, a preacher say something to the effect, "When Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future."


There is now, no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. For in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life has set you free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2

There then should be no fear in us. Because there is no condemnation for those of us that are in Jesus Christ and knowing that he is always praying to the Father for us. Don't let Satan get on your case. Instead be thankful to God that Jesus is praying for us and then remind Satan of where he is headed.

November 16, 2019 Promise: The peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guards your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Thanks for your visit today, Friends. May God's blessings rain down you today and everyday!

thanksgiving, thanks, giving, grateful, gratitude, thankful, blessed, positive, optimism, 2015, happiness, give, family, give thanks, blessings, fall, prayers, count your blessings, abundance, believe, positive living, pumpernickel pixie

Thursday, November 14, 2019

God is Great God is Good?

Grandma Grace always said the blessing at the table on a holiday. I read this and I read it in her voice. Every. Single. Time. Need one minor adjustment though. It should read “By his hands we ALL are fed”God is great,
God is good, 
Let us thank him
for our food.

This simple little prayer came to me from my long ago childhood. My dad was teaching us kids to pray. But do we really think God is great? That God is good? Do we have to thank him for our food? 


Some people don't think he is great or good. And yet, the bible tells us he is. 

But they are gravely mistaken. God is great. For look what he did. He created a wonderful paradise for us, only to have his human creations mess it up. His power goes beyond anything even known to man. How great is that?

And he is good. Because when man sinned, he didn't just toss him in to hell. Sure they and everyone that came after them, have sinned and pay the consequences for it, but his love is not conditioned on if we are bad or good. It is in spite of it. His love is unconditional. And to prove that, he sent his only Son Jesus to die for us. How good is that?

I call that pretty great. I call that pretty good. How about you? 

As for thanking him for our food? Of course, we should thank him for our food. And for every blessing that he has given us. Because he doesn't have to. He gives them to us because he does love us. 

Free Printables Archives - Graceful Little Honey BeeThanksgiving is coming up soon and this month is dedicated to the blessings that we have from God. But the thing is, we should be thanking him every day of our lives. For everything he has done for us. Not just one month out of every year. But instead, every day we live. Because we love him back. 

November 14, 2019 Scripture for the day: I will thank the Lord because he is just. I will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high. Psalm 7:17

Hi Friends. Thanks for coming by today. I am going to leave you with a cartoon that I ran across that I thought was funny. Til next time, God bless! (From Hallmark) 

Turkey in a Pan Funny Thanksgiving Card

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Seven Went Into Eternity That Day

NASA - Space Shuttle Launch

On January 28, 1986 seven crew members boarded the Challenger Space Shuttle at NASA in Florida, knowing the dangers that could befall them in their travel into space. What they didn't know was that they would go up and never come back. For just 73 seconds as the world looked on, the Challenger blew up and sent all seven people to their deaths and ultimately into their eternity.

I mention this tragedy but as we know, though we don't see these kinds of things happen everyday, (thank the Lord), we see many others that do happen every day. In car accidents, school shootings, murders....just to mention a few. And everyday, people that happen to be involved in them, go off into eternity.

And when I hear of such incidents, I always wonder if they were ready to go? If they were ready to meet God? Because, once they have left this earth at death, that is what happens. They meet God and if they were not ready, they would not be permitted to stay in heaven but instead would be sent to that place that for eternity they will suffer the fires of hell.

So what does it mean to be ready to meet God? I hope you already know the answer to that question. But in case you don't, it means that those that have repented of their sin, and asked God to be Lord of their lives-they will spend eternity with God in heaven. For those that don't repent and ask God to be the Lord of their lives...well, I am afraid that they will have wished they would have-once they die.

Some people want to accept the Lord, but also don't want to end their "fun" that they are having, and so decided that they will accept him someday, just not now.

To God that isn't acceptable, although he is patient with us. But we are not guaranteed a long life, or even another second of life. And once death knocks at our door, it is too late. We have made our choice without really making our choice.

Jesus said, "Truly, Truly I say unto you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgement, but  has passed from death into life. John 5:24.

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that Jesus raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe, and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:9-10

The Challenger accident was a great tragedy for the famlies whose loved ones ended their lives in it. And for the world that watched it happen.

But the worst tragedy is for anyone that goes into eternity and is not ready to meet God.

If you have not confessed your sin and ask God into your heart and life, please don't wait another second. Because you could go off into eternity at any moment. And you must be ready to meet God when you do.

Are you ready to know Jesus?

God loves us so much that He does not want us to die in our sin. So He gave us the free gift of salvation. All you have to do is receive His gift while you still can. If you want to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, pray this simple prayer OUT LOUD and mean it in your heart. It is not saying the prayer that saves us, but the true belief in Jesus Christ in our hearts that does. For more information visit: and Click on "How To Be Saved"

Thanks for coming by Friends. God bless you!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Jesus:Our hope!

Many of God's people had struggled with depression as we do today. Why didn't God just make everything perfect so that we wouldn't go through the things that overwhelm us?

The answer to that lies way back in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and from then on, God's perfect world which he created for us, began to unravel and become broken.

We could truly put the blame on the two of them. When God confronted them about eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam blamed it on Eve. And Eve blamed it on the serpent. Evidently, no one wanted to take responsibility for their disobedience to their Creator.

Sound familiar? From then on, the human race has become experts at blaming someone or everyone else for their own sin. And God's perfect world was perfect no longer.

Depression is a terrible thing especially when it becomes more then just being "blue" on some days as most everyone does. It can be debilitating and one of those monsters that comes out to rob us of our joy of life and perhaps our life itself.

And it is one of the many reasons why Jesus died for us. To set us free. To set us free from sin and to set us free from the things that hold us down. And the things that living a full and wonderful life.

Depression in some people can be silent. Because Christians are not supposed to be real if they are depressed. And so many bury their feelings in the church so that no one will know because they don't want to be judged.

When going through my own depression years ago in a church I was going to at that time, I had 4 children from ages 1-10 sitting in the service with me, and a alcoholic husband at home by himself. No one around me in that church really knew much about us except that he drank and didn't or couldn't show me the love that Jesus would have had he been in a psychical presence with us. I really kind of felt like an outsider because it didn't seem anyone had the problems that I faced every day. And yet, all these years later and past that awful depression (I do still have my  "blue days" like any one else), I wonder how many others really had suffered with depression and just could not let that be known in the church. I will probably never know, but because of the legalistic teachings they were given, I have no doubt that I was probably not as alone as I had thought I was.

God has brought me a long way from that time. I don't put the blame on anyone for the help that I didn't receive. Rather, I want to pass on the other side of it. That because of Jesus, there is good news for any one that cries out to him in their time of desperation. He is there. Waiting for you to ask his help. He is our answer and he is our hope.

If you are one that suffers from things you cannot control, I urge you to get help for yourself. Don't let anyone tell you that you just need to get up and do something and it will go away. (like a family member of mine used to do when I lay in bed and couldn't bare getting up). It is not that simeple. You may need real help to overcome those dark hours. You might want to begin by reading some of the resources online that I have below.

Know that you are not alone. And more than that, know that God is there for you. He is close to the brokenhearted and he can give you the answers to what you need. Psalm 34:18.

Because he loves you!

For more information on depression see:  Why Christian Love Matters in Depression,       To the Depressed Christian | Cru,        Depression: Reject the Guilt, Embrace the Cure - Focus on the Family

Thanks for coming by today Friends. I hope this series on Depression gives you the confidence that we as Christians can follow (due to our own broken world) our biblical predecessors that God loved even though they went through their own hard times. He doesn't forget us if we aren't happy all the time. But he has given us the answers to our lives. Mathew 7:7 is indeed our promise for today. November 11,2019

Ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you.

God bless

If you waiting on God to bless you with marriage. Prayer this prayer daily.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Depression: Hanna (part 7)

20 Dangerously Powerful Bible Prayers By Jana Gordon | Bible Prayers | Prayers For Strength | Prayers - Hannah's Prayer - Beliefnet

Hannah ( 1 Samuel 1)

Have you ever had some one that provoked you because they had something that you wanted and could not have?

We have learned about the depression that some men of the bible had during their lives. But were there any women of the bible that were depressed as well?

Hannah was one such woman that maybe had a reason to be depressed.

She was one of two wives married to a man named Elkanah. There was discord between the two wives because Hannah could not have children, whereas his other wife Peninnah did..And Peninnah was bent on letting Hannah know it by harassing her.

The abuse went on for years and whenever she did this, Hannah would not eat and instead verse 7 says that she wept. And probably what made it worse for her was that even though her husband loved her, did not understand why not being able to have children bothered her all that much. After all, he did have children with Peninnah.
After years of praying for a child, one day she had went to the temple and prayed very bitterly for the Lord to give her a child.  And Eli the priest saw that she was very grieved and he told her to go in peace for God was going to answer her prayers. Hannah was then happy that at last God was going to do this for her and she left.

Hannah did indeed conceive a son which she named Samuel.

It must have been awful for Hannah all those years. Not being able to have children was bad. But then dealing with the abuse she had from Peninnah made it worse plus a not so understanding husband that did not get what her problem was. I think any woman would have been depressed with all that. And yet, Hannah did not give up hope. She knew God could answer her prayers but I wonder if she ever thought that he would. Yet he did, and when he did it was in his own timing.

Just one more lesson for us today. That God will answer our prayers as he sees fit. He is ever faithful even in our despair. Even though we may have to wait for a long time.And it is only in him we can have that hope because he is our hope.

November 10, 2019 Promise: For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. Titus 2:11

Thanks for coming today Friends. God bless you on this his 'Lord's Day!

#Thanksgiving #Blessings

Friday, November 8, 2019

Christians Can Laugh Too!

We have been reading about people in the bible for the last few days that struggled with depression. For today I am going to defer from that subject and get back to it next time. I think it is so important that as Christians and those that aren't believers,  that we can laugh and joke and have good times even in the midst of the hard things that we are going through. That is not to say that I think that we have to always make ourselves look like we are ever joyful. Ever happy. For even scripture it-self speaks to this in Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4

To every everything there is a season. and a time for every purpose under heaven.
A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to morn and a time to dance.

Truly, there is a time to cry and laugh. A time to grieve and a time to be joyful. This is one scripture that we, the church do not hear much from the pulpit about. And yet, there it is. In black and white. An important topic that needs to be let out so that we can also be taught that there is hope.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion" says my soul," Therefore, I will hope in him." Lamentations 3:22=24.

Indeed, our hope is in him.  Hope should be in  a part two in a sermon about depression, discouragement, grief and all the rest of what you and I face when we are troubled.

So anyway, for today I am going to add something to  Something to smile or laugh about. Or
share with someone else that may be having a hard day. Because, we Christians can laugh too! Despite our pain. Yes, we can laugh.

Acts 2:38

A woman had just returned to her home from an evening of church services, when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled, "Stop! Acts 2:38!"

(Acts 2:38 says, "Repent and be baptized everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins.") 

The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done.

As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar: Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was to yell scripture at you."

"Scripture?" replied the burglar, "She said she had an ax and two 38s!"

November 8, 2019 Promise: My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 2:9

Have a wonderful and blessed day in the Lord Friends! For his mercies are new and his grace abounds to us.

Romans 15:13


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Depression: Elijah (part 6)

Elijah (1 Kings)

 If we know anything about Elijah, it is this. He was one of God's prophets, who was used by God to defeat a very wicket king. His ministry ended the worship of the god Baal for the Israelite. (I won't go into the story how he proved that Baal could not possibly do a thing for anyone that worshiped him., but it is interesting and found in 1 Kings 17:8-16)

Elijah knew God's power in his ministry but like us today, had many setbacks going between times of victory and defeat. And he was no stranger to depression. 

He had heard that Jezebel was going to have him killed, Elijah was afraid so he ran away. He ended up in Beersheba. And there he told the Lord that he was giving up and asked the Lord to take his life.  And then, he laid down and went to sleep.And while there an angel made sure that he had food and water. And the food he had eaten gave him the strength he needed to go to Horeb which was the mountain of God. And there  God met with Elijah. 

Elijah: God Is There In Our  Darkest Days 1 Kings 19:1-21.  Depression  is an illness that has plagued many people, including Christians  Not all incidents of prolonged sadness or despair are cases of clinical depression.  There is a stigma attached to mental illnesses.God did not take his life. He had important work still to do. 

And so it is with you and me.When we are so desperate that we want God to take our life, or just end it ourselves, many times it does not work because God has something important for us still to do. And not only that as Job had said in Job 1:21, it is God that gives and God can take it away. Indeed  God gives life and only he should be the one to take it away. For us to try to take our life, we are not allowing God to be the one who decides that instead.

That is not saying that life is not problem free. No way. But as Elijah had found out, God does give us the strength to push through and go forward with his help. He will provide the answers when we trust in him.

November 6,2019 Promise: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as  a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Have a blessed day!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Depression: Job (part 5)

"Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said:  “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:20-21

Job 1 & 2

Have you ever felt like you had lost everything in your life? Your job. Your home. Your spouse or best friend. Your child.

Maybe. But have you lost everything  almost all at once?

Job had good reasons to be depressed, because that is what happened to him. He was a very rich man. But he began to lose not only his possessions, but his property and his family. First it was his animals, and then his servants. Then it was his children and his home.

Why did all this happen to Job?
He had, after all been a righteous man and faithful to God. Why had God allowed this to happen?

It happened perhaps because Satan was jealous that some one of such great faith could have God's favor on his life. He wanted to take everything from him so that he would think twice about God and turn from him.

But it didn't work for in verses 21-22 it says, "Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away: may the name of the Lord be praised."  In all of this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrong doing."

God had given Satan permission to take all that Job had, and yet, he was not satisfied. Satan wanted moreAnd so God to then let Satan strike Job's body with painful sores with one condition, He could not take Job's life.

It was so bad, that his wife told him to curse God and die. And his friends saw that he suffered so badly that they could hardly stand it either.
But in Job 2:10, it says that "in all of this, Job did not sin in what he said." And yet, he did suffer very deeply In Job 3:11 he wondered why he had not perished at birth. In Job 3:26, he said he had "no peace, no quietness, no rest." And in Job 10:1, he loathed his life.

I have lost things in my life for sure. But not nearly to the extent Job had. And through those times, I have even loathed my l life. But I can assure you, that I have never so completely gone through anything like that.

Can we remain as faithful to God when we even go through the slightest of problems we encounter?

Depression is not a thing anyone wants to go through. It can become so bad that we may want to just end it all. But do you know that after God allowed Job to go through what he had, and Job didn't turn away from him, God restored everything to him, twice as much as he had lost. Even a family.

God can do the same for us. When we remain faithful to him when we are going through our own  hardships. In his time and what he chooses. It is all up to him. But it can happen. Because he is good. Because he loves us. And because he rewards us for our faithfulness.

November 4, 2019 Promise: Therefore my brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord inasmuch as you know for you labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Hello Friends. Thanks for coming by. I pray this season of 'Thanksgiving" will bring you many blessings from God!

God's Blessing for Fall - May they fall upon you like the leaves of Autumn

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Depression: Jeremiah (part four)

Jeremiah 20

Loneliness. Rejection. Ridicule. If you have ever experienced any of these things, you can probably identify much with Jeremiah who struggled with all three from those people that he loved. His 

God had called him to preach, but he faced more then he wanted to, when people treated him the way they did. To the point that he wished he had never been born. 

Why did I ever come out of the womb to see trouble and sorry and to end my days in shame. (verse 18)

 He was human, of course and  maybe like us  he grumbled and complained to God about all that he was going through.. And yet, his faith in God was great and he trusted him.

Some of us have struggled throughout our lives. It seems that we just get past one thing, and get faced with yet another obstacle. But we are called to persevere because in the end, if we do not give up, we will hear God say to us, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Mathew 25:23. And at that time, the past will have faded away and our faithfulness to God will be rewarded. It will have been well worth whatever we went through.

If you are struggling with those around your because they have rejected you, or made fun of you, or whatever the case may be, remember that even Jesus went through all those emotions too when he was on earth. Why do we think we should be problem free when he wasn't?  He understands what we go through, and he wants to give us the answers we need to get through those hard places we find ourselves in. 

November 2, 2019 Promise: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.

Hello Friends. Thanks for visiting with me today. I pray that your weekend is being blessed by not only those around you, but more so by God!

May God bless you with strength, peace of soul, love of family & friends and all the good happenings this time. Wish you a pleasant New Day.

Friday, November 1, 2019

We Are A Chosen Generation.....

1 Peter 2:9  KJV

Hello  Friends. Thanks for stopping by today. I am not going to post my usual topic for today and instead I am going to repost something I found on Pinterest that is the truth.  I do plan to be back tomorrow to continue my series on depression. In the mean time have a blessed day!

November 1, 2019 Promise:But you are a chosen people. A royal priest hood, a holy nation. God's special possession that you may declare the praises of him that called you out of darkness and into his wonderful light. I Peter 2:9

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Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...