Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Life Changing Conversion

Zacchaeus - lots of ideas here
There were many life changing conversions in the bible. But this story is about a tax collector. He was rich. He worked for Rome. He cheated people.And because of this, he was not popular with the people. His name was Zacchaeus.

And he found Jesus.

His story is told by Luke. (19:1-10)

Jesus was coming through town one day. And Zaccheaus wanted to see him. But he was a short fellow and there were lots of people that made it impossible for him to see over them. So he had to figure out how to do that. Jesus would be passing by a sycamore tree, and so Zaccheasus decided to run on ahead and climb that tree. Did he really think that Jesus would not notice him? But Jesus did notice him and he said, "Zaccheaus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house."

 Zaccheaus was overjoyed and he climbed down from the tree. But the people following Jesus were not happy with this. They grumbled because he was going to the house of a "sinner."

Zaccheaus then admitted that he had cheated people and said that he would pay everyone back four times what he had cheated them out of. .

But Jesus denied him and told him to go away. Right?

Absolutely not.

These are the words that Jesus said in verse 9 and 10: "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man too is the son of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which is lost."

Sometimes, we as Christians look down upon those that aren't saved because we feel like we are better then they are. I knew a young man years ago that was a sort of an evangelist in his own way. He would actually go into bars. Not to drink, but to witness to the people in them just by sitting and talking to them. It is not something I would recommend anyone do. Especially not in this day and age. But that was his calling at that time of his life. He believed that as Christians he should go where non-Christians were. Jesus didn't just hang with the saved. He went to those that needed salvation. He made several statements in the gospels where he said that healthy people do not need doctors, so he came for the sick. Likewise, he came to give sinners life. And we have all been sinners and need of Jesus, to come into our lives to give us his life.

But how can we tell them about Jesus if we don't go where they are? If we don't tell them? If we don't love them as Jesus loved us through someone that brought the good news to us?

Zaccheaus found a wonderful gift that day. A gift of eternal salvation because Jesus knew he needed a Savior and instead of passing him by, he called him down out of the tree.

What kind of love is that? Do we have that kind of love?

November 24, 2019 Promise:  Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Mathew 11:28-30

Thanks for visiting today Friends. As you go through this holiday season, depend on God to carry your burdens. To give you rest when you are weary, because he promises that he will give it to you. God bless you!

Thanksgiving quotes that brings thoughts of happiness

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