Saturday, May 2, 2020

How Many Days Did Jesus Stay and for What Reason?

Jesus had been crucified, buried and on the third day rose from death to life. He had made his presence seen by Mary and perhaps other women, and then to his disciples.
Jesus Teaching on the Mount.  Public Domain.  No author mentioned.
And so how long was he on earth before he went up to be with the Father? And what did he do during that time?

I think Act 1-11, best answers that question. 

He was here on earth for forty days after his Resurrection. And working in the power of the Holy Spirit he prepared his disciples for how they were to carry on in his ministry after he was gone. And he had told them not to leave Jerusalem until his Father had sent the promise to them.

But what was that promise that his Father would send them?

TV and Projector News: 20/20 MISSION VISION  --  Acts 1:8  ---  David Hig...But what was the promise that the Father would send them?

Jesus said, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all of Judea and Samara and to all of the earth. 

And after that, Jesus was taken up into the clouds. 

He knew what was ahead for these men who had committed themselves to his ministry. Just because he would  no longer a threat to the Roman government, they would be. And to withstand the stuff that they were going to go through, they were going to need more then just the ability that they had in themselves. 

They were going to need the power of the Holy Spirit.

Which brings up another question to us. When and how did they receive the promise that God the Father would send them? 

What else did Jesus do in those forty days? 

 These questions coming up next in this series. Thanks so much for coming today friends. God bless!

A conversation about nothing in particular - Page 608 - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums

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