How can God bless someone with one sock, you might ask. Well, let me tell you, God can do anything he wants to and especially for those that trust in him. And that means that even a single sock can become a blessing from him.

It happened a few short days ago. June 15th, to be exact. Some of you know that we have moved from our home state to Florida. About a 2/3 of our furniture, household goods etc came down last summer and until that date, the rest of it stayed at our home in Ohio. There are some reasons why, which I won't go into because they don't pertain to this story.
So last summer, we had left a lot of personal items that we didn't need at the time, there. Clothing, bath towels....that kind of stuff along with other things. It had been a grueling couple of days.On Friday the 12th we had help getting the furniture out, (into a U haul trailer) from 2 young men from our local church who was a part of a youth ministry there. Without them, we wouldn't have made it. But, over the weekend, it was just my husband and myself trying to pack the rest of our stuff, and load the trailer
And believe me, we are no spring chickens, in our late 60s, and early 70s!
. We still had had a lot to pack and load even tho we had brought down most of it last year. So we trudged on. Mostly me packing and carrying it out to our porch and hubby helping some inside but mostly loading it.
Both of us are not in the best of health and all of it was being a real challenge to us at this point.
But thankfully, we had gotten it almost gotten it all done, and we had a time when we were going to be starting out for the last time.
After all the work though, I needed to do one more thing.And that was to take a shower. So I went to gather the clothes that I had kept out.
A pair of jeans, a t-shirt, undies, socks and...oh no, no washcloth!
Everything else had been packed, I wasn't about to try to find one in all the stuff hubby had loaded! He wouldn't have appreciated it and besides, who knew where they were even at!
So I went through the house, looking for one. Just hoping against my hope that one had been missed somewhere. To tell you the truth, I wasn't optimistic, because we had literally gotten everything out.
But then, I had not considered what God can do.
And so through the house I went, asking Jesus to show me where I might find one that had been missed.
Yet there was none.
And then I saw it. One lone and clean sock laying in the dining room in some things that we were leaving in the house. We probably would have missed it, if I hadn't need that wash cloth so badly. After inspecting it to make sure it was clean, I used it to take the place of what I had needed.
You might think this is a silly story. But it is the truth behind it that stands. That when we need something the most, and even in the smaller things of our lives...God can and will provide what we need, when we need it.
Even in situations that are less then hopeful, or perhaps when we have no hope at all.
Because as we pray with faith, even just the faith of a mustard seed, he can do much with it. And frankly friends, that day, that was about all I had, when I looked at the situation after several days of trying to get ready to leave, and now everything personal had been taken out. It was all the faith I had, and yet it had been enough. Sure there was no real wash cloth, but that sock had satisfied a need. Had I just given up and not used that sock, it wouldn't have made me feel good physically for sure.
And more importantly, what it had done for me, was that it made me feel good spiritually. Because God had heard my less than hopeful prayer and guided me to a sock that we would have other wise not found because we already knew the stuff that it was in, was not going with us.
Jehovah Jireh,

It is one of the many names of God that means: My Provider. Sure it wasn't as big a deal as it had been to Moses in Genesis 22. But it was a big thing to me, that God had seen my need and was my provider even so, at a time when I might have left feeling dreadful for not having had a shower. .
A mustard seed of faith coupled with Jehovah Jireh, who is a big God that provides even the little matters of life. Now that is who I want to depend on in all situations!
Hello Friends. Thanks for coming by. I pray your summer is going well, after all of the situations we have found ourselves in with the virus that closed most businesses etc, God is good and he will see us through it
I will be posting as much as I can now that I am back. It might not be everyday because there is much to do here still. However, I will do the best I can and hope you will continue to check my blog out as often as you can. Until next time......