We hear about cases of child abuse in both cults and families and most of us find it abominable.
But why does it happen? And how? Especially, parents or other members of blood relatives that use, and abuse those they were given supposedly to protect and love. Or those in the same families that do despicable things to children in secret and threaten them with what they will do to their parents if they dare tell.
Well, we know the short answer to the questions of why, is one big little word. SIN! A three letter word that covers every kind of abuse.
We know by scripture that the devil is a roaring lion, seeking those that he can devour. 1 Peter 5:8.
Still when I hear of such abuse in a child, the question in my mind always is: How could they do that to their child? Or any child.
The long answer to that question, is not so simple. There of course, are many many answers even though the root cause of it, is sin.
The first thing to know, is what abuse is exactly. It can be any or all of the following:
Physical, sexual, emotional, medical and neglect.
Physical can be anything that is meant to hurt someone and leaves scars, burses, broken bones, black eyes etc.
Sexual abuse is just what it says. Molestations, forcing a person to do unspeakable acts with them, raping someone, etc.
Medical abuse can be denying children medical treatment, or giving them unnecessary medical treatment that they do not need.
Neglect is denying children from their basic needs of life. A place to live, food, medical care etc. Or perhaps even clean clothes and good hygiene.
Emotional abuse is not something that is always seen, or is apparent all the time.
Many people have and do suffer from all of these areas, and much of it is forced upon them starting in childhood. As terrible as it seems, it happens to many even before birth, while babies are still in the womb when mothers are using drugs and alcohol. And then it continues all through their lives.
Their beginning of life are already in jeopardy of giving them a life of abuse for possibly as long as they do live. Many grow up and go on to abuse not only others, but also themselves. Prisons are full of these kinds of people that were abused as children and if not getting the help they need, go on to display various types of abuse and end up murdering people. Some end up in mental institutions because society has no other recourse then to put them in a place where they can't offend any longer, and they were deemed insane at their criminal trials.
These people probably did not get even the basic need of love filled when they were very young and grow up not loving themselves or anyone else.
However, there is some good that can come out of child abuse. It does not have to be the end of someone's life. God can bring healing to them and they can go on having a productive life maybe even fighting it and helping others that are going through it.
In the mean time, when I hear of how a child has passed because someone beat him to death, , or for some other reason-it makes me first wonder how someone can do that to a child, as I said. But then my next thought is always," he is now safe in the arms of Jesus, and will no longer be hurt by the evil of the sin in this world." And I thank Jesus for that.
Thanks for coming today, Friends. Have a blessed day!
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