I happened to hear someone say this morning on the tv that someone she had been talking about, "should follow her heart".
We have all heard that in our lives. To follow our hearts. But is that always true?
Over the July 4th week, I have just spent several days with a friend who has done that most of her life. And her life so far as the men in her life, has really been well...not so great. In fact, she could probably teach a class to young women on what not to do so far as male relationships.
She had just informed me that the man she just broke up with was the same one she had been with for the past nine years, but whom she had told me I don't know how many times, that she had broken up with. I had not heard any more about him for the past couple years so I thought she no longer was with him. Until this past week. She just did not want tell me she was, probably because she knew what I would have to say about it.
There are too many problems with him. Beginning with the fact, that he is not a Christian. The bible says we should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers because when we are, we as the righteous come together with those that are unrighteous. 2 Corinthians 6:14
That in it self is asking for trouble. And just by listening to what she had to say about him all those times, he was trouble. Yet, every time they broke up, she would always take him back.
The bible also says: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it? Jer.17:9
The thing is, it doesn't matter whether we follow our hearts or our heads. Because either can mislead us.
So what are we to do? How can we know what to do in the important things in our lives?
The answer for Christians really isn't all that hard to answer if we apply God's word to our lives.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraided not; and it shall be given him. James 1:5
That day last week when my friend admitted to me that she was still with this man but had again broken up with him, he had treated her very badly at a really bad unrelated time she had been through. It had been very hurtful and every four letter foul word had come out of her mouth against him in telling me about it. It was very unbecoming of a Christian who professes to love God with all her heart.
Not to pass judgment on her, for we all come short of God's glory and I am no different. But truly, what can she expect when she has blatantly allowed this situation in her life and has been disobedient to God's laws.
He does not give them to us to take away our fun. He gives them to us to protect us from just this kind of thing. And when we disobey him, we usually have to pay the consequences.
I hope my friend has broken up this time with him once and for all. I had told her that if she goes back with him again I was going to remind her of the day when she sat spitting out the words she was saying and crying, and she said she wants me to.
But why? It's never done any good before. And sometimes, all we can do is keep quiet and pray because after all, some people are going to do what they do, no matter what God says, let us alone what we say.
I love my friend. I don't like that she is being hurt. But only God can help her.
Thank for dropping by today, Friends. I hope you had a wonderful July 4th. God bless America .and God bless you and yours