Saturday, July 30, 2022

Ancient Instruments of the Bible/Strings (part five)



There are several terms in the Old Testament that evidently refer to stringed instruments, but we have few definitive ideas of what they actually were.

Zither: The most commonly mentioned stringed instrument in the Bible is the kinnor. Bible versions call it a “lyre,” “harp,” or “stringed instrument,” but it’s something in between. Together with the pipe, it is one of the first musical instruments mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 4:21). The base is solid or hollow with sound holes. The top of the base has two arms that rise to hold a bridge. Strings span the space from the bridge to the bottom of the base. It was played by plucking the strings with fingers or a stick. The Old Testament mentions it was used for celebration (2 Samuel 6:51 Chronicles 16:5Nehemiah 12:27Isaiah 30:32), worship (Psalm 33:243:457:8150:3), and prophecy (1 Samuel 10:51 Chronicles 25:1–3Psalm 49:4). Kinnor was an instrument specified for temple worship (2 Chronicles 9:1129:25).

Harp: The nebel is also frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. Bible versions translate the Hebrew as “harp,” “lyre,” “psaltery,” and “viol.” The word is based on the Hebrew for “skin-bag” or “jar,” which reflects its overall shape. Modern scholars don’t know what it was—whether the strings ran over a sound box like a zither, from one frame to another like a harp, or both, like a kinnorNebel may be a general word for “stringed instrument.” It is often mentioned with the kinnor and for the same purposes. The King James Version’s reading of “viol” is anachronistic, as stringed instruments were plucked or strummed at that time, not drawn across with a bow.

Ten-stringed harp: The nebel asor was some kind of stringed instrument that had ten strings; asor means “ten.” It’s unknown if it was more like a harp or a lute. It was used for worship (Psalm 33:292:3144:9).

Related to the Hebrew nebel is the Aramaic picanteriyn, translated as “harp” or “psaltery.” It is only mentioned in connection with the worship of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue (Daniel 3:571015), so it’s probably the Babylonian version of the nebel. The Aramaic word picanteriyn and the Hebrew psanterin are related to the Greek psalterion.

Trigon: The Aramaic sabbka is also only referred to in the episode of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. It seems to be a triangular-shaped instrument, but we don’t know if that means a harp with two arms or a triangular lyre. The King James refers to it a “sackbut,” which is a type of trombone.

Lyre: The Aramaic qiytharoc is either a harp, lyre, or zither and is only mentioned in Daniel 3. Like picanteriynqiytharock is a transliteration of the Greek, in this case, qitaros.

Strings: Finally, the Hebrew men means “part,” as in parting a chord into several strings. Some versions translate it as “strings,” while others say, “stringed instruments.” It is used only once in this context, in Psalm 150:4.


Stringed instruments wind up the study on ancient Jewish instruments. 
I came from a 'semi-musical family.'
At the top of my list of favorites is my father who loved playing his guitar right up to almost the end of his life. Before he passed, he had a slight stroke which left him no longer able to play, and that about broke his heart, he had done it for so long that it actually made him cry to not be able to anymore. I am sure he is in heaven though now, making even more beautiful music then he ever thought about down here.
His brother Jim played the banjo, and they would often get together to play and there was always someone around that would sit and sing the songs that they played together. Sometimes there was many of us.
There were others in the family, too.
My aunt that was married to Jim played something that looked much like the above image.
My two brothers. My niece. 
They played guitars.
And my cousin played the piano.
So many great memories of days gone by. 
And along with some of those family members that have passed,
memories are now all we have. 
God sure knew what he was doing when he gave man the ability to create such wonderful music.
And I am thankful, although sadly I have no talent playing an instrument, still I am thankful that I could be a part of these wonderful memories of those years.

Thanks for allowing me to share with you, my Friends.
God bless you throughout the evening.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Ancient Instruments of the Bible/Cymbals and more (part four)


(see: Bible History
Maps, Images, Archelogy)



The Bible doesn’t mention drums as we think of them. Israelites used cymbals, bells, tambourines, and castanets.

Cymbals: both selselim and mesiltayim are translated as “cymbals.” They were played in pairs and may have been as small as finger cymbals. Selselim, which occurs infrequently (2 Samuel 6:5), is from the Hebrew for “clattering” or “whirring,” as an insect’s wings. Mesiltayim is from the Hebrew for “double tinklers” and is used extensively in reference to the ark of the covenant (1 Chronicles 13:815:16) and the temple (1 Chronicles 25:162 Chronicles 12—1329:25), as well as the dedication of the wall and temple after the return from Babylon (Ezra 3:10Nehemiah 12:27).

CastanetsMenaanim are difficult to identify, as the definition we have is “an instrument made of fir or juniper wood.” Most likely, they were similar to our castanets, small finger cymbals made of wood. Israelites used them to celebrate the return of the ark from the Philistines (2 Samuel 6:5). Since this celebration was impromptu and menaanim are not mentioned in temple worship, it was probably a common instrument of the people.

Tambourine: The toph or top seems to be the closest the Israelites had to a drum, although it’s not clear if it had a drumhead or if it was comprised of cymbals or castanets fastened to a ring of wood. Bible versions translate toph as “tambourine,” “timbrel,” or “tabret.” Like the menaanim, it is not mentioned in temple worship but is prolific in celebratory events (Exodus 15:201 Samuel 18:62 Samuel 6:5Psalm 81:2149:3150:4Jeremiah 31:4). Taphaph (Psalm 68:25) is a verb meaning “to beat a tambourine.”

Bells: Bells were used for ornamentation, not specifically for music. Pa’amon were attached to Aaron’s robe (Exodus 28:33–3439:25–26), while metsillah, from the Hebrew for “tinkler,” were used on horses’ bridles (Zechariah 14:20).



The one instrument that I am surprised that the people in Bible days had, were bells. I shouldn't be, I guess. But I don't recall ever reading about them in scripture.
Still, we hear them today especially around Christmas, in churches where they have a bell ministry. And they really make a beautiful sound. 
I imagine that in heaven, they are even there and all the more beautiful.
Thanks for coming by today, Friends.
Have a blessed day


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Ancient Instruments of the Bible/Horns (part three)

Horns of the Bible

shofar is perhaps the most well-known horn mentioned in the Bible. It is made from a ram’s horn and most closely associated with Rosh Hashanah. Translators identify it as a “horn,” a “ram’s horn,” or a “trumpet”—not to be confused with the metal clarion. The shofar was used in battle (Joshua 6:4Judges 3:276:341 Samuel 13:3), as a warning of coming battle (Ezekiel 33:3–6Hosea 5:8Amos 3:6Zephaniah 1:16), in celebration (1 Chronicles 15:281 Kings 1:34), and as a call or warning (Psalm 81:398:6Isaiah 27:1358:1).

The chatsotsrah was similar to the shofar but made of metal, often silver (Numbers 10:1–2) and is more properly identified as a cornet, although it would not have had valves like our modern cornets. It was used in similar ways as the shofar, including to sound the alarm (2 Chronicles 13:12Hosea 5:8) and in celebration (2 Kings 11:141 Chronicles 13:82 Chronicles 5:12–1315:1423:13). Where the shofar was used more for music, the chatsotsrah was primarily used to draw attention to announcements or warnings.

Qeren is Aramaic for “horn” and can refer to the instrument or the horn of an animal; it is the source of our word modern word crown. It is mentioned in the worship of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue (Daniel 3:571015).


Shown above are two of the horns used in Bible days of Israel. I could not find an image of the Qeren. 
However, these horns give insight into how they looked and what they were used for.
To read more about these instruments, see
Thanks for coming by, and may God bless you this evening

Explaining James 1:5-6

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