Friday, September 30, 2022

Please God....

Have you ever felt so low that you don't think God will forgive you?
In my past I have felt that way.
I can honestly say I have learned that feeling that way is a lie straight from the devil.
What I do know is that I have made many, many mistakes.
But God is always ready to forgive me.
And so, this is my prayer.
For today and every day.
For me.
And for you.
As we continue to live
in a broken, often unforgiveable world.
Until one day when we go home to meet our Savior,
or he comes to take us home.
We wait and look forward to that day.

Thankfully, we did not have any damage from the Hurricane that hit Florida this week. Many people did and for those we are saddened at their loss. For me, my loss was of a different nature as you know. But together we can pray for all that are going through difficult times.
Thanks, for coming by today, Friends.
May your day be blessed!

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9


Tuesday, September 27, 2022

My Prodigal Son Returns

What could God possibly do at this time when I just lost my husband, that would surprise and bring me joy beyond belief?

Well, let me tell you.

Most people and at least those that came from a church background, have heard the parable that Jesus taught in Luke 15:11-32

Long story short. (my version) There was a man that had two sons. One son wanted his father to give him his inheritance even though his father was not yet dead. His father did that and off went the son to live wild and spend it until he had no money left.  And eventually he ended up with some pigs eating what pigs eat.

Well, that did not bode well with him. After all, his father had plenty back home and so he decided to go there and beg for mercy.

But would his father accept him back? After all, he wouldn't have had to.

And yet walking down the road towards home, his father saw him coming and ran to meet him. He was overjoyed that his son had decided to come back so much so that he threw his arms around his son and kissed his neck.

But his joy did not end there. No, he also threw a big party for his son because of the excitement of his son's home coming. 

What a party that must have been too. 


Well first let me say, this wasn't like the son in that story.. No. But I believe it really depicts all of humanity, that rejects God. Perhaps those that even know him for a time and then leave him to go out and do their own thing. And when we come to our senses like he did, we go back to God who runs to us with only the kind of excitement that a loving God can give.

But I digress.

My son, whom I will call Mike was really a good son. He loved God and wanted to serve him. But life was never easy in our household as it isn't in many and as hard as he had tried to be what God wanted him to be, I think he just hit a time when he could not take it any longer. We as his parents were not giving him the things he needed. Our love and encoragement.

I know that doesn't give you a lot of information about what he was going through, and I really can't and do not wish to. 

The fact was, he had tried to please us as parents, and I came to believe that we just didn't recognize that.

And so one day, he and his father had an argument that broke apart our relationship. It hit me hard because he has three boys that I love dearly but when that incident happened, we were not allowed to see them or do things with them that we had been from the time they were babies. And it broke my heart. The only thing I was allowed to do was to send gifts for birthdays and Christmas and so on. And I faithfully did that adding a picture to the cards I sent to remind them of the fun times we had, because I never wanted them to forget us. 

Fast forward to 2019 a couple years and we moved out of state to where our daughter and son live with their families.

I won't go into how it began, because it really is a long story. But recently I found out some information which some would call by chance. But I call it being from God. Because he knew my heart's desire to reunite with Mike and his family. And so, a few months ago, I heard about them, and it was wonderful because all along I didn't know really how they were doing.

Not until my husband's death had I even spoken to Mike. And he and some of my husband's family came to attend his funeral service.

It was greatest reunion I could hope for. And I felt almost like the story in the bible and how the father felt when he saw his son coming down the road and he ran to meet him.

My prodigal son had come home!!!!!

And now that he is back at his home, we have talked serveral times and I even talk to the boys on face time or whatever he uses and it is the best! And I am estatic that at least the two older ones remembered me. The youngest doen't because he was pretty little when it all happened.

But that is ok. Because now he can get to know me. And I, him.

In the depth of despair that satan tried to rob me of by taking my husband, came a big surprise that only could have been achomplished by the hand of God. And I mean that litterally. 

Our God is a big God and he wants to give us good things. I wish that it had happened while my husband was alive. And I would have never asked for him to take it because I could then have my family back. But it is what it is and someday all of us will unite with him again and gone will be the old  problems we had went through. And we will all be with Jesus togeteher.

Thanks for coming and letting me pour out my heart to you. 

Just a note. We may be in the hurricane that may be hitting in the next couple of days. People are preparing for it. I understand that schools are closing for tomorrow and Thursday to open as shelters if needed. So I may lose power during that time and unable to post again until it is over. 

But God is good and though I have been through some real life storms, I know that God will take care of us.

God bless!

Monday, September 26, 2022

Nothing in Death is Easy

 It has now been about 17 days since my husband went to be with Jesus and had shocked our family to its core.

The tasks at hand-that are the ending of his life here as in taking care of the things he no longer needs; has been probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. In 2005, I lost my precious father when he went to be with Jesus and thought that was indeed the hardest. 

But I never thought it would be harder to deal with the things that I am dealing with now. Because I suppose, my dad had pretty much taken care of his last deeds that would need to be done. And besides that, he had cancer and was given just a short time to live. We had a little more time to consider those things.

With my husband, it came as a surprise. Suddenly and without warning. And because I have always handled most of the things in our household, it falls on me to finish it for him.

Still, I am not alone through this, as hard as it is. My friends and family are helping me and without them, I would die too. And for that, I give thanks to God and a renewed empathy for those that do not have family around them to carry them through the struggles of life.

And when I am alone, like in the early hours of the morning, like right this moment, I am comforted by God himself because he really is the "Lifter of my head." (Psalm 3:3)

Even as the tears run down my face.

And I believe he led me to the following devotion which really speaks to me, right now. Right where I am in this minute.

Bible Love Notes

The Amazing Comfort of Psalm 56:8

When we’re suffering, grieving, dealing with persecution or injustice, we can have confidence in these two truths: 

1. God knows us intimately.

2. God cares for us deeply. 

Two passages that beautifully express this truth:

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:29-31

Knowing that our Lord knows us so well and cares about us so tenderly, our natural response is found in 1 Peter 5:7:

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”


Indeed. Were it not for my friends and family, I would not live myself.
Were it not for my Heavenly Father, I would not be able to get through another moment.
Because they all care for me

Again, thanks for letting me share my pain with you today. But I want you to know that there is a surprise element to this situation. One that only God could have orchrastrated himself. 
I have said it in earlier posts, that he loves to surprise us.
And during this sad time, he did that again.
Why? Because he loves us.
he really is the glory and the lifter of my head.
Even in times such as this.
Come back tomorrow to see what he has and is doing to be the lifter of my head at this sad time.
God Bless You!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Reflecting back

As I reflect back over the past 10 days or so, I can see God's providence in all that has happened from the moment we first learned of my husband and our children's father's death.

The fear that I initially felt, is gone. It is replaced by the loving greatness of a God that loves us even at our lowest.

This morning we will bury his body. Put to rest the remains of a man that at one time an alcoholic, that served time in war, saw the terrifying effects of it, but later acknowledged that he needed a Savior.

Jesus Christ.

The war in his soul continued to rage on. Down through the years. No one suspected it was as bad as it probably was and finally got to be too heavy a burden for him to control.

But his life reminds of that old hymn "Just As I Am."

Because that is how God accepts us. Just as we are. And if he didn't do that for us, heaven would be empty of his children and hell would be full.

The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) He couldn't do it to Larry on the battlefield of Viet Nam as he did 5 of his friends in his unit. He couldn't do it through alcohol even though I am here to tell you, he did try. But he did do it on a lonely Florida road, by himself on A Friday evening.

The good news about it is that while he did destroy Larry's body, he didn't destroy his soul. And when in that second he left this earth, I do believe that Jesus took him in to the gates of heaven, just as he was.

Only now, he was a brand-new creation. No longer a tortured soul living with the pain that he had been dealt with by sin over his lifetime. He was 75 years old. That is a long time to endure that pain. 

Thank God for his mercy that is never ending.

Thank that His grace is new every morning.

And thank God that his love will cover those of us that will bury his body this morning.

And forever.

We come to God not because he wants us to first   be clean from the dirt and grime of this world.

But because he takes us and makes us clean.

We come to God just as we are.

Thank you, my friends for letting me share the pain I myself am feeling, but also the hope that is in my Lord.

God bless you!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

What Do You Do?

 What do you do when suddenly nothing in your life makes any sense?

I have written in this blog so many times about the storms that come in our lives and the way to get through them is to trust in God.

It is 4 :12 am and just about 4 hours ago, I learned that my husband of 52 years took his life. None of our family saw it coming. We did not know the suffering that was going on inside of him. He couldn't let it out in a healthy way. And so, it robbed him of life.

I will be taking some time off from my blog to get through this. There will be much to do. I don't even know where to begin. Thankfully, I have my kids and their families to help me, and we will get through it together. Somehow.

In the meantime, I do know what to do.

I must trust God who brings to the good, all things for those that love him.

Please pray for us during this difficult time, Friends.

Thank you for coming by.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Standing on God's Promises (#9}

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Chronicles 7:14

If ever this country needed this from God, it is at this time in history. Not that past times did not need it. From the beginning of time, it has gone on. Sin, and corruption and unrest. But now even more so, I believe Satan has filtrated the camp at an even more troubling and alarming rate. Even in our government, Satan seeks to sit in judgement through people that are supposed to be leading our nation and yet are putting themselves on a throne above God. A very wicked throne. But not in just the government. In our homes, in our churches, in our world. And yes, in our hearts. It is up to You and Me to take this scripture to heart. Along with all Christians across not only this great country, but all those across the world. But will we, do it? Will they, do it?

When we go under our own power, we fail. But when we look to God, the creator of all things, then great things will happen. 

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3
If you haven't already been praying, Friends. Then start. Because I believe that this is a time of war. But thank God, we already know who the Victor is. And he has us under the shelter of his Almighty Wings!
Thanks for coming by today.
God bless

Monday, September 5, 2022

Standing on God's Promise (Promise #8)

And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you. Isaiah 46:4

If you are a young or middle-aged person, reading this post right now, perhaps todays promise is not something you often think about. But let me say one thing to you. When you get to be my age, and heading towards the final stage of your life, this promise will be very important to you because as bodily strength goes, it is all the more reason, to have God carrying you through even the daily tasks of living. 

I for one, am thankful for a God that loves me so much that he doesn't let me fall and stay down. He often gently picks me and carries me through whatever I am going through until I can stand again. Not on my strength alone but on his.

And I am also thankful for our country, the USA.

"Thank you, Father that we can live, work, play and much more than that, we are able to worship YOU in this great country, and we pray that you will bring America once again on her knees to remember who her Founder really is." 

Thanks for coming by today, Friends. Have a blessed Labor Day


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Standing on God's Promise (Promise #7)

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Psalm 91:1-2

Loving God. Trusting him. Obeying his word. Doing these things, we are dwelling with him in his secret place. And there he keeps us in shadow of his very being. He is our refuge and our fortress when we trust in him.

Where then where would we rather be?

I don't know about you, but this is where I want to be found. Safe and secure from everything this world would do to me.

Oh, there may come a time that we will be tested.

Where we might feel like losing hope. Where the world would seek to destroy us. Because that is what our enemies, both spiritual and human wants to do.

But because we trust in God, our souls are safe in his capable hands that will never let us go. 

For a time perhaps as this.

Or one that might come,

our God is our strong fortress.

Praise you, Jesus!

Thanks for coming by this evening, Friends,

God bless you!

 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

Friday, September 2, 2022

Blog update/9-3/ New Normal/My Grace

Good morning, Friends. 

Have you ever been a situation that has become a "new normal" for you? I suspect we all have at one time or many times in our lives. 

And that is where my husband and myself find ourselves today. Actually, we knew it's probably been coming for some time. However, we weren't sure when. And a week ago, we didn't know that the time was about here.

Yesterday, we moved two family members into our one family house. Yes, it's going to be tight. And this morning, the realization hit me.

We have begun a new normal.

But it's a necessary one. And yet, up until recently, I never would have thought in a million years that in my 70s, I would have a teenage girl living with us again. 

However, this young lady is one that we could not have asked God for anyone better than she. And I am happy she is here for however long God has her here for.

But she is still a teenager. Thankfully, her dad is here too, and he has most of the responsibility for her. I cannot imagine having it all myself. But then who knows. We never know what God is doing or will do.

My prayer though, that she will remain his full responsibility. LoL

But it does pose a situation for us in a house built for two, but now occupies 4, plus our 3 pets. 

I wondered if I would be able to keep my blog going. And I believe God wants me too. I just have to continue sort of the same path that I was on. To post as I can, because there will be some days, that I will probably not be able to. Some may be posted later in the day. I will just have to play it by ear. 

I hope to be back tomorrow to follow the line of subjects that I left off the other day. God's promises to us. But today, I think the following one is appropriate for us:

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Indeed. God wants us to know that his grace is what can get us through anything we are going through. Anything we face.

Even living with three other people, in a house meant for one

 or two. But thank you God that we have a place to give them.

Thanks for coming by today, Friends. Come back tomorrow!

God bless your day!

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...