Monday, September 26, 2022

Nothing in Death is Easy

 It has now been about 17 days since my husband went to be with Jesus and had shocked our family to its core.

The tasks at hand-that are the ending of his life here as in taking care of the things he no longer needs; has been probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. In 2005, I lost my precious father when he went to be with Jesus and thought that was indeed the hardest. 

But I never thought it would be harder to deal with the things that I am dealing with now. Because I suppose, my dad had pretty much taken care of his last deeds that would need to be done. And besides that, he had cancer and was given just a short time to live. We had a little more time to consider those things.

With my husband, it came as a surprise. Suddenly and without warning. And because I have always handled most of the things in our household, it falls on me to finish it for him.

Still, I am not alone through this, as hard as it is. My friends and family are helping me and without them, I would die too. And for that, I give thanks to God and a renewed empathy for those that do not have family around them to carry them through the struggles of life.

And when I am alone, like in the early hours of the morning, like right this moment, I am comforted by God himself because he really is the "Lifter of my head." (Psalm 3:3)

Even as the tears run down my face.

And I believe he led me to the following devotion which really speaks to me, right now. Right where I am in this minute.

Bible Love Notes

The Amazing Comfort of Psalm 56:8

When we’re suffering, grieving, dealing with persecution or injustice, we can have confidence in these two truths: 

1. God knows us intimately.

2. God cares for us deeply. 

Two passages that beautifully express this truth:

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:29-31

Knowing that our Lord knows us so well and cares about us so tenderly, our natural response is found in 1 Peter 5:7:

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”


Indeed. Were it not for my friends and family, I would not live myself.
Were it not for my Heavenly Father, I would not be able to get through another moment.
Because they all care for me

Again, thanks for letting me share my pain with you today. But I want you to know that there is a surprise element to this situation. One that only God could have orchrastrated himself. 
I have said it in earlier posts, that he loves to surprise us.
And during this sad time, he did that again.
Why? Because he loves us.
he really is the glory and the lifter of my head.
Even in times such as this.
Come back tomorrow to see what he has and is doing to be the lifter of my head at this sad time.
God Bless You!

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