Monday, December 4, 2023

Know the Difference Part One

 With war still raging in the middle east, many are talking about end time events. Much about the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ is being discussed. The questions are, 1. what are they and 2 are they the same event.

The answer to question no 2 is that no they are not the same. So then what will happen during these events and how do they affect us?

I am not a bible scholar, but I believe the Bible to be God's Word and I trust those that teach from scripture. And so, this week, I will give biblical answers to these questions from those people that are teaching the truth, to help us understand Biblical prophecy.

One of the biggest misconceptions about prophecy is the difference between the Second Coming and the Rapture. The two events are often confused, but they are two different events on God’s prophecy timeline. Let’s break down the two events, then discuss the difference between the two.

What is the rapture?

The term “rapture” doesn’t appear in the appear. The word derives from a Latin phrase meaning “a transport, carrying off, or a snatching away.” The idea of the rapture of the church is discussed in scripture. The church’s rapture is when God takes believers from the earth, so His judgment can be poured over the world during the tribulation period. Its description comes in 1 Corinthians 15:50-54 and 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18.

God will revive His dead believers, give them heavenly bodies and remove them from the earth. He’ll also take His living believers, who will also receive glorified bodies. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says that the Lord will ascend from heaven with a loud command, the trumpet call of God, and the archangel’s voice. The dead will rise first, then the living, and everyone left will come together in the clouds to meet the Lord and be with Him forever. The rapture will instantly transform our bodies to fit us for eternity. 1 John 3:2 reminds us that when Jesus appears, we will be like Him, seeing Him as He is.

The Old Testament doesn’t teach the rapture doctrine, so Paul describes it as a mystery now revealed in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. He says that we won’t sleep but be changed in the twinkling of an eye. The trumpet will sound, the dead will rise, and we’ll be changed. The rapture is God’s way of protecting His people from the tribulation, the seven years of judgment that will pour over the earth. Some argue that the tribulation period will start before the rapture. However, the Bible says that those who believe in Jesus won’t face condemnation. At the end of the seven years, Jesus returns for His second coming. (credit:


This describes what the Rapture is. So, then the next question is What is the Second Coming? Perhaps you know the answer. But many, and especially those that have not been born again, may not know. So we will check that out for tomorrows post. 

Thanks for coming by Friends. May God grant you the peace that only comes from God in these troubled times.

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