Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Forgetting Those Things That Are Behind....

Good Morning Soldiers of Christ! Today's Verse of the day Phillipians 3:13-14. Let's walk together Victorious! AMEN! Jesus Loves You and So Do I! AMEN!🔥. #BibleFor21.
...one thing I do. Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God's heavenly calling in Jesus Christ  Philippians 3:14

The apostle Paul had a real excuse to not want to press on to a higher calling. He had been persecuting the Christian Church. Until that day that he met Jesus, and was converted to Christianity himself. After that, he stopped killing Christians and started preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. But things didn't always become wonderful when he met Jesus. In fact, his life probably got worse. He was beaten, robbed and shipped wrecked from all kinds of people in his travels. 2 Corinthians 11:25

So if anyone had an excuse to get mad at God after they had been saved, it was Paul.

Just because we  become Christians, it does not mean our lives are suddenly going to be wonderful. And yet, sometimes that is what we think. But God does not promise that to us. What does he promise?

In the world, we will have trouble. But he tells us these things so that we will have peace in him, and to take heart because he has already overcome the world. John 16:33.

How was 2018 for you?

Peaceful? Happy? Wonderful?....or was it......

Unsettled? Chaotic? Unhappy?

If it has been a bad year for you, it can get better. Sometimes it depends on our attitudes, Are we grateful to God, giving him thanks for the blessings we do have, like the apostle Paul. Or do we sit around feeling sorry for ourselves, or begrudging the fact that if God really did love us, he would not put us through the troubles we find ourselves in.

The bad things happening in the world or in our own families even does not have to define us as unhappy people, Tomorrow can start us off on a year long search for those things that God wants to teach us. And during the process, we can have the joy of the Lord, which is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10.) Because in the long run, that is really what he wants to give us. His strength to get through whatever it is that we are going through.

Start off the new year right. Spend time learning the things of God. Teaching them to your families. The eternal lessons of life, are more important then anything that comes in whatever is second in our lives. When we get that into our spirits, we can begin to get that peace that only Jesus can fully give. And God will help us find the answers to those things that may be making us unhappy and depressed. He has the answers that we need. We just have to look to him for them.

Have a Happy and Blest beginning to the New Year, Friends.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

How To Have The Peace Of God

Holidays in Greek means Holy day.  Don't leave Christ out of Christmas, after all...it's why we have that day?<><Christmas Day is over. The excitement has settled down. The stress of the holiday season is over. At least for the most part since there is still the New Year that people look forward to as well. And until that is over, the kids are home from school.

What ever you are feeling, whether still stressful or relief, Jesus is not just the reason for the Christmas Season. He is the reason for every season. We can find rest in him for our weary bodies. For our weary minds.

If we bother to sit down and take the time to find it.

Remember the quote, "Wise men still seek him." It is for for every day of the year.
55:6 When we meet with Jesus everyday, we can expect to find him and the rest he promises to us. As a start I give you a couple of those promises to think on for this moment.
Psalm 55:6 | joshtinpowers | Flickr

I said, "Oh that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest." Psalm 55:6

 Come to me all you that are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. My yoke is easy and my burden is light. Mathew 11:28-30.

Night Watch by Nathan Greene | LordsArt
In peace I will lie down and sleep. For you alone Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8

The Lord replied, "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:14

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3
"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world." -John 16:33 Bible Scripture doodle art quote for time of need PINTEREST: @ecclesiastialsewing
I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

Have you ever wished you could have the wings of a dove, or even a butterfly so that you could just fly away and shake the troubles off them? I think most of the human race has felt that way at some time or another.

Well, we don't have the wings of the doves or butterflies. But we have something so much better. We have (or can have) the promises of God that gives us that peace when we trust in him. But to have that, we must know Jesus first. And then, we must learn from him and spend time with him. That is the secret to shaking the troubles of this world off our minds. And how much better is that?

If you don't know Jesus, you can today. You can right now. Just pray this following prayer. It doesn't matter where you are, or what you are doing. God will hear you, if you sincerely want Jesus in your life today.

The Most Important Post You'll Ever Read #Faith #Salvation

God loves you and may his blessing be in your life today and always! Until next time...

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Different Kind of Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Happy Birthday, Jesus.

While we know that December 25th was probably not the real birthday for our Lord, Jesus Christ-we can agree that his birth was unlike any other that was, before or after. He was conceived in the womb of a human woman, by none other then the Holy Spirit. His father Joseph was what we would call today, his step father. They were good people that kept the law and yet, they were people that loved God. Had he been any other kind of man, he would have undoubtedly put Mary to death. Which he could have done, as that was what a man could do if he found out his intended was with another man. 

They could not find a place for her to have the baby, and so Jesus was actually born in a barn. A barn with probably only straw for bedding, and a animals trough for a bed.There were no balloons, streamers, or cake for his birth. Most of those in attendance were the animals whose home he was sleeping in. 

Imagine that. The long awaited King of the Jewish people was born in a barn full of smelly animals. 

The pictures we see, the Christmas Cards we send,  and the living nativity displays shows us not much of what really went on that night. Yes, there is Mary and Joseph, baby Jesus in a manger, and animals standing around looking on. But they don't really tell us that he came to earth and did not  allow himself the grandeur  of what an earthly king really was. And then to grow up to do what he did for the world. Really. What kind of king would do that?

But he did it. He did it all. For you and me. For the world. And even for those that refuse him or just plain don't believe in him. He did it for them too. 

Today as we celebrate Christmas with our dinners, gifts and families, let us remember that had this event not happened, we would not be celebrating it at all. Jesus was born long ago, and he died a violent and cruel death so that all these years later, it could still have an effect on those of us that believe in him and ask him into our lives. 

May your day be blessed as you spend it with your families and friends.

Today Is December 25 days december christmas quotes religious christmas quotes

A Christmas Appeal

As some of you know/remember, we have relocated from our home state, to one that we have only been to for times of vacation when we visit our kids and their families that live here. It has been part out of necessity because we are getting older, but also part of a desire to be around our family. It will be the first Christmas that we will have been able to spend the holidays with them, in quite a few years. Our daughter and son both met their spouses here and ended up marrying them and beginning their lives here.
Add a touch of sweetness to your presents. Who doesn't love indulging in a little extra sugar around the holidays? Adding candy to the top of your gift is an easy and inexpensive upgrade to plain ribbon and bows.
I was up early, as I usually am everyday of the year. And I was putting the finishing touches on the gifts of two grandchildren. (I have 4 here, and actually have 9 total) All of my grandchildren are special to me. However, these two particular ones came to us from a different family in which they eventually ended up in foster care. My son and his wife not being able to have their own, adopted them a year ago. For about a year or so, they have began to see what having real holiday celebrations are like. 

And I am glad that this year, I am able to be a part and share in it with them as well as my daughter and her family too. 

And yet, when I was working on their gifts this morning, my thoughts went to the three grandchildren that I left behind when we moved. If I was still there living there, I would  be doing this kind of thing for them. And I have to say, , it made the tears flow. 

Why? Because, their dad is not speaking to my husband and myself. In fact, he has not spoken to us for at least two years. He (their dad) has cut us off from most of our contact with the boys. And it has been very hard for me because I love them so deeply that is has almost been like a death of someone I love so much that I grieve for them often. I am allowed email contact from them and a occasional video chat. And I can send gifts.

My appeal to any of you that are separated from any of your loved ones is to please forgive them and try to restore your relationships for those that have hurt you, or that you have hurt. 

We all make mistakes. I have made many. More then I have even realized. I guess we hurt people sometimes without even knowing it. And we should be able to say we are sorry if we have.
We choose to forgive because Christ first forgave us.

Jesus was born to save us from our sin. But he also came to set the captives free. When we allow ourselves to be bound up by forgiveness and hate, we are not free. We are allowing ourselves to be held hostage or to hold hostage those people that we have those we have hurt or been hurt by. 

I know. It is not easy. Especially when the other party does not want to have anything to do with us. We can only do so much ourselves. But even when we do what we can do, that can unlock much of the burden that we do have. And in the mean time, we can pray for God to restore our relationships in his time and in his way.  And trust him that he knows best. There may be something that we are to learn from what we have been through. Or for the other  person too. We don't have the big picture, as God does.

My greatest gift I could receive this year, would be a call from my son and his family wishing me a Merry Christmas even if there are no "I am sorry" from my son. Just hearing his voice again would be the ultimate gift and is something that I long for. The tears would flow, but they would be happy ones.

Quotes god forgiveness thoughts 58+ Ideas #quotesPlease. Please. If there is someone in your life that you have not spoken to for whatever reason, please give them a call this Christmas Day. They may be sitting on the other end of their phone, waiting for you. Believe me. I know.

And remember, Christ forgave us first. Do we have the right to withhold it from others?  And yet sadly, sometimes we do.

Tips for a stress free Christmas:

If you have children or just have a big crowd coming over tomorrow, get to bed early. You will probably need it. I hear ya out there, duh. lol)

May God continue to bless you today and always!

Monday, December 23, 2019

Wise Men Still Seek Him

wise men still seek him isaiah 55 6

Their names were Gaspar/Caspar, Melchior and Baltthasar/Balthazar. It is assumed that there were three because of the three gifts that they took to give the baby Jesus.  Gold, incense and myrrh  Mathew 2:11. (An interesting combination of gifts, they were to give to this child. I heard a message from a pastor on a tv program just yesterday, about why these gifts might have been given. Maybe I can try to find more about it and share it with you later this month.)  Anyway,  it has been believed that there were only three kings that visited Jesus and his parents, but the Bible really does not say one way or another.

It is also been said, that the three wise men had visited Jesus in the barn the night of his birth.  However, Mathew 2:11 also says that when they visited him, it was not in a barn, but a house that they went into and there they fell down and worshiped him and opened their treasures and offered them to him.

They had come hundreds of miles from the east to find him. Probably from Persia or modern day Iran. (interesting huh, with all that goes on in that country yet today). They were directed by what they called "his star"  (Mathew 2:2), the "Star of Bethlehem."

Herod had told them that when they found the child, they were to tell him where he was, so that he could worship him too. However, Herod did not want to worship Jesus. He believed that Jesus meant to overthrow Herod's own government and he could not let that happen. And so, his evil plan was to kill the Christ child  but God had other plans. He warned them not to go back to Herod, and so they left Judea and went another route.

Herod's plan had been  thwarted by the Almighty whose plans were not to be interrupted by the likes of an evil king or even the devil himself. The baby Jesus would grow up to accomplish what his Father sent him to do. He died on the cross for your sins and mine, and rose from the grave that was meant to hold him. But praise our God, it couldn't and because the wise men-however many there were-obeyed God and disobeyed Herod, the baby Jesus grew up to become a Savior to you and me.

We don't have to be wise. We don't have to be kings. We don't have to be rich, famous or special. All we have to do is seek him, and that makes us wise as those men that traveled hundreds of miles to worship God's Son.

Tips for a stress free Christmas

Enlist the help of your family and don't try to "do it all'  yourself. Make things fun. For Thanksgiving this year, my 12 year old granddaughter helped by making each one a name sign and put them where each person would sit. I made sure she knew I had noticed as well and told her how pretty they were. She was happy that I took the time to recognize her work.

Hello Friends. Well, Christmas morning will soon be here. I pray that you are getting to that time as stress free as possible. God bless!
May God Bless Our Country, Homes And Families During This Christmas Season Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Glory to God in the highest.....

15 Best Christmas Eve Poem – Poem For Christmas Eve
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to son-ship.  Galatians 4:4-5

Luke 2 10-11
An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were afraid. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people. Today in the city of David, a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:9-11

Christian Christmas poems - Religious poetry and prayers honoring Jesus and true meaning of Christmas. For greeting cards and church events.

This will be a sign unto you: you will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Luke 2:12

Suddenly a great company of heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, good will to men." Luke 2:13-14

And that my Friends is the real........


reason for the season!

May God bless you this day!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Kicking Jesus Out and Calling it Xmas

For Christians all over the world, we are in a season of rejoicing over the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to us as a gift from God to save us from our sin.
The Holiday Aisle "Jesus Is the Reason for the Season" Christmas Sign/Banner
Sadly, for too many people, it has nothing to do with Jesus. Instead, it has become just a "holiday." A day to take off work, to indulge in going into debt to give gifts. Sometimes gifts we can't even afford to give. 

The stores that we spend our money in, light up way to early-some before Halloween even to attract us into buying into the Christmas Season for the benefit of spending our money to boost their profits.

"Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday" are there to begin us thinking and buying into the "holidays." To entice us to spend, spend and spend some more for the best deals that we can find.

And in the mean time, many businesses close down for "holidays" rather then to give us a day to celebrate the "birth of Christ."  Schools give our kids time off for winter break, instead of calling it what it should be called. 

Why is this? 

Because we have kicked Jesus out of the real reason for celebrating his birth.

We ask questions like "Where was Jesus when officer Joseph Seals was gunned down on December 10 in Jersey City, New Jersey? Or if there is a God, why does he let all the violence go on in this world? Why all the school shootings, parents that kill their children and domestic abuse?

We surmise that because all of this goes on daily, there must not be a God. And who wants to be under the authority of a supreme being anyway? We want to do our own thing. Be our own boss. There is no baby come to earth to grow up and die for our sins. Or even if there is, who wants to serve someone that lets all this evil to exist? 

So we have taken him out of our homes. Out of our schools. Out of our businesses. 

Out of our celebrations. 

Might as well just call it it as it has become. Xmas. Right?

Well, I don't know about you, but it is not Xmas to me. This time of year is celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ who was born in the most lowly of ways, so that the sins of all the human race can be forgiven. 

Don't get me wrong. I am not against giving gifts, decorating for Christmas, or singing carols. Not at all.

What I find sad, is that we sometimes put all of that ahead of why we should be celebrating the day. And worse yet, for kicking Jesus out of it at all. 

Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

I don't know how the saying JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON, got coined. But in fact, it did. And it is the truth. Let us not forget it this year but while we are buying those gifts, and putting up our decorations, to not just have Jesus in the back of our minds (or not at all) but to be ever mindful indeed that He is the reason for the season!

Moose Stuffed Animal Christmas Moose Deer Stuffed Animal Toys Reindeer Decorations by Magical Imaginary

Tips for making Christmas Stress free

Don't overspend. I know I have a problem with that. I had come to the conclusion that I had finished my shopping a couple weeks ago. And yet, one evening a few days later I went shopping for some items that were unrelated to Christmas, that I needed. So I went down the candy aisle that trip where all the Christmas goodies were and ran across these real cute little stuffed animals that held little candy canes. I have two grandchildren that live nearby that I thought of when I saw them, and I thought they would make such nice little toppers for a gift for them. They were only $3 each, so of course I had to buy them. And I did. It wasn't going to break the bank. And these children are adopted and had come from a background where they did not have nice holidays of any kind, so it wasn't going to hurt to make them happy. The problem is that if I don't watch it, that kind of thinking could get out of hand, and could break my bank. So it is where I have stopped. So far anyway. lol. Anyway, it is a given, that we want to give nice gifts to those we love. But it is wise to set a budget and stick to it so that we aren't overdoing it and charging our credit cards with what we can't afford. 

All of this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet. The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and you shall call him Jesus, because he will save the people from their sins. Mathew 1:22-23

God bless you as you go forth today in your celebrations of the Birth of our Savior Christ Jesus

christmas greeting messages #christmas #greeting #messages

Friday, December 20, 2019

A Supranational and Unusual Request

São José - Oração, imagens, ícones, fotos, pinturas, vitrais

Sometimes, God will ask us to do something we don't necessarily want to do. We may argue, bargin, or even get down right angry with God.

 Perhaps we will even refuse something that God wants us to do for him.

But think about it. What if Joseph would have done any of those things when the angel went to him in a dream to tell him that the girl that would be married to him, was going to have a baby?

Would he have bargained with God to not put him through this? Would he have tried to argue way out of it? Would he have gotten angry with God for this situation because not only would Mary be embarrassed, but he would be too.

And then why did he not have had her stoned? Because, he could have.

He didn't have her stoned because he was an honorable man, and so he did not report her pregnancy. And the angel had told him how it was that he and Mary happened to be in this unusual predicament.

But did Joseph have a secret problem with her pregnancy or did he just take it that God knew what he was doing and he wanted to be obedient to him?

Maybe at first he did, because he had actually considered putting her away.(Mathew 1:18) However, after the angel had given him the news, Joseph did has God wanted him to do. He married Mary. No arguing. No bargaining. No anger. Just plain obedience.

When Jesus was born, Joseph raised him as his son. Just like he did the children he and Mary had later. God had indeed chosen the perfect parents to bring Jesus up even though they, being human themselves, were imperfect.

What if Joseph had not obeyed God? What if he had had Mary stoned? What if he had simply just broken up their engagement and claimed not to have had any relations with her. Because, he hadn't.

Of course, it wouldn't have happened those ways or any other then what it did. God did know what he was doing. He was asking Joseph to trust in him to participate in a most supernatural and unusual request
What about us? What do we do when God asks us to do something? Do we argue? Bargain?  Get angry?

Do we refuse?

God sees our own lives in full. He knows who is going to be obedient to him. He knows who will not. But when he asks us do something, he has reasons for it. Maybe we don't even know why he is asking something. But when he asks us to do something for him, as with Joseph, we must trust him. We must obey him.

And we do know one thing if nothing else. If we don't do what he asks, he will ask someone that will. Because, no matter what. He will get done whatever he wills. With or without us,

He was with God in the beginning. John 1:2

Hello Friends. I am sorry that I have not been around for several days. I am back to continue on with what I know God is asking of me.

Tips for a stress free Christmas.

Sometimes we are at a real loss at what what kind of gift to get someone that has about everything. Maybe instead of a gift wrapped in paper, you would consider a special outing to take a person on. Recently my daughter and her husband took us to EPCOT as their gift to us this year. Now I know that something like that is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it.
You might consider some other outing. A special Christmas movie at a theater, a trip to a Christmas festival, or you might consider volunteering with someone in a soup kitchen, as a way of giving a gift to others in their honor. Christmas gifts do not have to come wrapped up in pretty paper and bows. They should surely come from the heart. Just as God's gift to us came as a baby that grew up to take our sins away, His gift came from His heart. We can follow His example and give from our own.

Til next time, God bless you and yours today!

Because of Love, Box of 12 Christmas Cards (KJV)

Friday, December 6, 2019

A Christmas Tree and A Cross

New quotes christian christmas jesus Ideas #quotes
Isn't it ironic that while we celebrate the birth of Christ this month, that we bring a Christmas tree into our homes and decorate it with beautiful ornaments. And we put pretty packages filled with things we want to give others, underneath them.

 And yet, the birth of the baby whose birth we celebrate grew up to hang on a tree for our sins. How ugly it was, that he was killed in such a gruesome way, with his life's blood running down the cross.

His friends and family may have gathered underneath watching him die.Or perhaps near by.  Not understanding why fully. It was truly a sad day for them. No wrapped gifts under that tree.

There was surely nothing pretty about it if we look at that aspect of it. But, when we reflect on why he did it, it becomes something that is beautiful. He gave us a gift, not wrapped up with pretty bows, but something more meaningful to be sure. Something that would never die. Something whereby we could live forever.

Without ChristWhy do I put the two of those together. The birth and the death of Jesus Christ, during this month? Because we can't have one without the other. And more importantly then those really, is the fact, that death did not hold him. These three events all go together whenever we think on Jesus and why he came to earth as a babe in a manger in a barn. And that is what is beautiful, during the Christmas and Easter Seasons of our celebrations.

And so while you are enjoying this season, decorating your tree and putting gifts under it for your loved ones, remember the tree that held Jesus with the nails in his hands, and be ever thankful that he was willing to do that for you and me. Because... he didn't have to.

Tips for a stress free Christmas

Hey Mom and Dad, do you run yourself ragged during the holidays, trying to get too much done, too many places to take the kids?

The tip for today, is just to slow down a bit. Don't try to cram a lot of things into the season. Pick out some of the things you really want to do, and plan them out. There is always next year to get to the ones that you don't do this year.

Other then that, pray, pray, pray. It helps to keep your mind on heavenly things, while you are participating in earthly activities.

December 6, 2019  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1

Thanks for stopping by today Friends. I hope your Christmas Season has been blessed so far. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good! Until next time....take care!

30 Ideas Quotes Christmas Christian Christ #quotes

Thursday, December 5, 2019

No Defense

Isaiah 53:7 | by joshtinpowersIn my last post, I referenced the story of the birth of the Lamb of God, with the nursery rhyme. Of course, we know that there is no comparison of the two. But for some reason, that rhyme had come to my mind that day, and it wasn't just about what I wrote about that day. I had some other thoughts about it as well.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as sheep brought before her is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. Isaiah 53:7.

If you know anything about lambs and sheep, they are pretty dumb animals so I am told. I never had much experience with them myself, although we did have a couple 4-H sheep one year that our son's took care of. But we had a neighbor that had sheep and he told us that if a wolf finds sheep in a field, it will attack them and the sheep don't even know to run away. They will let the wolf kill them.

When Jesus was led away by the Roman Soldiers, he did not fight back. He knew what they had come to do, and he let them take him and finally nail him to the cross without defending himself.

If ever there was a Christmas gift for humanity, this would be it. Jesus didn't have a lawyer. He didn't defend himself. He laid down his life for you and me.

Listening to a preacher on tv last evening, he said that Jesus, born in a barn with only the dirty smelly animals there as witnesses, he was glad that that baby made it possible for all these years later, for him to be where he is today. ( not an exact quote}

God gave us a gift, Jesus carried out his father's will, and because of the love of both, we can be thankful that we are where we are today.

Because you know what? Not everyone can say that. How sad that many reject the gift that God has given us. I don't know about you, but I am thankful that the baby Jesus was born in that barn, with the dirty smelly animals as witness, so that all these thousands of years later, I am where I am. What a gift is that?
Christmas can be a very stressful time of year but it does not have to be. There are tons of things you can do right now to ensure you have a stress free Christmas. Learn everything you can do in the fall months to help you have a holiday free from stress #stressfreechristmas #prepforchristmas #planforchristmas #christmas2019

Tips for working towards a stress free Christmas Season. (hopefully)
1. First and foremost in our attempts to be stress free at this time of year, is to get up every morning before others get up, and meet with God. Thank him for what he has done for you, and for what he is going to do for you. Tell him what you need and pray for others. And ask him to give you a good day and get you through the stress of whatever it might be bringing that day. If you give God the first part of your day, he will bless you because he really does want to have a relationship with you.

2. Have you ever had a good belly laugh? Sometimes those comes at a time that we are going through a very stressful situation. I have found when it happens, it is hard to stop laughing. Stress can build up so much that it needs to be released and what a great way to let it go. 
So my suggestion is that no matter what you are going through, find something funny to laugh at each day. Even if you have to keep a book of jokes to lay by your bedside to get that laugh at the end of the day. And when you find something funny, be sure to share it with someone else. Try it and it will be another way to ward off the feelings that can mount up during this time.

December 5, 2019 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Have a wonderful evening and God's blessing on you and yours!

Because of Love, Box of 12 Christmas Cards (KJV)

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Can We Have A Stress Free Christmas Season?

Can Christmas be streefree?

Hand Painted Wood Sign Size: 21x26 Sign Comes With Hook To Hang (You Attach) All Orders Have A 2 Week Production Time Copyright JaxnBlvd 2016

If someone had asked me that some 30 years ago, (has it really been that long?) when my four children were all eleven years old, I probably would have laughed at the idea. Just day to day living was tough, let alone holidays. And money was certainly stretched, as far as each penny could be.

While times are not as much like that for us anymore, I know that that is still a fact for many families in today's world. So starting tomorrow, (December 5th)  and for the next few days along with a short devotional/story/fun fact (all about Christmas)  I will give you a tip on how you can make your celebrations more stress free. I hope you will join me.

Until then, may your day be blessed!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Mary Had A Little Lamb....

John 1:29  The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.~
Mary had a little lamb, his fleece was white as snow, 
and every where that Mary went, that lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day, which was against the rules
 It made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb at school

And so the teacher turned it out, but still it lingered near.
And waited patiently about, til Mary did appear. 

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" 
 the eager children cry. 

 "Why Mary loves the lamb you know,"
the teacher did reply

Indeed, this sweet little nursery rhyme was taken after a true story behind it's writing. But, there is another story of Mary having a little lamb many many years ago. And it is that story we will be talking about for the month of December. 

The birth of this child was foretold in the book of Isaiah. In chapter 7, and verse 14 to be exact. His name would be Jesus and he would grow up to be a lamb. In fact, he would be the Lamb of God., And his birth was told in the gospels of Mathew and Luke. 

But lets go back to that nursery rhyme and make some comparisons for a few moments, shall we?

First, the lamb in the rhyme was an animal. Now that is not to put lambs down at all. In the Old Testament, they had a purpose out side the fact that fed and clothed people. Some of the very best lambs were used for a sacrifice to God, for the forgiveness of sin. It was a requirement of God because his Son, the future Lamb of God, had not come to earth yet.

Did Jesus Have a Miraculous Birth? – Jimmy Akin

The Lamb of God came to this earth with a purpose all his own.

His story is well known in the gospels. He was born to a virgin, also named Mary and although  was expected to come to earth as of King, he was born in a barn. His guests attending his birth that night, were the animals that resided there. 

He would grow up as a sinless but a sin sacrifice for the human race. Your sins and mine. And all those that were before and will come after us, until he comes back to take his rightful throne on earth as King. 

In the rhyme, Mary's lamb followed her to school. Why? Because she loved him and he no doubt wanted to be with her.

During his ministry on earth, Jesus had many followers. Many were just curious, but many loved him, and wanted to learn from and be with him.

The Good ShepardBut just as he told his disciples one day about how a Shepard will go out from his flock to find one lost sheep, our Shepard searches for us. He draws the hearts of man, because he is not willing even one lost soul to be lost.

In the rhyme, the teacher turned him out. Isn't that just like humanity today?  Isn't that just like us at times? We don't want to obey him. We just want to do our own thing. We reject him. We turn him out. Some turn him out forever.

But just as Mary's lamb in the nursery rhyme, Mary's lamb of the bible, the Lamb of God, patiently waits for us to come to him.

The Lord is my ShepardWhy? Because just as in the nursery rhyme, he loves us and he wants us to love him. He wants to be with us. But that rhyme has an ending. The Lamb of God doesn't. And he is still waiting for us. Everyday he waits for those that have not answered his call on their hearts. He waits patiently because he loves us.

As we go forward in this month that we celebrate his birth, among all the man-made rituals and traditions that we follow, may we first follow the Lamb that came to Mary on that night and grew up to save the world.

December 2, 2019 And she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name Jesus; for he shall save the people from their sins.

Thanks for coming today Friends. Until tomorrow, God bless you!

Christmas Greetings for FB Facebook and LinkedIn #holiday #christmas #wish #greeting #merrychristmas #religious

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving Day Gone For Another Year

A chicken in a red dutch oven with thyme sprigs and gravy

Another Thanksgiving Day is gone and Christmas celebrations have already begun. On the way home from my son's home that evening, there were homes with lights decorating them along the way. I made the comment to my daughter, that it just isn't right that the weather was warm here in the south as people began to decorate their home for Christmas. We are originally from Ohio and it is cold up there already. 

Anyway, back to thanksgiving, since this is the last day of November, I wasn't quite ready to move ahead with the things I will be posting for December, so I thought I would end the month with a few funny and or truths about Thanksgiving. 
Funny 'Thanksgiving Memes' Jokes, Pictures, Images & Turkey Meme | Happy Thanksgiving

These guys are lucky or maybe blessed, that this guy can't see them~

“I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.”– Erma Bombeck

I know that a lot of people hosting dinner this year would have liked to use this gals idea about what to stuff her bird with. However, I do'n't think it would be a good idea, at all!

“Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving.”

– Amy Grant

The Flying McCoys Comic Strip, November 25, 2015     on GoComics.com

This poor guy is getting a hair (head) cut for his holiday. 

 “God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don’t have now, we don’t need now.” –Elizabeth Elliot

Turkey can't find any of his 500 turkey friends on Facebook all Thanksgiving Day - turkey humor

\Where did they all go?

“No matter what our circumstances, we can find a reason to be thankful.” –Dr. David Jeremiah

Turkey Black Friday | SydesJokes | Flickr

For all of you that loves Black Friday, I couldn't leave this one out.

For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many rebound to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15

I pray God's blessing on your life for the remainder of this year and as we begin a new year in January. God is really all we need. When we have him, we have everything. God bless!

All i ask is for God to bless you and your family. And I know He will bless you if you just believe. #blessing #faith #biblequotes #inspirationalquotes #spiritualquotes #amen

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Thanksgiving Day Wish

By James T. Atkins  

I could list the gifts I'm thankful for and write until next week.
My health, my eyes, my darling wife, granddaughter's rosy cheeks.

Treasured friends, that If I called, would say, "I'm on my way."
A precious mother, that lucky me, turns eighty-one today.

Children I'm so proud of, sisters that make me smile,
little ones that call me Pops; my list could reach for miles.

A soldier in some foreign place, assuring liberty for me,
a sunny sky, a frosty morn, a blue-green shimmering sea.

I'm thankful that in this land I love, we're free to disagree,
where we aspire to so much more than mediocrity.

I keep this mental list of gifts and add to it each day,
like God's unique and precious love, whose patience never sways.

A similar list, I know you have, so think on that awhile,
and be thankful, friends, that everyday our gifts outweigh our trials.

And to that friends, I add that I pray that this Thanksgiving Day, blessings will be rained upon you over and over as the day goes forward. We thank God for all he has done for us this year and all he will be doing for us in next one! Until next time....Happy Thanksgiving! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Thanksgiving In Our Hearts

Thanksgiving Blessings Message And Quotes

At this time of the year, we especially want to thank God for all his blessings that he has given us through out the year. And so today, I want to give you some scripture that  speaks to us about being thankful.

Enter His gates with Thanksgiving; Go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and Praise His name, for the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever and His faithfulness continues to each generation. Psalm 100: 4-5  Click to download this FREE print!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise, be thankful to him and bless his name. For the Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting and his truth endures to all generations.Psalm 100:4-5

Jonah 2:9

But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pray that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord. Jonah 2:9

Scripture Art Psalm 107:1 Fall leaves give thanks | Etsy

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107: 1

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is the will of Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Colossians 3:17 (NIV) - And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

Colossians 3:15

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2

As we approach the day of dinner with our friends and family, may we never forget that had it not been for Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the cross, we could never enjoy this day in its fullness. God bless.

10 Daily Blessings That Will Inspire Your Life

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...