Happy Birthday Jesus!

While we know that December 25th was probably not the real birthday for our Lord, Jesus Christ-we can agree that his birth was unlike any other that was, before or after. He was conceived in the womb of a human woman, by none other then the Holy Spirit. His father Joseph was what we would call today, his step father. They were good people that kept the law and yet, they were people that loved God. Had he been any other kind of man, he would have undoubtedly put Mary to death. Which he could have done, as that was what a man could do if he found out his intended was with another man.
They could not find a place for her to have the baby, and so Jesus was actually born in a barn. A barn with probably only straw for bedding, and a animals trough for a bed.There were no balloons, streamers, or cake for his birth. Most of those in attendance were the animals whose home he was sleeping in.
Imagine that. The long awaited King of the Jewish people was born in a barn full of smelly animals.
The pictures we see, the Christmas Cards we send, and the living nativity displays shows us not much of what really went on that night. Yes, there is Mary and Joseph, baby Jesus in a manger, and animals standing around looking on. But they don't really tell us that he came to earth and did not allow himself the grandeur of what an earthly king really was. And then to grow up to do what he did for the world. Really. What kind of king would do that?
But he did it. He did it all. For you and me. For the world. And even for those that refuse him or just plain don't believe in him. He did it for them too.
Today as we celebrate Christmas with our dinners, gifts and families, let us remember that had this event not happened, we would not be celebrating it at all. Jesus was born long ago, and he died a violent and cruel death so that all these years later, it could still have an effect on those of us that believe in him and ask him into our lives.
May your day be blessed as you spend it with your families and friends.

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