Saturday, December 21, 2019

Kicking Jesus Out and Calling it Xmas

For Christians all over the world, we are in a season of rejoicing over the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to us as a gift from God to save us from our sin.
The Holiday Aisle "Jesus Is the Reason for the Season" Christmas Sign/Banner
Sadly, for too many people, it has nothing to do with Jesus. Instead, it has become just a "holiday." A day to take off work, to indulge in going into debt to give gifts. Sometimes gifts we can't even afford to give. 

The stores that we spend our money in, light up way to early-some before Halloween even to attract us into buying into the Christmas Season for the benefit of spending our money to boost their profits.

"Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday" are there to begin us thinking and buying into the "holidays." To entice us to spend, spend and spend some more for the best deals that we can find.

And in the mean time, many businesses close down for "holidays" rather then to give us a day to celebrate the "birth of Christ."  Schools give our kids time off for winter break, instead of calling it what it should be called. 

Why is this? 

Because we have kicked Jesus out of the real reason for celebrating his birth.

We ask questions like "Where was Jesus when officer Joseph Seals was gunned down on December 10 in Jersey City, New Jersey? Or if there is a God, why does he let all the violence go on in this world? Why all the school shootings, parents that kill their children and domestic abuse?

We surmise that because all of this goes on daily, there must not be a God. And who wants to be under the authority of a supreme being anyway? We want to do our own thing. Be our own boss. There is no baby come to earth to grow up and die for our sins. Or even if there is, who wants to serve someone that lets all this evil to exist? 

So we have taken him out of our homes. Out of our schools. Out of our businesses. 

Out of our celebrations. 

Might as well just call it it as it has become. Xmas. Right?

Well, I don't know about you, but it is not Xmas to me. This time of year is celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ who was born in the most lowly of ways, so that the sins of all the human race can be forgiven. 

Don't get me wrong. I am not against giving gifts, decorating for Christmas, or singing carols. Not at all.

What I find sad, is that we sometimes put all of that ahead of why we should be celebrating the day. And worse yet, for kicking Jesus out of it at all. 

Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

I don't know how the saying JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON, got coined. But in fact, it did. And it is the truth. Let us not forget it this year but while we are buying those gifts, and putting up our decorations, to not just have Jesus in the back of our minds (or not at all) but to be ever mindful indeed that He is the reason for the season!

Moose Stuffed Animal Christmas Moose Deer Stuffed Animal Toys Reindeer Decorations by Magical Imaginary

Tips for making Christmas Stress free

Don't overspend. I know I have a problem with that. I had come to the conclusion that I had finished my shopping a couple weeks ago. And yet, one evening a few days later I went shopping for some items that were unrelated to Christmas, that I needed. So I went down the candy aisle that trip where all the Christmas goodies were and ran across these real cute little stuffed animals that held little candy canes. I have two grandchildren that live nearby that I thought of when I saw them, and I thought they would make such nice little toppers for a gift for them. They were only $3 each, so of course I had to buy them. And I did. It wasn't going to break the bank. And these children are adopted and had come from a background where they did not have nice holidays of any kind, so it wasn't going to hurt to make them happy. The problem is that if I don't watch it, that kind of thinking could get out of hand, and could break my bank. So it is where I have stopped. So far anyway. lol. Anyway, it is a given, that we want to give nice gifts to those we love. But it is wise to set a budget and stick to it so that we aren't overdoing it and charging our credit cards with what we can't afford. 

All of this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet. The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and you shall call him Jesus, because he will save the people from their sins. Mathew 1:22-23

God bless you as you go forth today in your celebrations of the Birth of our Savior Christ Jesus

christmas greeting messages #christmas #greeting #messages

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James 1:9-11

  9  Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: 10  But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the gra...