Worrying is really not having faith in God that he is going to or can take care of our situations. He wants us to bring all of our concerns to him, because he loves us. 1 Peter 5:7
When we do that, worry that is-we are trusting in ourselves. Instead of saying, "God I know you have got this, and I put my trust in you to handle it for me...." We might as well be saying, "Lord, you can't handle this and so I might as well just worry."
I read a quote on another site about worry and thought I would share it with you.
"Worry is like a good rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere."
And how true that is. It doesn't get us where we want to go. It gets us nothing but anxiety and depression because we can't get our problems solved. And we know where that can lead us.
But amidst the worries of everyday living-the stack of unpaid bills on the table, the rebellious teenager, the sickness that is invading our family-not to mention the downright craziness that goes on in the world, can we really do that? Can we really trust God to take care of us?
Well, I ask you, what other choice do we really have?
The answer goes back to that good old afore mentioned "rocking chair." No where, except where we don't want to go.
Trusting God seems like a hard thing to do at times. And yet many scriptures calls us to do just that. And furthermore, to do it with patience and hope and prayer.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
When we can do those things, we can ward off the worry and find the escape route in which to break free of the devils tools to keep us inside that barbed wire fence that wants to keep us from what God wants for us.
Easy? Not usually? Doable? Yes, or God would not ask it of us. But in asking us to hope, be patient, and trust in him, he doesn't ask us to do it alone. He is right there with us.
Hello Friends. I pray for you today to have the peace that only God can give you. He is all together lovely. Altogether worthy. Altogether wonderful. And he is there just for you! God bless.

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