Agoraphobia: a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might make you panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed.
Have you ever suffered from a problem such as this? I can't say I have but I know it exists in some people. It can be so bad that it is debilitating. The person might not even be able to go outside their home, because they don't feel safe in doing so.
It has to be just an awful way to live. To be so out of control in your life, that you can't go anywhere.
We know that fear is not of God. It comes from the devil. He wants to catch us in that barbed wire fence and keep us locked up in it.Jabbing us with his spikes, every minute of every day. If he can do that, what good are we as Christians. We cannot carry the gospel of Christ to those that need it.
One way of getting free is to mediate on God's Word. There are so many verses that reminds us that God loves us. That he helps us.That he delivers us. And that we can trust him.
In the mean time, this condition is far to serious to not get medical treatment for those that suffer with it. Help can be tricky because the person has to confront their fear. But it can be done. Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37) and because it isn't impossible for God to heal, through prayer and treatment, nothing is impossible for us.
For more information on agoraphobia follow this link:
For scripture to meditate on when going through a time of any kind of fear, follow this link:
Thanks for coming today Friends. May God's richest blessing rest on your today!

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