The Ferris Wheel and a Dream
(True Story)
The young woman's life was not going well. She was having marital problems and was raising a family. There were financial problems among others as well. And yet, God had become very real to her and she was studying his word and trying as hard as she knew how, to become more like him. Hard as that seemed at the time.
As a young girl and going forth, she loved riding a Ferris Wheel when ever she could. That had never changed in her life, even as an adult. She loved riding as the wheel would slowly take her to the top. And there she could look down on everything below. The crowds of people. The lights. Everything. It was amazing to sit for just a few seconds and enjoy it.
But going down was another story for her. As it started, the wheel would begin to pick up speed and she would begin to feel a bit panicked. In fact, about half of the way, she would feel like jumping out
of her seat so that she could get the ride over with before it crashed to the ground.
Of course, it never crashed. At least when ever she rode on one. But it was just that feeling of fear that would take over her, in those few moments before relief would take over and she was safely on the ground again. She never got over it. It happened every time she rode on one.
Later in her thirties though, Ferris Wheels and other rides had taken a back seat to rasising a family and going through the struggles she had been facing since her early twenties. Still, she had made her way back to the Lord after some unsuccessful attempts at going her own way, without him. And she was clinging desperately to him as she read his word and tried hard to become more like him. Even though, it didn't seem like things around there were changing like she had hoped they would as she drew closer to him.
But one night she had a dream. She saw herself in that dream peacefully riding high up in a Ferris wheel, sitting at the top, and then coming down and feeling that same feeling of wanting to jump out before she might crash at the bottom. It was familiar to her but when she woke, what could it mean, if anything?
She felt like God was trying to speak to her using it, and so praying, she asked him to tell her. And he did.
Instantly, she knew what it meant. As she was going up, it meant the things in her life had been good for awhile. She had even been happy, on top of the world as she went out on her own in her late teens and then met her husband to be. But then not long after her marriage, she started having marriage problems, and then children started coming which although she wanted them and loved them, they compounded the problem through no fault of their own but then the money problems began to show up due to the demands of raising them.
Coming down from being on top of the world in the dream, she had begun to panic and she was scared. She was trying hard to stay in her seat so as not to jump out and get to the bottom safely. She was trying hard to do what God had wanted her to do by giving everything over to him and know without a doubt, that he was in control.
At the bottom of the Ferris wheel, she was relieved, as it came to its stop, And God had gotten her through, like his word had been telling her.
God had showed her in a dream,something that she could understand about her life as it was at that point. She knew him. She was trying to learn his word and be the kind of Christian he wanted her to be even through everything she was going through at the time. She just needed to understand and realize too that someday, she would get to the end and it would all be over because of him. All the problems, and struggles would be gone. The Ferris wheel would finally stop.
What a relief.
Things were not instantly better for her. She still struggled. In fact, most of her life she has struggled in one way or another. But, those immediate situations. Some of them did come to an end a bit sooner rather then later.. Later her children left home, one after another-giving her the joy of having some wonderful grandchildren. The money situation got better and in later years, it has gotten more freed up so that she could do more with it and not be so strapped down..Other problems such as health etc would take their place. But putting it all into perspective, generally, life has been better. And those things that she still tends to struggle with? They will hit the bottom and the ride will be over once and for all.
How do I know? Because this is my own story. The Ferris wheel. The dream. And most importantly...
Because of God
I often think back to those days and that dream. Because it had been so real to me and unforgettable. The things that he has brought me through. The things that God has taught me and continue to each me. Where I am today, rather then where I was then. Where I am going now as opposed to back then.
He is all we need, Friends. Because with him, nothing is impossible. And when he promises us something, he will bring it to pass. In his own time. In his own way. And sometime when we least expect it.
Thanks for coming today. I hope you have a blessed day because as we know, he made it for us.
Till next time.....