This past year has been a different kind of year for my husband and me. We had moved from our home state to a southern state in 2019 and for a while felt completely out of our element. For some time we lived on our daughter's property while our home up north had been put up for sale, and went all the kind of things it takes to buy another property. Like finding a home that we could afford that fit our needs. That was not easy. We looked at many places during that time. There were times I wondered if we would ever find a place. And I must admit, times that I had serious talks with God about it.
Finally, in the first months of 2021, we found the home that was to become ours. And with the help of our kids, we moved in and eventually got settled. And life has slowed down for us in some ways.
Along with getting settled and becoming a part of our new surroundings, there have been good things and not-so-good things.
Not only family problems and situations but what is going on outside our home, in the government...crazy stuff that we wonder what God is doing up there, letting these kinds of things happen.
And yet being happy to at last be in our own home and being able to have cookouts and celebrate birthdays and holidays within our extended family unit. (We have 2 adult children and their families close by)
So it's been a mix of the good and the not-so-good that make up this past year.
But now, it's almost time to close the door on this year and it makes me ask myself, "In 2022, what will God want for me?"
We don't know what the new year will bring. Certainly, more heartache in world events. People robbing businesses. Kids killing people. Parents killing kids.
The prices of everything going up. The people in government wanting to take away our God-given rights. Those things that so many of us have had and known all through our lives.
Death and destruction are everywhere it seems. Why God? Why aren't you doing anything to stop all the evil in the world?
At least for as long as Jesus does not return and at the time he does, all evil will cease.
But until that happens....
What will God want for me? I can't put my faith in a government that intends to turn the good things of life into taking away the very things that God has given me.
I ran across this passage in the bible this morning:
And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. Luke 17:5
God doesn't want us to put our faith in the government. He said there will be troubled times. And it's through these times, we want him to increase our faith in him, no matter what is going on. Inside or outside of our families, situations, and government.
He wants to increase our faith. Faith that will get us to where he wants us to be.
What does God want for me in 2022. To be in his Word that gives me life. That gives me joy. That gives me peace. That no man or government can steal away from me. No matter what else they take.
Faith to believe in him, even when I don't understand.
So I am asking God today....
Lord, increase my faith.
Thanks for coming by, Friends. God bless!