Harold Camping's beliefs about the end of the world (continued)
Harold Camping, during his life ( for 50 years) was the host of a talk radio program called, Family Talk where listeners could call in and ask questions concerning the Bible.
In this video of Harold Camping's prediction of the world (Wheats and Tares, Amazon Prime) he says that concerning spiritual things, there are people that don't know the things of God, because they need to be able to see and hear spiritually but God has to open our eyes and hear first so that we can understand the things he wants us to know. And he doesn't do that for just anyone.
While I myself believes that to be true, he definitely wasn't hearing God right on the subject of the world ending. What? He didn't have his glasses on during that time or his hearing aide in? Speaking spiritually, of course.
During the video, some of the people that believed, and didn't believe his prediction, gave their thoughts of the situation.
This included the pregnant woman who had spent her savings. A son who was worried for his family that they might commit suicide if they weren't taken to heaven, and I believe his mother that had quit her job because she didn't think she would be here once Jesus came back.
Camping had stated that all churches have their own set of doctrines that don't agree, and how can that be if they all are reading out of the same bible? He says it is because they don't study the bible enough.
The problem with that statement is that a lot of religions have their own bible (even those that claim to be Born Again denominations) which some differ or have changed their scripture, so while it can mean that some just don't study enough, that is not the only thing that answers how "that can be."
And so, how can it be that Camping believed that the world would end on that date, and was able to persuade many, many people, only for it to not be so? Was his spiritual eyes and ears not working, or what? And not only his, but all those that followed him. Maybe they all should have been paying more attention to what the Bible actually said. And asking God for His wisdom. Not anyone eles's.
They might have saved themselves from quitting jobs, spending their money, and had family members that worried for their very lives, had they realized he was wrong. Or at least questioned it.
I am not saying these things may not come to pass at some point. Maybe sooner than we think. Maybe not until later. Christs return has been predicted since bible days. And yet, they say we are now living in the end times. The disciples thought it was going to happen in their time.
The thing that is important is that no matter when Jesus does come, we are called to be ready because along with not knowing the date or hour comes this scripture:
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:52