Monday, February 22, 2021

No One Knows! (Part one)

  I like to watch documentaries about so called prophecies about the end of the world and cults. Why? Well, when I had said this to a friend one time, she pretty much jumped on me and said that God doesn't want us to have anything to do with witchcraft. She was and still is a fairly new Christian and so I explained that I did not mean witchcraft, though, I believe we need to know about those to)  but instead I wanted to know about false prophets and what they are teaching because I want to know what is out there. So I can know what to avoid. How do you know, if you don't learn and how can you avoid if you don't listen? If you don't find out they are preaching?

Having said that, last evening I looked through some of the  videos  on cults that Amazon Prime offers and found some updated ones, and a couple that I had never heard of. Such as one on Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, and the one I hadn't heard of: Wheats and Tares.

I was most interested in that one because it is a prophesy by about a  "pastor" (by the name of  Harold Camping) that claimed  that the end of the world was going to be May 21, 2011, when Jesus would be coming back.

Evidentially, he came up with that date because of some code or dates that he used to figure it out by the bible. Umm, I wonder how people can do that, (make prophecies based on any kind of code) when Mark 13:32 clearly states, "No one knows the day or the hour when these things will happen. Not even the angels or the Son. Only the Father."

What, they don't have that in their bible? They don't read that part? What?


Matthew 7: 15.-16 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? - kjv

I wonderd what denomination he was. Because there have been many false prophets that have claimed the same thing by giving dates of the world ending and none have come true yet. And there have been different denominations whose leader has tried to predict this. The bible also tells us in Mathew 24, to beware of false prophets and men that would deceive us.

Obviously, he didn't know it or share it with the people that follow him. There were people on street corners handing out tracts about it, and many people that wore t-shirts with that date clearly printed on them proclaiming that date to be Judgement Day.

And this is what was really sad. That video told of one woman that was pregnant whose husband, along with herself had spent their all their money in the last few days before the event was to take place, because they weren't going to need any money after that date. And so, when it didn't take place, they were penniless. 

Can you imagine that? What did people think and feel as they anticipated the long awaited coming of Jesus, only to have it pass with the world going on the same as it had been? How many people turned away from Christianity as being just some joke because a man had promised something that he couldn't deliver? 

I guess it was not even the first time he made this prediction. Wikipedia  says that he had made the same one for September 1994, and it didn't happen. How embarrassing to have it not happen for a second time. How embarrassing for people to tell their friends and loved ones that they had better be ready for the world to end, only to still be there when it didn't happen. 

Friends, that is why we need to know what the bible says for ourselves and not by following anyone claiming to know things that are going o happen, without knowing it for ourselves. First.

8 Bible Verses To Read If You Need Lifting Up

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15.

Don't take any one's word that they are saying what the bible says. No one. If those people had done that by seeing for themselves what the bible says about the end times, there would have been no embarrassment. No shame. They would have known that this man was wrong. 

Wikipedia does say that Harold Camping did later admit that he had done wrong by trying to predict the Second Coming and so that is good that he did that. And if he was a true believer, and had asked forgiveness, God forgave him.

But how much damage he had done, only God knows. And that is the saddest part of his story.

So what happened to these people that had their hopes dashed that day? How did Camping explain it?. There is another video about it called: Apocalyse Later: Harold Camping vs The End of the World on prime if you like to see more info on it. Or come back tomorrow for Part 2.

Thanks for stopping by, Friends. Have a blessed day!

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James 1:9-11

  9  Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: 10  But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the gra...