Tuesday, November 7, 2023

About Faith

How can we have faith in God not only through the rest of the year, but through 2024 and beyond? I mean, we need it now in these uncertain times. Right?

And like I said in yesterday's post, we all have a bit of faith. The thing is, what kind of faith do we have? It could be in our job, our family or maybe in ourselves. But God wants us to have faith in Him. 

The thing is, if we are believers, we already have a bit of faith that can grow. For Jesus said this

  • Matthew 17:20 KJV: "And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."

And I believe that grain of faith is born in us when we accept Christ as our personal Savior. It takes faith to believe that Jesus lived, died, was resurrected and died for our sin. Or maybe for some that was the easy part. If you as a child was raised in a Christian home that taught you these things, it may have been easy to believe that. It was for me. 

But those years have passed. As time went along, I grew up and faced some difficult challenges in my life. But like I said, with each trail that I faced, it helped me develop a strong faith that I now have. 

For Christmas last year, my daughter gave me a hoodie. And it has the word Faith embroidered on it. Surely the past 14 months of my life had left me with a challenge that I didn't see coming when my husband had passed away. And thankfully, and because I had learned what faith was and had let it grow, it got even stronger now that I had become a widow. 

But don't be fooled by my testimony. I am not perfect. Or better than anyone else. But along paths way, God had been preparing me for the year of 2022 when suddenly my husband would be gone. It wasn't easy, or fun many times when I was faced with a trial. But these events had changed me. 

And it had directed my life on to the path that God wanted for me to travel.

Many people look at the news every day and see what horrible things are going on around the world. They have no hope if they have not trusted God. But he says that we will have troubles in our life. Look at what he tells us.

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

But there can't be much peace in what He was saying unless we have faith that this was not just something that He felt like saying. No, he meant it and when we see the crazy things happening, if we ask Him, he will add to our faith. 

I think faith is something that some people get a little at a t time. With every step forward it is added by God to our situations. Perhaps to prepare us for a far away journey in life that we will need to really be strong in it.

I will add one more scripture to this because it is important to know that God really wants us to grow in faith. 

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews11:6

We must believe that He exists to please Him. It is a must if we want to please God. And then He will reward us when we seek Him. 

Faith the size of a mustard seed. We have that much at least when we accept Him. But how much more can we please God when as we grow, we know that when we go through the hard times of life, that His grace has been what has taught us to know He is with us getting us through them.

Thanks for coming by this evening, Friends. I won't be posting tomorrow, November 8. But I plan to on the 9th so I hope you will join me that day. I will most likely be posting in the evenings and be online line with them by 10 pm ext.

God bless you, And may He be with you and yours

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Romans 1:16-18

  16  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first,...