Tuesday, November 7, 2023

What is Faith? Do you have any?

What is faith anyway? Do you, have any? 

We all have it to some degree. Or we wouldn't leave our homes to jump into an automobile and go where we need to go.
I know of a friend who is with Jesus now, she would not go anywhere in her car until she prayed for God to protect her. I think she had a true sense of what it was because she walked it out in her everyday life and in more than just that way. 
But what about the big things that come along? Those things that bogs us down with worry and uncertainty.
The bible says that we will have troubles in our lives. (John 16:33)
 But why? Aren't we as Christians supposed to live happy and carefree lives?
I accepted Jesus into my heart a long time ago at the very tender age of 8. And I remember thinking about that concept soon afterwards. That life was really going to be good and I wouldn't have any problems. I am not sure why I was thinking that way. I was just a child. Maybe I had heard something about it from the adults in my life or at church. I don't know.
What I was to find out, was just how completely wrong it was. And completely unbiblical.
At some time during that year, my mother. ended up in the hospital that year for the first time that I knew of, because of mental problems. And from there, my life went downhill in so many ways.
But as time went on, and once I really got serious with God, I have learned that each trial I got through, I would be encouraged by a little more faith than the trial before.
But its 2023 now. What has faith got to do with the here and now.
Come back tomorrow. Maybe we can figure it out. Or maybe we just know because we have lived it in our own lives. 
Thanks for coming friends. I am amazed that I am still getting traffic here after being gone for the time that I have. And so, I am trying to get back. Please use this site as a way to minister to others when you find a post that will help someone else. God's Word is not meant for us to hide it for ourselves. It is meant to be proclaimed around the world. To a hurting people. This blog has been my way to try to do that.
Til tomorrow....


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Romans 1:16-18

  16  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first,...