Saturday, January 20, 2024

Push the X Buzzar

Repentance or Non-repentance?:

Is it really necessary to repent, so that we may spend eternity with God?

Some false teachers would have us believe that we do not sin. Therefore, since we do not sin, repentance is not necessary. And even that since we are made in God's image, we are ourselves "little gods," and as such we do can do everything he does, including the fact that He does not sin, or need to repent, and neither do we. 

Well, push the 



because anyone that agrees with that theology sins because it is an out and out lie right from the pit of hell. 

The truth is, we do need to repent and ask God for His forgiveness.

So, let's look to God's word for what He says about this subject. The following devotion will explain it for the truth that it is.

God Does Not Save Unrepented People

When Christ prayed from the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34), was He saying He forgives unrepentant people? 

Let's unpack Christ's statement:
1. If a believer had killed Jesus with full knowledge of who Christ was, there could be no forgiveness (Hebrews 6:4-6).

2. But the Roman soldiers and jealous Jewish leaders didn't understand what they were doing (Acts 3:17). 

3. If one of those responsible for his death later understood who Christ was, they would probably think their salvation was impossible. Perhaps that's why Christ forgave that particular sin from the cross.(1)

4. But any of those forgiven of that sin would most certainly repent of it if they later came to Christ. Repentance is a non-negotiable step in our salvation (Matthew 4:17Acts 3:19Acts 26:201 John 1:9-10).(2)

Why is it important to understand this concept? Because some people teach that this passage proves Christ forgives and saves everyone, whether they repent or not.(3)
(1)  It's very likely that some of the soldiers who crucified Christ later came to believe in Him (Matthew 27:54). I imagine His words from the cross assured them they could be saved. The Apostle Paul also committed violent acts against Christ before his conversion (Acts 9:1-51 Timothy 1:13).
(2)  After we become Christians, we should repent whenever we sin. However, believers need not worry that they won’t go to heaven if they die before they are able to repent of some sin because believers’ sins (past, present, and future) are completely covered by the death of Christ (Colossians 2:13-14).
(3) The popular book The Shack teaches this error. On page 225, the Shack god says, “In Jesus, I have forgiven all humans for their sins against me, but only some choose relationship.” 

Read more here: Why Did Jesus Say "Father, Forgive Them"

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first 4 devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" or "read sample" on Lifeway or Amazon.
I also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.
(credit: Bible Love Notes: God Does Not Save Unrepentant People)


And so my friends, if you are listening to anyone giving you the kind of junk that will take you where you don't want to go at the end of your life, I strongly suggest that you stop following them and repent before a Holy God, ask Him into your life, and secure your place in heaven, where Jesus will prepare a place for you. 
(John 14:2-10}

Thank you for coming by today, friends. My God bless the rest of your day

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Romans 1:16-18

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