Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Sheep or Wolf?


I recently watched a video on YouTube about the so-called pastor Jesse Duplantis. If you are following him, you need to stop it now. His teachings will lead you where you don't want to go.

At any rate, in this particular video he asked the congregation if they want to see God. And then he whirled around in a circle as if he were showing them a new outfit he had on. And he had this look on his face that showed just what he thought of himself.

God? Absolutely not. Blasphemy?  Absolutely yes! And yet no one called him out on that spectacle that he made of himself. 

Friends, it was absolutely disgusting.

It's true God has made us in His image. However, we are not God, and we should not listen to the likes of anyone like Jessi that claims to be God. How absolutely arrogant is that?!

Jesse Duplantis does not stop talking nonsense with that subject. He has a lot of that on YouTube. He is a false teacher. I can only stand watching him in short clips, so I watch the videos by Justin Peters (YouTube) who explains why what Jesse claims are from hell's pit. 

If you want to see more of Jesse and other false teachers, please go to his videos (Justin Peters) on YouTube. I will guarantee if you have never researched these false teachers, you will learn a lot.

Thanks for coming by today, Friends. I want to leave you this time by something Jesus told us about the times that you and I find ourselves living in:

 Beware of false prophets and teachers, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Mathew 7:15

These people want to be in our pocketbooks and worse yet, they are in our many of our churches. Satan use them to distort the truth to get what they want from us. Jessi Duplantis is good at doing that. We must know who he and others like him really are by studying God's Word and also people like Justin Peters who will help you learn through God's Word, who to watch out for so that you aren't deceived. 

Have a blest evening!


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Romans 1:16-18

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