Monday, May 13, 2024

News about my blog

Hello Friends. I am going to be taking some time off my regular posts, starting today. There are some things that I just need to focus on in the next few weeks. I am not sure when I will be back to do the kinds of post that I have done for you. I am anticipating it might well be into June. Perhaps towards the end of that month. 

However, I do plan to post a bible scripture each day, if I possibly can.  That will start later today.  So please feel free to continue to come here and get that and also you may want to reread some of my older posts. I would also suggest that you make reading your bible (which is more important than even coming here) everyday a part of your life, if you don't already do that. 

I am truly sorry. There is so much going on in my life and at this time (retirement is not always a smooth sail like we think it will be sometimes, ha, ha) while I do not want to ignore God, (which I don't intend to do), I need to concentrate on other things to. 

I will keep you up on the status of this blog in the meantime. Thank you for your commitment here. You are such a blessing to me. And I love that I have been able to share the gospel with you.

God Bless, Becky

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