Monday, June 10, 2019

Promises, Promises, Promises

Promises, Promises, Promises
I don't always fee God's presence. But God's promises don't depend upon my feelings; they rest up His integrity. - RC Sproul

Has anyone every made you a promise that they didn't keep? Have you ever made someone a promise you didn't keep? Sure, promises are made and not kept every day to people. Whether they can't be kept or the person making them didn't intend to after all, and was just trying to appease someone. 

God doesn't make promises that he doesn't keep. He does what he says he will do, when he says he will and how he says he will. 

It may not be in our time frame. Or, how we think it should be.

Years ago, my mother had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Doctors gave her a month to live but she passed several days later. My sister came from out of state to attend her funeral. Linda was one that believed in absolute healing, and not in doctors. Going to doctors was committing sin, so the church in which she attended taught and she believed. She said to me that morning of the funeral, that she had prayed that our mother would be healed. I said to her, "But she has been healed. As soon as she breathed her last in this life, God had healed her."

She looked at me like I was crazy. If only all of us had been praying for mom's healing, she would not have died. I guess she thought it was our fault for not praying the way we should have, or because she had gone to doctors, that was why she had died. 

She didn't seem to think that it wasn't up to us. It was up to God when he called her home. If he had wanted her healed, he would have done that. Instead, we had depended on him, praying his will, and not our own.

And that evening when she passed, it had been his will. 

God does not always answer our prayers on our time clock. He does not have a magic button on which we can push to get what he want. He knows what is best for us, and when the time is right he will answer our prayers. And he doesn't always answer them just the way we ask or hope. 

Jesus was teaching his disciples how to pray one day, and part of that prayer he had told them to say was, "...thy will be done. in earth as it is in heaven..." (Mathew 6:10)

That means God's will, not my will. If God does not heal someone that I am praying healing for here, I am confident that if they are saved by his blood, that they will be when they take their first breath after they have passed. 


Because, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways, declares the Lord."  "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher then your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:8-9

I don't know about anyone else, but that is way good enough for me. Because after all God is above all and he has the final say.

June 10, 2019 Promise: Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Psalm 119:1

Thanks for coming by today Friends. May God bless your day! 

Wishing You A Happy And Blessed Monday Full Of Loving Kindness And Grace Of God. Have A Blessed Week monday monday quotes monday blessings monday images monday pics

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James 1:9-11

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