Monday, September 30, 2019

What Do We Really Know About Angels (part 2)

The Real Garden of Eden | Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden

There are several types of angels. One is known as a Cherubim and they are found in several scriptures. Such as Genesis 3:24, Ezekiel 10:1-22 and Exodus 25:22, to name a few. In my post today, I want to go to Genesis 3:24 to see what God had them to do there.

After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden, Cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

Satan had just convinced Eve that she would not die as God had said she would, by eating from the Tree of Life. Of course, that had been a lie. But not only did she eat the fruit from that tree, she got Adam her husband to eat from it to.

Because of their disobedience, they were punished. They were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. They were outsed from the paradise that God had given them.

And the Cherubim that were placed there, guarded it so that they could not go back in. Now, instead of living in a place where everything was provided for them, they would have to work for it.

One interesting point that scripture makes about these angels is the fact that before Satan rebelled against God, he himself had been a Cherubim. God had created him to be a 'guardian cherub.'
Ezekiel 28:14-15.

 The Cherubim were created to worship and praise God. Satan sure messed that one up by rebelling against God. He wasn't about to do that. No, he wanted to be God and because of that, he got kicked out of heaven. Because God was not going to let him have his way. Can we imagine what would have happened if Satan had been allowed to take God's place in heaven? I don't think it would have been a good thing.

These angels had wings and hands that were human like

God made.all things for his own pleasure. And as with these angels, he has specific reasons for creating them. Just as in their worship and praise of him, we too are called to worship and praise him. In fact, he inhabits the praises of his people. Psalm 22:3.

Do we worship him? Do we give him the praise that he deserves? Sometimes it is not an easy thing to do when we are struggling with life. But, when we sacrifice our time to do what he loves us to do, he blesses us. Why?  Because God is good!

September 30, 2019 For thou Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor thou compass him as with a shield. Psalm 5:12

Thanks for your visit today Friends. Next up will be a bit about another group of angels. I hope you will be back. In the mean time, God bless!

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Sunday, September 29, 2019

What Do We Really Know About Angels?

Angels: Who They Are and How They Help--What the Bible Reveals
What Do We Really Know? About the Biblical ones, of course. Are they as portrayed in pictures, on statues or where ever else we might see their images? This post will attempt to explain the ones that are in the Bible.

Their pictures and images have been around for centuries. Even from the beginning of time. But, did God create them, or were they just here with God because he was here and not a created being.

There are references in the bible that point us to the fact that they did not exist until God created them.

Nehemiah 1:6-7  "...Let all of God's angels worship him." In speaking of the angels, he says "He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire."

Nehemiah 9:6-7 You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You gave life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. 

Hebrews 1:13-14  to which of God's angels did he ever say, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet." Are not all angels ministering spirits, sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Colossians 1:16-17   For in him, were all things created; things in heaven and on earth, viable and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

With these scriptures, we can conclude that angels were created by God just as he created every other part of the world,

There are those angels that appeared in both Old and New Testaments as we have already seen in previous posts.But what did they look like? Do they still appear in the same manner that they did back then? Or in other words, do they still look like they did? (According to the bible)

For these and other questions, continue on with the next post which I hopefully plan to put up tomorrow on September 30. Thanks again for coming by and please have a blessed day!

September 29, 2019 Promise: Forgive and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:36

Good Morning May Your Day Be Filled With Blessings

Friday, September 27, 2019

Angel Of The Lord/review

As we have seen both in the Old and New Testaments, the angel of the Lord appeared to various people for various reasons and in various forms. These are mentioned in scripture:

 Old Testament:Hagar, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Sampson's parents, Zechariah, David

New Testament: Joseph, Peter, King Herod

Were there other people that the angel of the Lord appeared to? I do not know but it is possible. However these people were chosen for a reason.

To deliver his people from captivity. To lead them to safety. To destroy their enemies. To protect, guide and direct them. And above all, to forgive, love and save them from their sin.

All of which he is willing and able to do for us today. Because his love for his people did not start with Genesis, only to end in Revelations. No. In fact, Revelations is only the beginning of things to come. Because unlike what went on in all those many years before Christ was born and even after he was crucified, it did not end there. But has went on to a time when he will come back to take his church home. And at that time he will destroy his enemies.

In the mean time, he delivers his people from the captivity of drugs, adultery, and whatever else we get ourselves into. He protects us everyday, guides and directs us. And above all, he forgives us because he loves us and saves us when we ask him and admit that we are sinners and wants him to come into our lives.

The questions remain. Who is the angel of the Lord? God himself? Jesus Christ?  Someone other spiritual being/angel that God created?

It appears that he is God. Could be Jesus too. Maybe both. Doubtful it is any other angel. We won't know exactly how it all works at this point. We just have to believe. It is what is what is required. Not that we have to understand. Just believe and trust that God knows and that is all that is important.

September 26, 2019 Promise: I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8

Thanks for coming by Friends. Now that we have learned at least some things about the angel of the Lord, what can we learn about other angels that the bible talks about? Next time, we will start looking at some of those things we can find. Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Acts 12:24 (NKJV) - But the word of God grew and multiplied.

The angel of the Lord made one more appearance in Acts 12:19-23. And we find that this one was to King Herod. I guess it  should not come as a surprise to us that even Herod got a visit from  him. After all, he was wicked. Not only did he try to have Jesus murdered, but he wasn't fond of the Christians Church and its people that had risen up in those days.  And, the visit wasn't so pleasant. He had been quarreling with the people of Tyre and Sidon so he went from Judea to Caesarea and stayed there. Now they wanted to meet with him. They were asking him for peace because they depended on his country for their food supply.

On the day of their meeting, he sat on his throne in his royal robes and delivered a public address to the people. They shouted, "This is the voice of a god, not of a man." But Herod did not give praise to God, instead taking it for himself-so an angel of the Lord and struck him down. He was eaten by worms and died.

Not a pleasant way to have his life end, of course. And no doubt what came the moment he stepped into eternity was even worse. He had made his choice and it was the wrong one.

But again the interesting part of his story is that despite his plans to destroy anything and everything that he thought would get in his way and ruin his 'kingship', God's plans went forth instead.

In verse 12:24 of Acts it says: But the word of God continued to spread and flourish.(NIV)

It has continued to do so to this day. Despite all the stuff that the devil has tried to do to make it go away. And it will continue until the coming of Jesus Christ.

This appears to be the last appearance of the angel of the Lord. Come back for a quick review on him next time, and then after that, perhaps we can learn some things about other angels that the bible speaks of. I hope you will join me in this interesting study.

September 25, 2019 Promise: Blessed is the man that does not walk in the counsel of the wicked. Nor stands in the way of sinners. Nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he mediates both day and night. Psalm 1:1-2

Thanks for coming Friends. May God bless your day!

Autumn Blessings.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Peter's story)

Now I know that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches... Acts 12:11  #dailydevotion #dailydevotional #freedevotions #verseoftheday #scripture #jesus #faith #holyspirit

Great King Herod was still at his wicked ways according to Acts 12. He had some of the people that belonged to the church arrested. Some were put to death. And then he arrested Peter. Peter was a real big threat to Herod evidently because Jesus had said,that it was upon Peter that he would build his church. But Peter could be gotten rid of. It was the rest of what Jesus said then that made the real difference. He said about the church..." and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." And as we know, hell has been trying to do just that from times beginning. But back to Peter and the angel of the Lord.

 Peter was a threat to Herod as while he was in prison, there were no less then 16 soldiers that stood guard over him.  But also while there, the church had been "earnestly praying to God for him."

Herod was going to bring him out for a public trial after Passover. But, the night before that was to happen, as he slept  bound and chained between 2 guards and more guards at the entrance, there came a sudden light in his cell. And there was an angel of the Lord who struck him on his head, and said to him, "Quick! Get up." At this, the chains on his wrists fell off. And the angel told him to get dressed and to follow him. Peter did, but he was a tad bit confused at what was going on. They passed the soldiers and got to the iron gate which opened by itself and they walked until the angel left him. In spite of the fact that Peter was confused as to what had happened, (after all, it was the middle of the night and he had been asleep), he knew that the Lord had sent him an angel to escape from the plans that Herod had for him. So he went to the home of Mary where people had gathered to pray. But they couldn't believe what had happened. (Remember that scripture 'O, ye of little faith. Mathew 8:26. I guess that they hadn't put much faith in the prayers they had been praying. But then are we not like that sometimes?)

And yet, there Peter was and he explained that the Lord had gotten him out of prison.

The angel of the Lord. Just an angel? God? Jesus? Who?

Who does know the complete dealings of God? None of us. As always, he is God, he can do anything or choose anyone at his own discretion, in his own timing.

One interesting point though at the end of that story about Peter and King Herod. After Peter had escaped prison, Herod had an thorough search to find him made but they couldn't find him anywhere. .So Herod cross examined the guards and ordered they be put to death.

They hadn't even known what happend during the night. So much for their service to him. What had it cost them. Their lives. That is what sin will do for those that do not believe and repent of their sin, for sin will catch up with us, sooner or later otherwise. . And how sad that is.

Scripture for today found in Acts 12: 1-19

September 24, 2019 Promise: Cast all your cares on him. For he cares for you. I Peter 5:7

Hi Friends. He does care for his children. And he gave us a way to escape from the chains of the devil. Whether we are tired, or confused or whatever the case may be. But just as Peter had to do when the angel of the Lord told him, "Follow me", we have to follow him. Everyday and as best as we can. The road of the city may have been long for Peter when the angel led him out. But he found his way back to the house of people that loved and were praying for him. That is what God wants for us. To escape our sin by asking Jesus into our lives, repenting of our sin and following him out of the darkness. That is our only safety net between here and eternity. Hard roads ahead. Maybe and probably. But at the end, it will have all been worth the risk. And the trip. Thanks for coming by today and be blessed!
Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ, May God Bless you and yours forever and ever! Thanks for coming by for a CUP! Our prayer this day is that this CUP will help lift you up further in our LORD!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Joseph's stories part 2)

¡Qué bello es San José!  Católicas por la Vida (2018 [Imagen y texto])

-Joseph got two visit from the angel of the Lord, after the birth of Jesus via a dream.

Now after the they had left, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in and said, "Get up and take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child and destroy him" Mathew 2:13

And so that was exactly what Joseph did in order to keep his family safe.

Herod saw red. He was furious.

He had been outwitted by the Magi who were supposed to report to him where the baby was. His plan was to destroy this baby that would try to take over his place and rule the kingdom. So he sent out orders to have all infants that were two years old and younger, to be killed. He wanted to make sure the right child was among those that were killed.

Unbeknownst to Herod, Jesus had no interest in ruling over an earthly kingdom.The kingdom he would be ruling, would be one from the heart. Sadly, so many babies had to give u p their lives for a wicked, greedy man that would have his way or else.

As if Herod had any control over the consequences of his evil plot. After all, God had sent Jesus and there wasn't going to be even one hair on his head, that would divert his plan from its intended goal.

How long did Joseph, Mary and Jesus stay there before they could return home?

There is no place in the bible that I know of that fully answers that question, if at all. But then, the angel of the Lord showed up again'

When Herod died, the angel of the Lord  appeared to Joseph again.

 The angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to Joseph in a dream in Egypt and said, "Get up and take the child and his mother to Israel, for those that were seeking the child, are dead. Mathew 2:20.

How long? Did they look over their shoulders during that time in case someone would find and kill Jesus?  Was it just a matter of days, week, months? Maybe years.

Joseph may have been a man of few words. He has nothing to really say about the impending pregnancy of his soon to be wife. But  what does stand out his integrity. To do God's will. To accept it at face value. To keep God's precious Son safe. 

Maybe he struggled with that part of it and maybe he didn't. But at the end of the day, he made the right decision to accept this news from Gabriel and to later carry out the warnings from the angel of the Lord. He obviously trusted God to keep them safe.

Sometimes we are simply to just wait for God to answer our prayers. To believe and trust him. To obey his word because even though there are some that think that God just set all of these rules so we wouldn't have any fun, they are wrong. He set them in place so that if we choose to, we can avoid most of our heartache and pain.

But he is still there. Through thick and thin. Through water and fire. To return to us once we return to him. He is there to lift us up from whatever mess or situation we find ourselves in.

He himself sent Gabriel and the angel of the Lord. And although we have no clear understanding of all that entails, the one thing we can do-or I should say, the things we can do is trust and believe while we are waiting. We can expect no less then what Israel had done thousands of years ago. And there-in is where our hope lies.

September 23, 2019 Promise: Being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it onto completion until the day of Christ. Philippians 1:6.

Thanks for visiting today folks. I would love to hear from any of you that would like to comment on any of these posts. Past or present  ones, please feel free Come back next time for probably the final post on this subject. (I think) . In the mean time, have a great new blessed week!

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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Joseph's story part one)

We know by the examples in these prior reports, that the angel of the Lord appeared to several men and women in the Old Testament. But did he also appear in the New Testament? And if so, to whom did he appear to?
The Holy Bible says, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we...

But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, and said to him, "Joseph son of David do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife. because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you are to name him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins." Mathew 1:20-21.

The angel of the Lord had just announced the birth that was to come to Joseph,  that would bring forth the long awaited Savior that was foretold in Isaiah 7.

Many men through out the ages have wanted their unborn babies to be aborted, or if not that, have just rejected them by not being a part of their lives as they grew. Some even deny themselves to be fathers.

Joseph could have rejected this child as well. After all, he knew the baby wasn't his. And what of his mother? He could have made her a public spectacle had he wanted to. And no one at that time, would have blamed him.

But when the angel of the Lord appeared to him that night, the situation was undeniable. At least to him. Because he knew that this baby to be born was special. He was going to do great things. He was going to save us from our sin.

But who was this angel? God? Jesus announcing his own birth?  Gabriel?

Aviso Ángel Gabriel , Yo soy la esclava del Senor🙏Gabriel shows up in the Old Testament in chapters 8 & 9 of Daniel.But then he again shows up to announce the birth of Jesus to Mary.

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to the city of Galilee name Nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a men whose name was Joseph, of the house of David.  And the virgin's name was Mary. Luke 1:26-27

Luke goes on in the next few verses to give her the same news that was given to Joseph. However, this time, it was Gabriel who announced it.

As in the Old Testament cases of the angel of the Lord appearances, this is different perhaps. But just as we saw in those cases we know that God can do anything. He can appear in whatever form he chooses. We know that Jesus made an appearance in the Old Testament. But he did not take the form of a baby until Mary conceived him.

Jesus himself spoke of that in John 5:46 "If you believed in Moses, you would believe in me, for he wrote of me." 

Other scripture in Isaiah 52:12. 61, 7:14 are a few of those that prove to us that Jesus existed long before his birth before Mary birthed him.

A group of people holding up question marks in front of their faces.

But how can these things be? Truly, all things in scripture do not give us all the answers to the questions we ask. And yet, that is what faith is. There are just things that we will not know in this life about why God did things the way he did and why they are important to us. Someday perhaps we will know. For now, it just a matter of believing. A matter of  faith.

Why? Because God is God. And he can do what he wants to do. And that is the difference between he and us. He is Great and we are not. Our hope is not in us. It is God and his word.

Even the psalmist David knew where his hope was. He gives us our promise for today, September 22, 2019,

You are my refuge and my shield: I have put my hope in your word. Psalms 119:114. 

While we have questions-the who,the what and the why of these things we read in God's word, the most important of all is whether or not we put our hope, and our trust in it. Because at the end of the day and at the end of our life, that will be all that counts.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Joseph again gets a message from the angel of the Lord. Come back next time for that story. God bless your day!

The Horse Mafia on Instagram: “Sunday Blessings”


Friday, September 20, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Zechariah's story part 5)

Myrtle Tree: a common evergreen bushy shrub, of southern Europe with oval to lanced-shaped shiny leaves, fragrant white or rose flowers and black berries. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) 

Home Gardens With Flowering Trees_37Zechariah had seen a man on a red horse standing among myrtle trees one night in a vision. Behind him were red, brown and white horses. The angel of the Lord came to him to warn the people to turn from their wicked ways. They had long since been freed from captivity from Egypt and instead of heeding God's word they chose to believe false prophets that were prophesying good times instead and God had to let them go and do what they would because it was their choice and yet, he also showed them that he would do what he promised them if they did not obey him. And so even though they were now free from captivity, they still paid a price. 

Just as we do today when we choose to disobey his word and sin against him. In modern times, we know that there are many that displease God. Many that do not believe in him or just do not want to serve him. Sometimes we ourselves displease him. The warnings of those long ago should be enough warning for us today. Because as God did not let them out of disobeying him, even though they had that choice, neither he will let us out of the repercussions of our own sin. We too, have a choice.

What is the true location of the Temple | Temple Mount is Fort AntoniaAnd yet they were still his people. His chosen. And he loved them. Just as he loves us. His not so clear message in the vision that Zechariah had, was that he was with them. And he wanted them to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. And if you know anything about what is going on over there, you will know that this has been in the works for many years. It has not been rebuilt yet for as we know, there have been and are many obstacles in the way. But if we are to believe the prophecies of old-the ones that came from God himself, we know and believe that the time is coming. In his own time, it will happen. 

While there is much more to learn here about end of times and what they mean for us today, I am going to get back to my original content of: Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? The reason being, that I have not studied a lot of this of subject and it is quite in-depth as you might imagine. I am not a bible scholar and do not want to mislead anyone. If you would like to study more on this passage for yourself, please go to:      Zechariah Chapter 1 Explained

I do know and believe as stated in this post, that God even though he loves us, he can be angry with us when we deny or disobey him. He has set certain things in place so that we can avoid much more of the pitfalls that we do. And we always have to pay consequences for what we do or do not do that is against his will. However, it is because of his love for us that when we chose him, even though we aren't perfect, he is always ready to forgive us. And that is essentially what I wanted to get across from this passage.  And so I leave this particular account to your own discretion on proceeding with your own study of it, if you wish. 

In the mean time, our next question will be in ' Who Is The Angel Of The Lord?' will be, did he occur in the New Testament as well as in the Old Testament? And if so, who did he appear to? 

Come back next time for Joseph's story.

September 20, 2019 Promise: Isaiah 49:13 The Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.

 Thanks for coming Friends. God bless you during this day! 

The "four horns" in his second vision represent the four Gentile world powers introduced in earlier Bible history, in Daniel 2, 7&8. The "horn" was applied to the strength of governments and was used by nations. They symbolized power and the number four symbolized universal, thus meaning universal power

Those four horns that scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem were the nations of Babyalonia, Medes and Persia. Macedonia and Rome. (Daniel 2, 7)  .  

Zechariah was shown four craftsmen. That is what they are called in the NIV of the bible. In the King James, they are called carpenters and are those that use hammers and chisels in their work. The horns  or hammers in verse 18 represent 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Who Was The Angel Of Tlhe Lord? (Zechariah's story part 4) Making sense of verses7-21

We have patrolled the earth #Zechariah1 #biblejournaling #biblejournalingcommunity
Did you ever feel it was wrong to send money overseas to support missionaries that go to proclaim the gospel when there is so much needed here in the US what with all the poverty that is among us?

Years ago, I felt that way.  Yet, this is what Romans 10:14-15 has to say: How can they call on the One that they have not believed? And how can they believe in the One that they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can they preach unless someone is sent? As it is written, "How beautiful is the feet of those that bring good news!"

Additionally, Mark 16:15-16 told his disciples this: Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature He that believes and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believes not, shall be dammed.

How can they call, hear, and believe if no one is sent to preach to them, and take the good news of Jesus Christ to them?

That is why missionaries go to other lands to win others to Christ. And those of us that are not called to that purpose should support their ministry. By giving of our money, yes. But more importantly, our prayer.

 Sometimes, we are not sure what visions mean. The symbols God uses in them may not seem to mean much to us. Or they may be confusing. But, they do mean something and the question we ask, is what do they mean. And specifically, what did Zechariah's vision mean that night that he had it in Zechariah 1:7-21.

He didn't know what it meant, so he asked the angel of the Lord? "What are these my Lord?" And the angel answered him, "I will show you what they are."

He went on to tell Zechariah, "They are the ones that the Lord sent to go throughout the earth.(speaking of the man on the red horse, among the myrtle trees and the red, brown and white horses verse 8)

And they had reported to the angel of the Lord that they had "gone throughout the earth and found it at rest and in peace. verse 11.

Then the angel of the Lord asked the Lord Almighty how long was he going to withhold mercy from the towns of Judah with whom he had been angry for the last seventy years? The angel spoke some words of comfort but then told Zechariah to go and tell them that he had been very angry with them but that he was going to "return to Jerusalem and have mercy on them and his house would be rebuilt there and his measuring line will be stretched all over it. verse 16

And then he goes on to say that, "My towns will overflow with prosperity and the Lord will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem. verse 17

So then Zechariah looked up and saw 4 horns and he asked the angel, "What are these?" The angel answered him, "These are the horns that scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem" And then the Lord showed him four craftsmen and Zechariah asked him what they were coming to do?

And the angel said, "These are the horns that scattered Judah so that know one could raise their heads but the craftsmen have come to terrify them and throw down these horns of the nations that have lifted up their horns against the land of Judah to scatter his people verses 18-21

Our promise for today comes from John 6:35: Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty

The prophesies, dreams and words from God that are in the bible are there for a reason. They are messages that God wants us to know and grab ahold of. What does what does this particular passage mean? Truly the Lord has not done what he promised in those verses. He has not come back to Jerusalem. Look what has been going over there for years with the fighting that gone on between them and Palestine. Is this prophesy of what is still to come even thousands of years later?

Come back next time and we will try to sort it out because it isn't there just to leave us hanging. We need to find out what it has to do for us in the here and now. If anything. God bless you for coming today and everyday!

Thursday Blessings.... Always believe something amazing is around the corner and it has your name on it!  Have A Blessed Thursday!!!

This is what Zechariah vision meant that night that he had it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Who Was The Angel Of The Lord? (Zecharish's story part 3) Making sense of chapter 1:1-6

Who was Zechariah and what did these prophesies in chapter one of this book mean?  Who was the angel of the Lord here? And is this vision meant for us today? These are some of our questions we will be looking at. .

Some Notes on Israel and the Prophet Zechariah series #1.

He is one of at least 30 different prominent men that had the name of Zechariah mentioned in the bible. He was the son of Berekiah, and grandson of Iddo. His name means, 'Yahweh has remembered.' There is little known about him except that he was a priest and a prophet.

Upon looking at this further today, Zechariah 1:1-6, and then 7-21 are two different prophesies, which I did not know before.

In the first, the "word of the Lord" came to Zechariah to tell him that the Lord had become very angry with his ancestors, but the Lord had said, "return to me and I will return to you."  Eventually after their release from Babylon captivity many years before,  their ancestors had not paid God any mind and he wanted them to turn from their wicked ways and repent because of where that would eventually lead them as well. And they did repent. To be sure life had been hard on his people after those years captivity for these people. They had crop failures, hostile enemies and not a lot of money to deal with once released. ( Haggai 1:10-11, Ezra:4:1-5, and Haggai 1:6)

Their captivity had been much easier to deal with then their freedom from it. Surely God had forgotten them. They simply gave up and went back to their old evil ways. Which, did them absolutely no good at all.

God had remembered them and that is where the second prophesy came in. We will review that along what some of these other questions next time. I hope you will come back.

Today's references for information provided at:Enduring Word Bible Commentary Zechariah Chapter1

Thanks for coming by today Friends! May God bless your day! 

Top 23 Happy Wednesday Quotes

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Who Was The Angel Of The Lord? (Zechariah 's story. Part 2)

"Then I looked up, and there was  before me a man with a measuring line in his hand. I asked him, 'Where are you going?' He answered me, 'To Jerusalem. To find out how wide and long it is.' While the angel that was speaking to me was leaving, another angel came to meet him and said to him, 'Run, tell that young man, Jerusalem will be a city without walls because of the great number of people and animals in it. And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,' declares the Lord, 'and I will be its glory within.'

'Come, Come! Flee from the land of the north,' declares the Lord, 'for I have scattered you to the four winds of heaven,' declares the Lord.

'Come Zion! Escape, you who live in Daughter Babylon.' For this is what the Lord Almighty says: 'After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you-for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye-I will surely raise my hand against them so that their slaves will plunder them. Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me.

Shout and be glad, Daughter Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you,' declares the Lord.  Many nations will be joined with the Lord in that day and will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you. The Lord will inherit Judah as his portion in the promise land and will again choose Jerusalem. Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.' ..Zechariah 2:1-13

What do we make of these first chapters in Zechariah? To be sure they are some is prophecies But what do they mean. Come back and next time and we will try to make some sense out of them  (if possible) before we go on to the Chapter 3.

Thanks for coming friends. I am sorry that I was unable to get here the last couple of days. I am feeling somewhat better and hope to be here tomorrow. Take care and God bless!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Zechariah's story Part one)

- Is Phanuel the ancient name of the angel of the Lord?   If not, then what happened to him? - Phanuel is the name given to a possible fourth Archangel in the Book of Enoch after Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. He is also considered to be the ruler of the Ophanim. His name means "the…

Zechariah was an Old Testament prophet that  had a vision one night where he saw the angel of the Lord.( However. in this case lowercase. And so, Zechariah probably did not see him as God, but as an angel.)

He saw a man on a red horse standing among some myrtle trees and behind him was some red, brown and white horses. He said, "What are these, my lord?" And the angel told him he would show him what they were..These are those that the Lord has sent to go through out the earth." And they reported to the angel of the Lord that was standing among the myrtle trees, "We have gone throughout the earth and found the whole world at rest and peace."

Then the angel of the Lord said, "Lord almighty, how long will you withhold mercy from Jerusalem and from the towns of Judah, which you have been angry with these seventy years." So the angel of the Lord spoke kind and comforting words to the angel who talked with me. Zechariah 1: 8-13

Zechariah went on to say that the angel that was speaking to him told him to proclaim that the Lord Almighty said and that was that he is very jealous of Jerusalem and Zion, and that he is very angry with the nations that feel secure. And that he was only a little angry but they had gone too far with the punishment.  Then he said that he was going to return to Jerusalem and there his house would be built. "The measuring line  will be stretched out all over Jerusalem" declares the Lord Almighty.  Also that his towns will again overflow with prosperity and the Lord will again comfort Jerusalem and choose Zion.

Zechariah then said that he looked up and before him were four horns and he asked the angel that was speaking to him, what they were. The angel told him that they were the four horns that scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem. And then the Lord showed him four craftsmen and Zachariah asked him what they were coming to do.The angel told him, "These are the horns that scattered Judah so that no one could raise their heads, but the craftsmen have come to terrify them and throw down these horns of the nations that have lifted up their horns against the land of Judah to scatter it's people.

Today's scripture reference: Zechariah 1:1-21

The End.


Oh no. There is more to Zechariah's vision and we will pick up where we left off, the next time. Please come back. If you would like to read ahead, please go to Zechariah 2:1-13

Thanks for coming today Friends. God bless you! 

#LacreshiasRoyaleBeauty This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice & be glad in it! Have a wonderful Saturday! And don't forget to click the link to visit my estore! Thanks God bless you!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord (David's Story)

2 Samuel 24:14-One of my favorite books has a quote. “I’d rather be judged by an angel than a man.” Perfection is perfectly merciful. David knew God would not exact an ounce more suffering than necessary to bring His purposes to pass. The justice of man is often excessive. God’s is always tempered with mercy. (2 Samuel gmg)

2 Samuel 24:1-25

The story of the angel of the Lord and David in 2 Samuel is not real clear to me. But there he is found in verses 16-1

It does  not say exactly why but God was angry with Israel. Most likely because of their disobedience to him as in so many passages before when they worshiped other gods and did other evil things against him, I imagine. But God told David to "go take a census of Israel and Judah."

David then told Joab and the army commanders with him to "go throughout the tribes of Israel from Dan to Beersheba and enroll the fighting men, so that I may know how many there are." (2 Sam.24:2)

After 9 months and 20 days they had searched the entire land and went back to Israel and they reported the number of fighting men that were able bodied and could handle a sword. However, David was 'conscience stricken' and told the Lord, "I have sinned greatly in what I have done. Now Lord I beg you, take away the guilt of your servant. I have done a foolish thing."  The next morning, the Lord sent the prophet Gad to David's seer, "Go and tell David, 'This is what the Lord says: I am giving you three options.Choose one of them for me to carry out against you.'"

Davids three choices were: 3 years of famine in the land, 3 months of fleeing from his enemies while they pursued him, or 3 days of plague in the land.

David decided "to let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands."

Seventy thousand people died of the plague that the Lord had sent during that time. When the angel stretched out his hand to destroy Jerusalem, he told him to stop and the "angel of the Lord, was then at the thrashing floor Araunah the Jebustie.

When David saw the angel who was striking down the people, he told the Lord that he was the who had sinned. He asked him, "what have they done? let your hand fall on me and my family."

In verses 18:25 it tells us that David built an alter to the Lord and sacrificed burnt offerings and the Lord did answer his prayer to stop the plagues on Israel.

And so what does this story about David and the angel of the Lord mean? Is it important to us?  Well, it has to mean something for us or it wouldn't be there. But to get into it, I would have to study it more intensely then what it is here, by others who have. And I am sorry to say I just cannot at this time. The points that I have been trying to make is that the angel of the Lord does exist in bible times. In different forms and for different reasons. However, if you would like some more information about this particular passage as well as others, please visit the following:  2 Samuel 24:1 Commentaries: Now again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and it incited David against them to say, "Go, number Israel and Judah.",     or     Who Is the Angel of the LORD & What Does the Bible Say about Him? - Bible Study and  Why was God so angry at David for taking the census? |

The next angel of the Lord appears in Zechariah. Who was he? Come back next time to (hopefully find out about his story} . And thanks so much for your visit and patience with me Friends! God bless!

Happy Friday Morning Smiles

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

God Can Use Broken People


I am going to again defer from the topic of 'angel of the Lord' today and go back to something I said in yesterdays blog.

I had been talking about Sampson and the fact that God had ordained him even before he was conceived in his mother's womb to be raised up to fight against the Philistines who had been tormenting His people for many years. Sampson was a very strong man. In one event, he had been attacked by a lion and the Lord's spirit came upon him so strongly that he actually tore the lion apart with his bare hands.

I should think that because of his strength, Sampson perhaps had a 'bigger then life' attitude about himself. I mean we may all have that feeling about something we are well gifted in so that we may get on our high horse and think we are better then someone else, if that makes any sense. 

He was a warrior and a judge and no doubt these alone gave him an air of prestige. But he was also, a so called womanizer by some. And even if that was not the case, he did have women in his life. They were:  his first wife who is not named but she was from Timnah,  a whore from Gaza, and the third woman was Delilah with whom Sampson fell in love with. 

Whatever the situation might be (I have not yet studied much about Sampson's life so please bear with me), with the women in his life, Sampson was probably one of those that felt he was bigger then life due to those aspects of his life and character. 

But he was also a man that broke the Nazarite law of the day. One of their rules were that he was not to marry a Phillistine woman. Which he broke when he married the one from Timnah. Actually, this action was condoned by God who would use it to confront the Phillistines about their rule over Israel.

There are other things about his life that I can't even begin to understand but it is quite interesting how crazy his life was. And maybe that explains a bit of him as well.

But the most important thing of all is that he was a human being that sinned and yet God used him anyway. And that is the point of this post.

No matter who we are or what we have done, if we love God we can still be used of him, even when we may be going through life, making mistakes and doing things that God does not approve of.  (Although let us not forget there are consequences we face when we do wrong.)

Take the life of one Russ Taff. Late last night (and after I had already posted yesterday's blog), I watched a video of his life on Amazon. Until that time, I didn't know who he was. I don't even recall ever hearing his name.

You might know him as a singer/song writer of gospel music. He has worked with the likes of Amy Grant, Bill Gathier and many others in his life. He is a born again Christian that loved God and sang praises to him in music for many years.

But the thing most people did not know until later in his life, is that he was also an alcoholic. He had been raised in a strict Christian home where his father preached in a Pentecostal Church. According to Russ, his preaching was harsh (if I got the words right) and the people and his family were his supposed to live by it. But the thing was, he-even he couldn't live by his own preaching. He abused his wife and children and she abused the children as well. It was a very dysfunctional family. One that caused all the pain he grew up with that led to his abuse of alcohol.

And it almost ruined his family and his career. But, God still used him even during all those years. And now that he is clean and sober, he is still being used  (with his family) to share the gospel and give hope to those that are where he was. How powerful is that?

And so, we may wonder how God can possibly use us. Or why would he really want to? It is like I said in yesterdays blog. He can because he is God. And even more then that, he can because he loves us. And you know what? If he didn't use broken people to bring glory to his name, there would be broken people that would never get the help from God that they need. All of us are broken in some aspect, Yes, some come from situations that are much more worse then others. But we are all broken in some way because we live in a broken world. And we will until Jesus comes back. And that is why he needs us to help him heal the broken parts of other people, so that his name can be glorified.

So if you are one that doubts that you can't possibly be used by God, then go to Amazon and look up his video: I BELIEVE. But fair warning, if you do, prepared to be blessed.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Hopefully tomorrow I will get back to the topic I have been on. Take care. God bless!

Tuesday Blessings Kjv Pinterest

Monday, September 9, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Manoah and his wife, their story with Sampson)

The Israelites were God's chosen people, but we find that they were not perfect. Nor a sinless nation. Time and time again, they did evil. And yet, time and time again God forgave them. The angel of the Lord, or God himself came to various ones to make known the things that were going to happen. In the case of this husband and wife, he was once again sending a son with which to deliver them out of the hands of their enemy.

Manoah and his wife were to have a son as announced by the angel of the Lord in this passage. He was named Samson and he grew up to have great strength. God's spirit came upon him many times to fight the Philistines. He was a judge for 20 years and a "Nazarite"  chosen by God from before his birth but he broke many of the Nazarite rules.

He was a womanizer and one of the things that we should take from his story which can be found in Judges 14 & 15, is that he was a sinner just like every human being that has walked the earth. And even though he was chosen of God, there were consequences to his sin. Just as there are consequences to our sin today.

 Sometimes we think we are so bad that God could never or would never even want to use us for his glory.  Why should he, we might ask ourselves. Or we do not understand how God can love us. And yet God used Sampson, despite all the bad in him, we see by his life that God can use anyone. And he can and will use us despite our failures and our disobedience at times. Why? Because he is God, that is why. But more then that, because he loves us.

Up next time: Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (David's story)

September 9, 2019 Promise: The Lord is my strength and my shield,  my heart trusts in him and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song, I will praise him. Psalm 28:7

Thanks for coming by Friends! God bless you this week!

New Week Quotes

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord (Manoah and his wife)

 God's people had done it again. They had gone back to doing evil and God did not like it at all. So he gave them over to the Philistines. Not for a day or a week or even a month. It was for 40 years.

But there was a man named Manoah who had a wife that could not bare them children. It was she that the angel of the Lord appeared to first and he told her that she was going to get pregnant and have a son. God was going to use her son to release his people from the Philistines.

She went to her husband and gave him this news. "A man of God came to me, and his countenance was as the countenance of an angel of God, very terrible; but I asked him not whence he was, neither told me his name."

She went on to tell him what the angel of the Lord had told her.

Monoah then asked the Lord to send the man of God that had appeared to his wife, to come again to the both of them and teach them what they were to do with the child.

The angel of the Lord did come again, but again just to his wife, as her husband was not there. His wife went to her husband and told him that the angel of the Lord had come again. They both went back and her husband asked him if he was the one that had appeared to his wife. He then asked him what they were to do to raise  him. The angel said the same as what he said to her before. .

Monoah did not know this was really the angel of the Lord and he asked him his name. But the angel of the Lord asked him why he wanted to know his name because it was a secret. Then the angel took a kid and laid it on a rock and offered it to the Lord as the man and his wife looked on. The flame went up toward heaven from the rock and the angel ascended into the flame and this is when they realized it really was the angel of the Lord and they fell on their faces to the ground. Judges: 13:1-23

What can we take from this passage in Judges 13? What can it mean for us? Did Monoah and his wife have their son? Did he grow  up to defeat the Philistines?

Come back tomorrow and I will try to have some answers for you.

September 8, 2019 Promise:  I have sworn and I will preform it, that I will keep thy righteous commandments. Psalm 119:106

Thanks for coming by friends! God bless you in the coming week!

**12653AW* Sunday Blessings~~J~ Proverbs 30:5 KJV

Saturday, September 7, 2019

His mercies are new every morning

Hello Friends. Allow me to defer from my current topic about the angel of the Lord for a night and go with the following scripture which is found in Lamentations 3:22-23

It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions they fail not. They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

God's mercies to us are new every morning for those that love him. He has compassion for us that never goes away. It is never lost on us. No matter what we are going through. He renews our strength every day even when we don't even feel his presence. John 15:7 promises us that if we abide in his word he will abide in us. He wants a relationship with us just as an earthy father would want. And even when we fail, his compassion is still there for us because he loves us. He is there to pick us up when we are down. Because we know that we love him only because he first loved us.1 John 4:19. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Remember these things the next time you are having a difficult day.

I hope to back tomorrow with the next part of: Who is the angel of the Lord. God be with you and bless you . Thanks for your visit.

Saturday Blessings To You And Yours

Friday, September 6, 2019

Who Is The Angel of The Lord? (Gideon's story)

In the story of the angel of the Lord and Gideon, I think about two questions in relation to you and I in today's world. But first, we find Gideon in Judges 6, and more about his life in some detail on Who was Gideon in the Bible? |

Judges 6:12 ~ "And the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, " The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor."

The Children of Israel had been released from slavery when God told Moses to go to Pharaoh and tell him that God said he must let them go. But the problem with them was, they weren't really all that happy once they got free. They felt that it might have been better to still be slaves rather then to be in the desert heading for the Promised Land. Even though God was providing all they needed on their journey there. It turned out that they began to worship other gods. This was a 'no-no" of course, where God was concerned, and they paid a price for their disobedience to him. It was so bad at some point later, that the Midianites took to hiding in caves.However,  God gave them over to the Midianites who for scven years destroyed their animals and crops. Until finally, they cried out to God for help.Why should God hear them. After all, they had really been disobedient to him for all that time. Still he did. He sent Gideon to their aide.

When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior." Gideon replied, "Pardon me, my Lord, but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us. Where are all the wonders that our ancestors told us about, whey they said, "Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?" Now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hands of the Midan." 

The Lord turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?"

Gideon was a man of God, but he still did not understand what the people were doing wrong.
And he was not too sure about this thing that the Lord was telling him to do. He asked God how he could do it. He said his clan was the weakest in Manasseh and he was the weakest of his family.
But that didn't stop God, of course. He told him to go and he would be with Gideon who would strike down the enemy, leaving no one alive. 

So my question here was two-fold.

1 Have you ever, as a Christian, at some point turned away from God. Maybe not your belief in him. Maybe just interested in other things that have gotten your attention too much. Have your worshiped those things and put them first before God"

I know I have at times. But thankfully God, is always at the ready to forgive us, just as he did the Children of Israel that did when they turned to other gods. Oh, they paid the price. Just as we have to some times. But because we belong to God, we have the same promise of his love and grace that they had.

2, Have you ever felt too weak to deal with a situation in your life. With your own family? Have you ever felt the least of your family? Have you made decisions in your life that was less then popular with your family. Even so far as God and/or your faith is concerned.

 Again, I know I have. Many times. I have struggled with these things most of my life even though as I have gotten older, I have done what my sister had said once about another family member, "He needs to grow a backbone."

Indeed I needed to grow a backbone especially for spiritual matters, and for the most part I have done that as I as the years have gone on.  In doing that has come having a closer relationship with the Lord. And sometimes my decisions about my faith were not popular within my family. 

Gideon's own father worshiped the idol of Baal along with other wooden gods that the people worshiped. And so Gideon and ten other men went into the village to cut down those idols.  When they saw this, the people went to Gideon's father and told him they were going to kill him. His father said that if Baal was real, he would punish the one that had done it.

But guess what? Baal wasn't real. He couldn't lay a finger on Gideon or any one else for that matter. When the people saw this, they turned back to the God that was real. The one that loved them enough to save them from their enemies. Your God. My God. 

Gideon was afraid of what his father might do, no doubt. He considered himself to be the weakest of his family. But he did what God called him to do and even his family could not fight him on it. 

And so Gideon was ready for God to save Israel through him.'

Still he wanted to be sure that the angel of the Lord was really God. And so he asked God for proof of who he was. What was this proof and did God really supply it? He certainly didn't have to prove who he was. .  Come back tomorrow for this part of the Gideon's story. 

Today's bible reference: Judges 6:1-16, 27-31, 36

September 6, 2019 Promise:And he said, "My presence shall go with you and I shall give you rest." Exodus 33:14

Thanks for coming by today Friends. I hope you will come back tomorrow for more of Gideon's story. God bless!

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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Joshua's story)

Joshua 5:13,15 'and it came to pass. when Joshua was by Jericho, he lifted up his eyes, and behold, there stood a man opposite him with his sword drawn in His hand' 'and the Captain of the LORD'S Hosts said to Joshua, 'take your shoes off from your feet for the place where you are standing is holy'

It appears that Joshua's visit from the angel of the Lord was shorter then some of his other appearances. Joahua 5:13-16 doesn't give us much information about why he had appeared to Joshua. We do know that Joshua was close to Jericho when he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him. He asked the man if he  was for them or their enemies. The angel said, "Neither, but of the captain of the Lord's army, I have come."  Joshua fell to the ground worshiping him. And then he asked, "What message does my Lord have for his servant? And just as he had told Moses in Exodus 3, he said to Joshua, "Take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground. "

Imagine standing in the presence of the almighty God. This being that is more then just a being. He has to ability to change into whatever he wants to be, when he wants to and where he wants to. Imagine falling on our face in worship of him. 

There are plenty of skeptics about God. And there have been since practically the beginning of time. He is not a fairy tale. He was not made up in the imagination of some distant non-believer trying to turn people away from the truth. 

The sad thing for those people is that if they don't get their hearts right, there will come a time that they too will fall to the ground on their faces. They will not be able to deny him any longer. The angel of the Lord, the burning bush, the pillar of cloud, and whatever other form he might be or ever be, will be acknowledged by all. And for many who didn't believe or didn't accept him, it will be too late. 

He said in Exodus 3:14 "I Am that I Am."

We don't have all the answers as to why he appeared to people in the forms he did. For now, we don't have to know. Maybe someday we will. But for now, we know that he is God, the Great I Am.

September 5, 2019 Promise: Surely your goodness and mercy shall follow me and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6

Hello Friends! Thanks for coming by today. May your day today be happy and blessed of the Lord!

*12622* Thursday Blessing~~J~ Isaiah 41:13 KJV

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Moses stories)

The Exodus | Artist:   © Cheryl Hymes | | Bible art,  Religious art , Parting of the Red Sea, Faith artMoses had been successful at getting God's people freed from slavery in Egypt. They were on their way to the "land of milk and honey" that God had promised them. The "Promise Land."

However, suddenly Pharaoh changed his mind about having let them go because now they didn't have them as slaves anymore. What was he thinking?  So he and his army went after them. And believe me, this was no small army.

But God was not going to let him get away with setting the Israelites free, just to have them recaptured. The whole thing was not up to any earthly man, authority or otherwise, to decide their fate. Still, God's people, when realizing the army was after them, became afraid and actually felt that being the slaves that they had been, was better then to die in the desert. But, Moses told them to them not to be afraid but to stand firm and they would see the deliverance of the Lord. God would fight for them.The angel of God and the  and the pillar of cloud that had been traveling with the Israelites moved from the front of them to the back, and they stood in between God's people and the impending army that was coming after them.

Moses did as God had instructed him by stretching out his hand and parting the sea so that the Israelites could go across to safety on the other side. Pharoah's army was not so lucky. Or blessed as it were. Because when they tried to get to the other side, the Lord looked down from the pillar of fire and the cloud and he closed the waters over the army so that no one survived.

The Israelites were indeed free from slavery for sure. Genesis 14:1-31

The question for today is: What can we take away from this story of Moses and God's people and their freedom from the slavery which they had endured for so many years? What does it really have to do with you and I?

I do not pretend to have all the answers. I only know what God has given us through his Word. And so here are a few of my thoughts are this:

1.God can and does redeem and rescue us from hard situations in his time.
Psalm 18:16-19 "He sent down from on high to  fetch me, and took me out of many waters... He brought me forth also into a place of liberty" . . Exodus 14-15 (v. 15:2) "the Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God and I will praise him" . . I know you've been in bondage Beaten to your knees But waters can be parted And slaves can be freed And I am there Even when you're far from home Cloud by day and fire by night You will never have to walk alone . . #illustrated2.He gives direction to us in our lives. He makes our crooked paths straight.
3.He protects us from our enemies.
4. He proves himself to us over and over so that when we see his work in our lives, we know that beyond a shawdow of a doubt, we can trust him.

God can be who he wants to be. Where he wants to be. When he wants to be. Call him an angel of the Lord, a burning bush, a pillar of fire, or a pillar of cloud. He knows what we need when we need it. And he provides it. And all because as our Creator, for those that love and acknowlege him as their Lord and Savior, he loved us first!

 Has he rescued you from the waters that threaten to overflow you everyday? I know he has for me and frankly, he still is doing it. I just have to keep remembering who he is and who I am in in him. My son texted me a couple days ago about something that he and his family had been going through and he said to me, "Mom, I just have to keep remembering that God is great and I am not." Yes, God is great, and we are not. Not in ourselves or on our own. But we don't have to be, when we have God is our lives. Because he fights for us,  and all because he loves us. 

September 3, 2019 Promise: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

Thanks for our visit today Friends. Up tomorrow is, Who is the angel of the Lord? (Joshua's story) Have a a blessed day in Jesus!

PS If you can't find a blessing, at least give me thanks for what he has already given you.

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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord?( Moses' stories)

Exodus 3:14 – 100% Jesus

Have you ever heard of a bush that talks to you? Probably not. Although some Christians or so-called Christians/groups have reported some pretty bazaar things in their circles such as this. But if we are to believe this account in the bible, this bush did talk. It had something to say and it said it to Moses.

Actually, it wasn't the bush that talked, but the angel of the Lord that was within it. Moses saw that the bush was on fire, but it was not burning up, like a bush on fire normally would. So he decided to check it out. And that is when God called his name. "Moses. Moses."  Who responded with, "Here I am."  God told him not to come any closer to the bush, but to take off his sandals because he was standing on holy ground, and then God tells him, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."

You see, the Israelite's had suffered at the hands of the Egyptians as their slaves for many years and now God wanted Moses to go to Pharaoh and have them released from the oppression that they had known. And this burning bush was God's way of letting Moses know that he was the one chosen to do his bidding for his people.

By this account and others, we know that God can manifest himself in whatever way he chooses. Did he do it this way for Moses, to get his attention. Probably. But also in chapter 33:20 God tells him: " can not see my face, for no one can see me and live."

Moses was not allowed to see God and so this was God's way of letting him know what he wanted to do about getting the Israelite free from the Egyptians.

At the same time, God is referenced here as an angel of the Lord as well. The  NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible  states this: "As else where in the OT(e.g.,Gen 22:11-18, Judges 13) this character is closely identified with God himself, reflected here in the interchangeable us of 'the Lord' (vv 4,7) and 'God' (vv.4, 5,6) that immediately follows. His manifestation of flames forms a strong link with the sign of God's presence elsewhere in the book.."

And so if you ever see a bush that is on fire but not actually burning, it may just be the angel of the Lord. It probably isn't going to happen that God will ever show himself to us in this manner. But then who knows: Anything is possible.....

Today's bible reference: Exodus 3:2-7

September 9, 2019 Promise: Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

Hello Friends. Thanks for coming by. Next up on our study of who the angel of the Lord is, will be Moses and the pillar of cloud. God bless!

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Explaining James 1:5-6

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