Tuesday, September 10, 2019

God Can Use Broken People


I am going to again defer from the topic of 'angel of the Lord' today and go back to something I said in yesterdays blog.

I had been talking about Sampson and the fact that God had ordained him even before he was conceived in his mother's womb to be raised up to fight against the Philistines who had been tormenting His people for many years. Sampson was a very strong man. In one event, he had been attacked by a lion and the Lord's spirit came upon him so strongly that he actually tore the lion apart with his bare hands.

I should think that because of his strength, Sampson perhaps had a 'bigger then life' attitude about himself. I mean we may all have that feeling about something we are well gifted in so that we may get on our high horse and think we are better then someone else, if that makes any sense. 

He was a warrior and a judge and no doubt these alone gave him an air of prestige. But he was also, a so called womanizer by some. And even if that was not the case, he did have women in his life. They were:  his first wife who is not named but she was from Timnah,  a whore from Gaza, and the third woman was Delilah with whom Sampson fell in love with. 

Whatever the situation might be (I have not yet studied much about Sampson's life so please bear with me), with the women in his life, Sampson was probably one of those that felt he was bigger then life due to those aspects of his life and character. 

But he was also a man that broke the Nazarite law of the day. One of their rules were that he was not to marry a Phillistine woman. Which he broke when he married the one from Timnah. Actually, this action was condoned by God who would use it to confront the Phillistines about their rule over Israel.

There are other things about his life that I can't even begin to understand but it is quite interesting how crazy his life was. And maybe that explains a bit of him as well.

But the most important thing of all is that he was a human being that sinned and yet God used him anyway. And that is the point of this post.

No matter who we are or what we have done, if we love God we can still be used of him, even when we may be going through life, making mistakes and doing things that God does not approve of.  (Although let us not forget there are consequences we face when we do wrong.)

Take the life of one Russ Taff. Late last night (and after I had already posted yesterday's blog), I watched a video of his life on Amazon. Until that time, I didn't know who he was. I don't even recall ever hearing his name.

You might know him as a singer/song writer of gospel music. He has worked with the likes of Amy Grant, Bill Gathier and many others in his life. He is a born again Christian that loved God and sang praises to him in music for many years.

But the thing most people did not know until later in his life, is that he was also an alcoholic. He had been raised in a strict Christian home where his father preached in a Pentecostal Church. According to Russ, his preaching was harsh (if I got the words right) and the people and his family were his supposed to live by it. But the thing was, he-even he couldn't live by his own preaching. He abused his wife and children and she abused the children as well. It was a very dysfunctional family. One that caused all the pain he grew up with that led to his abuse of alcohol.

And it almost ruined his family and his career. But, God still used him even during all those years. And now that he is clean and sober, he is still being used  (with his family) to share the gospel and give hope to those that are where he was. How powerful is that?

And so, we may wonder how God can possibly use us. Or why would he really want to? It is like I said in yesterdays blog. He can because he is God. And even more then that, he can because he loves us. And you know what? If he didn't use broken people to bring glory to his name, there would be broken people that would never get the help from God that they need. All of us are broken in some aspect, Yes, some come from situations that are much more worse then others. But we are all broken in some way because we live in a broken world. And we will until Jesus comes back. And that is why he needs us to help him heal the broken parts of other people, so that his name can be glorified.

So if you are one that doubts that you can't possibly be used by God, then go to Amazon and look up his video: I BELIEVE. But fair warning, if you do, prepared to be blessed.

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Hopefully tomorrow I will get back to the topic I have been on. Take care. God bless!

Tuesday Blessings Kjv Pinterest

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