Monday, September 23, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Joseph's stories part 2)

¡Qué bello es San José!  Católicas por la Vida (2018 [Imagen y texto])

-Joseph got two visit from the angel of the Lord, after the birth of Jesus via a dream.

Now after the they had left, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in and said, "Get up and take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child and destroy him" Mathew 2:13

And so that was exactly what Joseph did in order to keep his family safe.

Herod saw red. He was furious.

He had been outwitted by the Magi who were supposed to report to him where the baby was. His plan was to destroy this baby that would try to take over his place and rule the kingdom. So he sent out orders to have all infants that were two years old and younger, to be killed. He wanted to make sure the right child was among those that were killed.

Unbeknownst to Herod, Jesus had no interest in ruling over an earthly kingdom.The kingdom he would be ruling, would be one from the heart. Sadly, so many babies had to give u p their lives for a wicked, greedy man that would have his way or else.

As if Herod had any control over the consequences of his evil plot. After all, God had sent Jesus and there wasn't going to be even one hair on his head, that would divert his plan from its intended goal.

How long did Joseph, Mary and Jesus stay there before they could return home?

There is no place in the bible that I know of that fully answers that question, if at all. But then, the angel of the Lord showed up again'

When Herod died, the angel of the Lord  appeared to Joseph again.

 The angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to Joseph in a dream in Egypt and said, "Get up and take the child and his mother to Israel, for those that were seeking the child, are dead. Mathew 2:20.

How long? Did they look over their shoulders during that time in case someone would find and kill Jesus?  Was it just a matter of days, week, months? Maybe years.

Joseph may have been a man of few words. He has nothing to really say about the impending pregnancy of his soon to be wife. But  what does stand out his integrity. To do God's will. To accept it at face value. To keep God's precious Son safe. 

Maybe he struggled with that part of it and maybe he didn't. But at the end of the day, he made the right decision to accept this news from Gabriel and to later carry out the warnings from the angel of the Lord. He obviously trusted God to keep them safe.

Sometimes we are simply to just wait for God to answer our prayers. To believe and trust him. To obey his word because even though there are some that think that God just set all of these rules so we wouldn't have any fun, they are wrong. He set them in place so that if we choose to, we can avoid most of our heartache and pain.

But he is still there. Through thick and thin. Through water and fire. To return to us once we return to him. He is there to lift us up from whatever mess or situation we find ourselves in.

He himself sent Gabriel and the angel of the Lord. And although we have no clear understanding of all that entails, the one thing we can do-or I should say, the things we can do is trust and believe while we are waiting. We can expect no less then what Israel had done thousands of years ago. And there-in is where our hope lies.

September 23, 2019 Promise: Being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it onto completion until the day of Christ. Philippians 1:6.

Thanks for visiting today folks. I would love to hear from any of you that would like to comment on any of these posts. Past or present  ones, please feel free Come back next time for probably the final post on this subject. (I think) . In the mean time, have a great new blessed week!

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