Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? (Moses stories)

The Exodus | Artist:   © Cheryl Hymes | FineArtAmerica.com | Bible art,  Religious art , Parting of the Red Sea, Faith artMoses had been successful at getting God's people freed from slavery in Egypt. They were on their way to the "land of milk and honey" that God had promised them. The "Promise Land."

However, suddenly Pharaoh changed his mind about having let them go because now they didn't have them as slaves anymore. What was he thinking?  So he and his army went after them. And believe me, this was no small army.

But God was not going to let him get away with setting the Israelites free, just to have them recaptured. The whole thing was not up to any earthly man, authority or otherwise, to decide their fate. Still, God's people, when realizing the army was after them, became afraid and actually felt that being the slaves that they had been, was better then to die in the desert. But, Moses told them to them not to be afraid but to stand firm and they would see the deliverance of the Lord. God would fight for them.The angel of God and the  and the pillar of cloud that had been traveling with the Israelites moved from the front of them to the back, and they stood in between God's people and the impending army that was coming after them.

Moses did as God had instructed him by stretching out his hand and parting the sea so that the Israelites could go across to safety on the other side. Pharoah's army was not so lucky. Or blessed as it were. Because when they tried to get to the other side, the Lord looked down from the pillar of fire and the cloud and he closed the waters over the army so that no one survived.

The Israelites were indeed free from slavery for sure. Genesis 14:1-31

The question for today is: What can we take away from this story of Moses and God's people and their freedom from the slavery which they had endured for so many years? What does it really have to do with you and I?

I do not pretend to have all the answers. I only know what God has given us through his Word. And so here are a few of my thoughts are this:

1.God can and does redeem and rescue us from hard situations in his time.
Psalm 18:16-19 "He sent down from on high to  fetch me, and took me out of many waters... He brought me forth also into a place of liberty" . . Exodus 14-15 (v. 15:2) "the Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God and I will praise him" . . I know you've been in bondage Beaten to your knees But waters can be parted And slaves can be freed And I am there Even when you're far from home Cloud by day and fire by night You will never have to walk alone . . #illustrated2.He gives direction to us in our lives. He makes our crooked paths straight.
3.He protects us from our enemies.
4. He proves himself to us over and over so that when we see his work in our lives, we know that beyond a shawdow of a doubt, we can trust him.

God can be who he wants to be. Where he wants to be. When he wants to be. Call him an angel of the Lord, a burning bush, a pillar of fire, or a pillar of cloud. He knows what we need when we need it. And he provides it. And all because as our Creator, for those that love and acknowlege him as their Lord and Savior, he loved us first!

 Has he rescued you from the waters that threaten to overflow you everyday? I know he has for me and frankly, he still is doing it. I just have to keep remembering who he is and who I am in in him. My son texted me a couple days ago about something that he and his family had been going through and he said to me, "Mom, I just have to keep remembering that God is great and I am not." Yes, God is great, and we are not. Not in ourselves or on our own. But we don't have to be, when we have God is our lives. Because he fights for us,  and all because he loves us. 

September 3, 2019 Promise: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

Thanks for our visit today Friends. Up tomorrow is, Who is the angel of the Lord? (Joshua's story) Have a a blessed day in Jesus!

PS If you can't find a blessing, at least give me thanks for what he has already given you.

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27  It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. 3:21-36 Having stated his distress and temptation, the prophet shows how he was...