"Lord, I am too weak to do your will." "I am not good enough." "I have sinned and so I know you could never use me in your service." "I am not talented enough." I am not...
fill in the blank."
We are not perfect people. Just as the saints of old that God proclaimed as his own, were sinners. Sometimes we are weak, down on ourselves, and sometimes even down right scared to do the will of God.
God does not call us to get perfect or even worthy to do his bidding. There is no such things in us on this side of heaven. Only through God are we made perfect, and worthy. If we were those things in ourselves, we would be able to take the credit for what we do for God. And God, being the jealous God that he is, wants all of our worship and praise to go to him. Not to ourselves.
So who in the bible do we find that had been weak or thought they were unable to do what God asked them to do?
In the past I have done different posts about some of them, but for the next few days, I think it is a good thing to remind us that we are not alone in how we feel about ourselves sometimes, and just look again at some of those that were human yes, and had their problems, but still God loved, despite their downfalls.
Today, we start with Adam:
We know him as the first human that God created, of course. He did not come from woman as every other human has, since his wife Eve was herself created. He came from the "dust of the ground" and "God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life." Genesis 2:15
But God had some jobs for Adam to do. He gave him the responsibility for caring the garden that he had created. (Genesis 2:15) And Adam probably enjoyed it. Everything God had created was good and so it stands to reason Adam didn't have to do any hard work to keep it that way. Not until he sinned, anyway.
God went on to give Adam the care and naming of all of the animals that He had also created. (2:19-20)
The next job that we see God giving Adam, was of being a father, where in Genesis 5:4, it tells us that he had sons and daughters.
Three main jobs, that we know of. And no doubt because everything God created was good, the things that Adam did on a daily basis, were probably not all that hard.

But then Adam did something that he probably had wished he hadn't done.
He rebelled again God.
And we know how the story goes. His wife Eve was tempted by the snake (devil) to eat an apple out of a tree that God had said not to eat from. (The tree of good and evil: Genesis 2:17)
Some of the men of our day wants to blame the fact that sin came into the world through Eve, because she was the first one to eat of said fruit. But not so, says Romans 5:12.
It was due to his sin that sin did indeed come into the world, God cursed the ground and death enters the world as Adam and Eve begin to die spiritually and physically from that moment on.

Adam's life after that had become as hard labor as he toiled in his garden now. He had been a weak man, perhaps unable to resist Eve's encouragement to eat that fruit.
But the fact is, he was called by God to do a job that no one had ever done or has done since. To become human totally from God and dust, the first human to exist. To have the first chance of God to either obey Him or not. To do so many of the "firsts" that were to come. Seemingly not an overwhelming task at living maybe at first, but becoming that after the fruit incident, But, Adam and Eve were not lost to their sin. The first recorded shedding of blood came about when God made garments of skins for them to cover themselves with (Genesis 3:21) from an animal that he killed. Because as Hebrews 9:22 says, "Without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sin." And as we see into the history of the Old Testament, God's people of the day, used animals for their own sin and God accepted them until Jesus came to be born and take over that job as their Savior and ours, because God wanted a perfect scarf ice, and animals were no longer needed.
God had first given Adam some important jobs to do. He failed at some. But God still made a way for him to do what needed to be done.
And more importantly, God covered his sin himself.
Yes, Adam had messed up good. He had ruined the good life for everyone to come. How ashamed he must have been of himself.
But that didn't mean God had given up on us. It just made for a change of plans.
edeSo, while we think we aren't good enough, or God can't use us, think of Adam who was God's first human creation. How indeed he messed up. But how God himself provided them with a blood sacrifice for their sin. God still loved them. He still provided them. He still had work for them to do
And it is the same with you and me. Even when we miss up or think we n't good enough, It is because
God is good enough. And he still has a job for us to do. Not only that, but better yet, he provided that perfect sin Sacrifice for you and me!
Thanks for coming by today friends. God bless. Until next time....