We live ins tumultuous times. Times in which groups of people want to strip us of our rights as American citizens and make the greatest country in the world...socialist. As Hitler tried to do in his day when he sent thousands of Jews to their deaths in gas chambers because they were deemed not worthy to be alive.
Ah, but some of us still think that can't happen to us. Not to this in our country we live in
Our country's freedom stands in the balance in just a few short days to decide our fate, Friends. Whether we want to believe it or not.
Do we want to become a socialist country? Or do we want to remain a country by which our forefathers fought to become one that would give us the freedom we have all enjoyed.
We can't both. We don't want both, even if we could have it that way.
Hopefully, we want to remain a nation that is under God. And not one that is under man that pushes for taking from us what God has already given to us through first the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ and secondly through the shed blood of those men and women that have given their lives to make and keep us free.
But is there any "hope" for us, on this election day, when we will know which way we will be going?
It doesn't seem so, sometimes. The news media often reports the fake news we often hear about that surely does not give us that hope. And even when it is probably true, it isn't very hopeful. I just read last evening on my phone, that if Trump wins this election again, there are planned attacks that will rise up in indignation against his re-election.
And for sure, that is to be believed due to the fact that this has gone on since he was put into office four years ago. It has not mattered that he has brought this country a long way from what had we had in the eight years before. To my way of thinking, into like a black hole in the ground, that he had started to bring this country out of. At the time prior to his election, there wasn't much hope he would get in. And yet he did because as a Christian nation, those of us that love God, went to bat for him. And it knocked the other party right out of the ball game because they thought they had the game tied up in their own favor. To their other agenda.
But it hasn't stopped them. This morning I woke with that news message on my phone from last evening and was concerned about the coming election.
I do not know. But one thing is probably true. Surely, they had not known that when Jesus blessed it, and it multiplied, not only did everyone eat, but there was twelve baskets left over to save for later.
Wow! What a miracle, Jesus had preformed it for his followers! 5000 of them! Because they were hungry. Because he loved them!
But Jesus hadn't stopped there, providing all that food out of those loaves and fishes. No, for in verse 35, Jesus told the disciples that he is the Bread of Life from heaven itself which his Father had sent to them and those that believes in him will never be hungry and never thirst. In essence, though we go through physical death, we will live forever with Him in Heaven.
Friends we need the Bread of Life from Heaven to win this election for us. It happened four years ago when He put Trump into place so that he could pull our country out of this hole. And it was because Christians went out in droves to get it done with Jesus leading the way. Oh, I know. Some should say that Trump isn't a Christian and we shouldn't have voted for him. But what choices did we have? God calls us to humble ourselves before Him and He will heal our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Isn't that what he has been doing this past four years through the Trump administration? No, Trump is not perfect. He may not really be a Christian. I don't know. But God can use anyone, he wishes to. Christian or not. Even if he has to use someone who is not a Christian to get us and that person to sit up and pay attention. Who are we to judge His decrees?
I have not had money for their requests of donations towards this election. But I do have something that the Trump administration needs much more. Prayer that the election will bring us good news and that we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we do have, and the ability to fight for those we have let be taken away from us by people that would point us in the unholy direction of a God forsaken country.
God did it four years ago. Will you join me in saying to God....
"Do it again, Lord"
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Not once or twice. But continually until we get the word that He has decreed it into existence. And also pray, that for those that would be angry and ready to do the work of the devil, may He quiet them so that this nation can rest under God. Because Friends, we need Him. This country needs His Rest
If you will, please share this page to all your friends. And thank you!.
God bless you and God Bless the greatest country in the world.
Stay Safe!
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