Ex-listener Gary Vollmer, of Glenn Dale, Md., said he was drawn to Camping’s radio program several years ago. But by the time the preacher went public with another prediction two years ago, Vollmer said he was no longer interested.

“I turned him off in my mind,” Vollmer, 71, told NBC News on Tuesday. “I don’t believe any person can know the date or time (of Judgment Day).

Camping and his wife went into hiding following the prophets flop."

“If people want me to apologize, I can apologize,” he said in response to some listeners who gave away their belongings in anticipation of the Rapture. “I pray all the time for wisdom.”

Camping conceded in March 2012 that he was, in fact, wrong. He refused to make a new prediction.

Vollmer said he believes Camping will be “OK” in the afterlife.

“Technically, you’re judged by what you’ve done here,” Vollmer said. “He probably did more good than otherwise. ”Doomsday preacher Harold Camping dies at 92

My notes: Really? The way the Bible explains it, is narrow is the way that leads to life. By having watched the video Wheat and Tares, it doesn't look like that to me. It looks like he tore up more up then he did good, to too many people that put their trust in him.

I am not his judge so far as whose home he woke up in when he passed this life. Only God knows. I hope he truly repented for what he did and only He knew his heart during all those years.

It's been 7 plus years since that statement was made by Gary Vollmer. Where is he now? I have not found anything more about him and if I do, I will post it.

However, we aren't letting the deceased Camping off the hook here. Can we find anyone else that was willing to let their feelings be known about the false claims he made? Come back tomorrow to find out.

Hello Friends. I apologize for not getting here the last couple days. It turned out to be a very busy weekend. Have a blessed and peaceful day today

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