Thursday, May 13, 2021

Will the Real Prophet Please Stand Up

 To Tell The Truth Game Show | To Tell the Truth - My Trading Page

Will the real prophet please stand up?

If you lived in the 50s and 60s, you may remember the game show 'To Tell the Truth.' On each show, a panel of four celebrities had to listen as the host of the show read some true facts about one of three contestants. They then asked questions of the three and two of the contestants would give answers that were not true while the one who's story was true, had to tell them the truth. And then the celebrities had to decide which person was actually the one telling the truth. Sometimes they got it right and sometimes they didn't. 

But this world-this real world we live in, is not a game show. And there are many people out there that would try to trick us. Whether it be for money, power or whatever else they could get from unsuspecting people.

It is bad enough that some people would try to con us into believing they are some kind of god, but even worse are those that go so far as to say they are God or his Son Jesus Christ.

The bible tells us what Jesus is like. And he is not one that lies, abuses people not only mentally, but physically and sexually as well. He doesn't take our money. He is love. He is merciful. He is forgiving.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variables and no shadow of turning. James 1:17

That means he is the giver of all that is good. And because he is our light in darkness, he does not change. 

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. 13:8

He doesn't say something to the people in the bible and then change his mind for us thousands of years later. 

God is not a man that he should not lie, nor the Son of man that he should repent; hath he said , and shall not do it? or hath he spoken and shall he not made it good? Numbers 23:19

I could go on and on about what God is. But also what he isn't. 

To myself, these people who try to put on the hat of the true God, or the hat of his Son Jesus, we need to be wise, to not walk but run to stay away from them, and to know who they are. Because they are either sneaking around to get us into their traps, or sometimes they come out blatantly making false claims about who they are. And if we don't know what they are up to, we may not know to stay away from them and can become ensnared into those traps.

If they lie, steal and cheat-they are NOT from God. 

Study to show thyself approved, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Had those people that had followed the teachings of Harold Camping, really studied the bible, they would not have had to walk away from his predictions of the end of the world, embarrassed, ashamed and confused when it did not happen. Sure maybe some of them studied the codes and all that went into studying dates and all that. But they did not take it seriously in Mathew 24:5-Many will come in my name, claiming that they are Christ...or Mark 13:32 which says No one knows the day or the hour...if they had even studied. 

Because those verses, should have warned them. Sad to say, they had not tested Camping's teaching against what God's word says, enough to repeat what Jesus said in Luke 4:8, "Get behind me satan: for it is written, thou shall worship the Lord your God and thou shall serve Him only."

What more can be said then that. Even Jesus had to tell satan to get lost. We should be doing the same when we run up against the wicked lies that satan tries to entangle us. 

Because God's Word is the finally authority!

Hello, Friends. Thanks for coming by. On the next post, I have something else in mind to go along with this this study, so I hope you will come back for that. In the meantime, let the true Jesus guard your steps in the light, and refuse to follow satan into darkness. God bless your day!

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