Saturday, May 1, 2021

The Storm That Blew In

New Testament 2, Lesson 10: Jesus Calms a Storm - Seeds of Faith Podcast

 Moving day had started out on a fairly good note. Not that we were excited about moving all the stuff we had stored into our new  home, but we knew once that was done, we would be happy to get to the end of our two year (maybe longer) quest of moving from our home state to be closer to our adult kids in Florida. Thankfully, they and their families gave us a lot of help during all this time from start to now getting to the end of the road. Without them, it probably would not have happened,

The day had been breezy. The Florida sun was not too hot. The work itself was tiring, even for the younger grandkids. Despite everything, we all worked together to get it done. 

But then it happened. The storm blew in. Just like that.

I wasn't around in the days as Jesus and his disciples walked the earth. But, I have no doubt that they as fisherman, were perhaps used to the sudden storms that would blow in.

Many people have storms too. Storms of life. Seems like they can never get ahead financially. Others have family situations that are serious and can cause divorce. Still others suddenly face a life threatening illness. 

Many problems. Many storms. And some peoples storms seem to come one after another with very little relief, if any.

But when his disciples faced that storm, Jesus had quieted it for them and then asked: "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?" Mark 4:35-40

The storms of life are out there. To hit us. Sometimes to take everything we have. But if we trust Jesus, we can know that he is with us because he has already overcome the world and we can have peace John 16:33, that he will deliver us from all our fears Psalm 34:4,  that he will give us what we need Matthew 6:25-34. And some of the are there to teach us something that God wants us to know. We only need to have faith that in our Father God, he will take care of us. No matter what we are going through.

Just as Jesus said that day, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?"

Sometimes I am afraid. Sometime my faith level isn't where is should be. That is when I need to remember what Jesus had said and go searching in his word for the comfort he gives when I look to him.

That day had gone well until almost the end. Tempers by that time, because people were getting tired-were flaring up. Most of us were making the best of it to get the job which was coming to an end-done.

But one person's temper was really flaring up. In fact, it really had been  brewing all day because they didn't want to be there. And so his/her storm  roared in like a mighty wind to blow up to get what they want, which was not to be doing what everyone else was.

But it was handled correctly and as best as possible in the circumstances and after a time, the rest of our belongings made their way into our home.

And easy day? No. A day without a storm? No. But God gives comfort to those that ask and look to him. And he calmed it down for us. Praise his Name. Because our storm finally passed, and what needed to get done, was. 

Thanks for coming by, Friends. Special thanks to those that kept coming even when I could not post anything new! God bless! Til next time

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Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.     Peace. It's what we desire today, right? ...