Friday, August 5, 2022

12 Simple Ways to Worship God ( Tip 4)


12 Simple Ways to Worship God Every Day

4. Be awe-mazed at who God is and what He does.

I want to watch for miracles. Write down answers to prayer. Notice the variety in creation. Pay attention to the ways God is working around you. And celebrate who He is and all He does.


There was a time in my life that I did not think that God could love me. I had made too many blunders, sinned to many times. How could God love someone like me.

It took reading the bible consistently and believing what it says that made me realize just how awesome God really is. After that, I began to see his love in much more than myself. I saw it in the very creation around me. Not that we worship his creation. No way. We are to worship only God. But what happened was that I no longer had to worry about his love for me. Because it is everywhere.

And it was at that time, I was also amazed that out of all the world, I was blessed with so many that instead of rejecting God, one day I will spend eternity with him. 

And many others that have not rejected him. Because sadly, there are many that do reject him. But for the grace of God, I could be one of them.

And I am very thankful that I am accounted among those that will go home to be with Him. And that my friends, still it amazes me.

I will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works. Psalms 145:5

Thanks for coming by friends. Have a blessed evening!

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Romans 1:16-18

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