Saturday, February 4, 2023

Twelve Tribes of Israel: A Broken Family

 God can't use me. I come from a broken family.

I ask you, "Really?"

The fact of the matter is this:

Sprinkled all through the bible are stories of familes in conflict, hate, murder and more.

And yet, each person, each family had a purpose that God chose them to fulfill.

And so it was with the twelve tribes of Israel. 

If you missed it before, the twelve tribes came from Jacob's twelve sons.

Emma Danzey explains it this way: 

One of the most intriguing concepts in Scripture is the establishment of the 12 tribes of Israel. I find it amazing how we see a connection from the old covenant to the new covenant of Christ. We see 12 tribes established out of the line of Israel, then we see 12 disciples established from a variety of backgrounds. Each of these tribes had a significant role and responsibility for the nation of God’s people. As we acknowledge the Lord’s plan for His people, we can gain a greater understanding of what each tribe is known for. what each tribe is known for.

Who Are the 12 Tribes of Israel? The 12 tribes of Israel came from Jacob’s 12 sons. Each tribe was named after one of Jacob’s children or grandchildren. I love how when we look at the story of Jacob, we see the Lord still choosing to use his broken family for a greater purpose. Jacob was tricked into marrying Leah, then married her sister Rachel, then the women waged war over who could produce children to the point of giving their servants Bilhah and Zilpah to their husband. Out of these four women in a damaging life situation, came the 12 tribes of Israel. Below is the order of the sons of Israel (Jacob), the meaning of their names, and what each tribe is known for. 


To find out more about these tribes, I will take one a day for the next twelve days (including today) and give you some information on each one. Starting with the first Tribe of Reuben


ReubenIt is because the LORD has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now” (Genesis 29:32) The tribe of Reuben had territory east of the Dead Sea. They were never blessed like they could have been because Reuben sinned against his father with Bilhah (Genesis 35:22)

My notes. Please be aware that according to the KJV of the bible, I did not see that Reuben was not blessed like he could have for sleeping with Bilhah. It does say he slept with her but did not give that as a reason for not fully being blessed. 

Genesis 49 contains the Blessing of Jacob, a series of predictions which the Bible presents as delivered by the patriarch Jacob about the future fate of the tribes descended from his twelve sons. Some textual scholars date it substantially later than these events. [11][page needed] Reuben is characterized as fickle, "unstable as water", and condemned to no longer "have . . . the excellency" due to Reuben's crime of having sexual relations with his father's concubine Bilhah. [12]

The Bible relates that Jacob and his twelve sons, along with their sons, went down into Egypt as a group of about seventy persons, including Reuben and his four sons. [13] According to the account in Exodus, the Israelites stayed in Egypt for 430 years, and their numbers grew to include about 600,000 men, not counting women or children. [14] At this point they left Egypt (see The Exodus) and wandered for forty years in the wilderness between Egypt and the promised land of Canaan. [15]

As the tribes prepared to enter Canaan by crossing over to the west side of the Jordan, the Book of Numbers records that the Israelites defeated Sihon and Og, kings east of the Jordan. [16] The tribes of Reuben and Gad requested that they be given land in the territory east of Jordan, because it was suitable for their needs as livestock grazers. In exchange for their promise to help with the conquest of the land west of the Jordan, Moses accepted their request and granted to them and half of Manasseh land east of the Jordan. [17] Following the death of Moses, SAccording to Kenneth Kitchen, this conquest occurred around 1200 BC,[21] but "almost all" scholars have abandoned the idea that Joshua carried out a conquest of Canaan similar to that described in the Book of Joshua. [22] Israel Finkelstein et al., have claimed that lack of evidence for a systematic conquest or the abrupt appearance of a new culture indicates that the Israelites simply arose as a subculture within Canaanite society. [23] The territory of Reuben encapsulated the territory of the earlier kingdom of Sihon

(see Wikipedia for more information)


The above is what I found on Rueben today. Please forgive me if it looks a bit messy as I am having problems with my computer today. 

On Monday, February 6 I may have more on Rueben or may go to the next in line which is Simeon.

Thanks for coming by today, Friends.

God bless you


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