Thursday, May 25, 2023

Teachers/Modern Day Prophets: What Do They Teach Really?


If you have heard of these people but never followed them, you may be in for the shock of your life. In my 70 plus years of being on this earth and much of it being in the church and studying the Bible on my own as well, I was very shocked at some of this so-called God's Word for us. I knew there were false prophets, but never did a study into too much of them. 

But how I got into researching them was because I simply started out looking on YouTube for information about Amish people and just interested in their lives and what they believe.

That led me right into videos on these people that declare that they are speaking for God today and instead are pulling millions of people away from the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I couldn't pass up what they had to say. I have learned a lot. And it's sad and even appalling the stuff that has come out about them and as I viewed each one, it seemed the next one was crazier than the one before.

As I stated a few days ago, I am going to start with Kennth Copeland who claimed that he could cause death to Covid. A quote from Ken Copeland Fails to Save the U.S. From Covid -19 was given 3 years ago on by Fighting For the Faith, said this: "If you have been seeing this stuff that Kennth Copeland has been saying or even if you haven't, heard of it, this is taking cooko banana town and dumpster fires to a whole other level. Actually, its quite frightening."

Sadly, I agree. And if you go to watch the video for yourself, you will find that he also says that its actually embarrassing and if you look at his eyes, it is actually inhuman. I would add creepy to that although he might have said that as well.

I couldn't agree more. 

In that clip, it shows Copeland trying to blow covid-19 gone and even states that at 12:00 noon on March 29th he declared it to be over. And he claimed him to be in the office of God to executed judgment against it. He tries to appear that he is actually hearing from God in many of these clips. What I want to know is what God. Because they certainly they aren't from the God that created the world and everything in it. 

However, I can take at wild guess, at who he is talking to and probably be right.

I have to tell you friends, if you are interested in seeing this video please do because it will give you so more information about it than I can do in this blog. The title of this message is: Judgment is executed on Covid-19.

All I can say is the ordasity of this guy to do what he has done for years and continues to do has made him very rich which is another whole story in itself that he uses to explain that he has gotten rich through people like you and I that  aren't rich, and maybe even have had times where we barely get by, and  yet we listen to his craziness thinking and hoping that we will get rich too because he has told them to send in their money. And of course, God wants that for us too. 

He teaches the prosperity message and try's to add in some Bible but does a very poor job because for one thing, he is a false prophet but also because the Bible and God are just a tool he uses to get people to send him money. In one video clip I saw him say about covid, something about, a lot of people being out of work, and he turns to the camera and says, "Don't you stop giving to church, don't you stop." as he points his finger at the camera as well.

He doesn't care that covid was taking people out of their lively hood. Because he didn't want people to stop sending him money. That was his concern. And he readily brags about being rich. 

Friends he has I believe, four jet liners to travel in so that he doesn't have to fly commercial and be shut up in a tube of demons. Yep, that statement clip is something he said as well. He told a reporter that. I guess the rest of non-rich people have to go TWA or something and endure being in a tube of demons until we get rich too. 

In this video, Chris Rosebrough also shows a clip about how Kennth Copeland agreed with Paul Crouch (sorry, I am not sure of the spelling of his last name) talked about how we are "Little Gods." Oh, you don't want to miss that one. We can speak things into existence and do whatever God can do because we are made in His image. Please note that Paul Crouch has passed away.

Now we know that Copeland did not heal the world from Covid, (thus saith the Lord), but he did then (to an empty church that had to stay home because of it) said that it was going to get so hot in NY City that it was going to burn the virus right up at either 85 or 90 degrees to however it has to get to kill that thing. Right now, he said.

Well believe me this isn't the end of this clip. Nor is it the end of many other seemingly unbelievable things he's done to discredit the name of God, but I am going to leave you with just this and encourage you to go to this video to view the rest. 

But there is plenty more about him to come. Believe me. And as I said before please feel free to check me out about what I have been saying in these blogs by going to YouTube and listening to them for yourselves. If you are like me, it will be a great eye-opening experience. And not a good one. But we are warned of these kinds of people in the Bible and we need to know them for what they really do teach so that we are not caught up in their loonasy. 

On Saturday, May 27th, I hope to tell you about what happened as he took of the Lord's Supper one time. Let me tell you friends. talk about appalling, It made the time he blew the covid virus away (not) look like Sunday School picnic. 

I hope you have learned something about this man made god, and warn people not to follow him, if you know anyone that is. 

Thanks for coming by today and may God (our real God) richly bless you no matter how rich or poor you may be. 

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