Friday, February 1, 2019

Huh? What did you say?

Insiders Program for Visual Studio Code Evolves -- Visual Studio MagazineA grandfather had gone to his grandaughters home for dinner one day. When he was done eating, he told her that he was going for a walk around the neighborhood and would be back in twenty minutes. But two hours passed before he got back. "Sorry I am late," he said. "But I stopped to talk to an old friend and he wouldn't stop listening."

Listening.  It is an age-old problem for women that complain that their partner or husband is not listening to them. Depending on what website you look at, statistics are different about how many words women speak a day as compared to men. I am not sure about that statics because it is not true in my household that I speak more words then my husband. He is like the grandfather in the joke above. When he sees someone in a store, they have to actually stop listening to him so they can move on to why they were there. In comparison, we have friends where the husband is quieter, his wife is the one that likes to talk and may, in fact, use the 20,000 words a day that one study found.

I am not an expert in those kinds of things but my own conclusion is that it depends on the individual and how they were made by their Creator. After all, he makes us all different. And even though listening can be a problem between husbands and wives or whoever else, the one we should be most listening to is our Creator.

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. Proverbs 12:15

Back when the debate was going on between two of the presidential hopefuls, a few years ago, I was talking to someone in my family about who we thought would make the better president. In times past, we had always been on the same page so far as our political views. But that time, she was coming up with some crazy stuff about the man that would have gotten our vote. My question that day was, "Who have you been listening to?"  You can't make an informed decision if you don't listen to both sides, which she obviously had not been doing. She had been listening mostly to people she worked with at that time, and that was all the information she had. And it just was not true because if it had been, it would have definitely come out through the media. And it had not. Someone had made it up that she had been listening to.

In all of life, we need to be listening to the people in our lives. To our children that need our attention, right up to the partner we are sharing our lives with, so long as what that person is not leading us down the wrong path. Not to mention others that we may need to be listening to. But first and foremost, we need to listen to God, because he will lead us down the path that leads to him.

We must pay closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. Hebrews 2:1.

Lord let me have ears that hear You!God has given us his word and if we pay close attention to it and obey what he is telling us, we will not drift away from it.  God's word is our substance for life. We only need to listen and obey what he is saying to us.

Answers to yesterdays quiz:

1. Which sister sat at the feet of Jesus while he was teaching, while the other sister prepared dinner for him.  Mary.Luke 10:39 

2.True or false: Angels know the day and hour of Christ's return to earth. False Mathew 24:36

3 Who were the sisters of Lazarus? Mary and Martha Mark 11:1

4.True or false: We can become angry as long as we don't sin True. There are reasons we can become angry but never to the point that we do sin. Ephesians 4:26

5, True or false: There is more than one way to heaven False. "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." John 14:6

6.True or false: Able killed Cain False. Genesis 4:8

7. True or False Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch  True Genesis 4:17

8.True or false: Saul was also called Paul. True. Acts 13:9

9, True or false: Paul was converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus. True. Acts 9

10.True or false: God tempts us to sin. False James 1:13

How many did you get right? I did not know the answer to number 7. There is always something in the bible or in life itself that we can learn.

February 1, 2019 Promise: You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon you because he trusts in you. Isaiah  26:3.

Well Friends, here we are at the start of a new month in a new year. I pray that blessings are coming your way and continue throughout the year. Thanks for spending this time with me. I hope you will be back tomorrow. God Bless!

Baby Jesus change the world!!

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