Saturday, February 16, 2019

Jesus the Miracle Worker/The Fishes and Loaves/part 4

video... Jesus feeds 5,000 multiplying 2 fish and 5 loaves.
Miracle # 4:  Jesus & the Fishes and Loaves-John 6:1-14

Jesus had been healing the sick and because of this, he had gained quite a following of people that wanted to see these miracles. One day when Jesus saw a great crowd coming towards him he asked Philip a question to test him. "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" Philip answered him, "It would take a half years wages to buy enough bread for each person to have a bite."  Andrew, one of the other disciples said, "Here is a boy with 5 small loaves of barley bread and 2 small fish, but how far will it go among so many?" 

(There were 5000 people there at that time. It was a  very viable question for someone to ask even though they were in the presence of God and still could not quite grasp on to the fact, that he could perform miracles.)

But of course, this situation was not one that was a problem for the Son of God. He simply told the disciples to have everyone sit down and he took the bread and fish, gave thanks for them and gave everyone as much as they wanted to eat of them. Afterward, when everyone had eaten all they needed, he had the disciples gather what was left into twelve baskets so that none would be wasted. 

If ever there was a miracle, this was one. We don't know how many people were around to see the first 3 miracles that Jesus performed. But we wonder if any of those three had as many spectators as did this particular one. Because verse 14 of that scripture says this:

After the people saw the sign that Jesus performed, they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world."

Maybe now, because of this miracle, they were beginning to figure out that he really was who he said he was. Oh yes, some would deny that later. Some would want him to be crucified. But for now, perhaps he was gaining some credibility with people. 

What can we learn from this passage?
  1. That sometimes our faith isn't quite what it should be.
  2. But that God knows what we have need of before we do
  3. That he is able to provide even more then we ask for
  4. And that he is truly the Prophet who had been foretold to come in Isaiah. And most importantly 
  5. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

February 16, 2019  Promise: "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved."

Hi Friends. I apologize for not getting back here yesterday as I promised. Something came up but hopefully, I won't have any more interruptions for a while. In the meantime, tomorrow's miracle will be Jesus: Walking on the Water.  Hope you will come back then. God bless!

Winter Saturday Blessings

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