Thursday, February 21, 2019

Did Jesus Ever Weep While He Was On Earth?

Jesus prays aloud at Lazarus’ tombIn yesterdays blog, Jesus had been told that his good friend Lazarus had gotten ill and his sisters Mary and Martha were hoping that Jesus would come and heal him. But Jesus doesn't seem all that anxious to go to his friend and so he takes his time in going there. Finally, when he arrives, Lazarus has not only been dead but he has been buried for four days. Jesus went to his tomb and called to his friend, "Lazarus, come out!" And Lazarus did. But, this took place after Jesus had wept.

Why had he wept? If he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, it doesn't seem like something he would do, does it? Or does it?

There were people gathered there mourning the death of this man Lazarus. Jesus was among them finally, standing with Mary and Martha who were grieving the loss of their beloved brother. Jesus did not weep because he was about to bring Lazarus back to life, but John 11:33 says this about why he wept at this time: When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews that came with her also were weeping he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled. 

He had wept not because he was sad that his friend had died, but that he had compassion for those that were sad that Lazarus had died. He loved them and seeing how distressed they were, could not help but feel their loss in himself.

น่าสนใจมาดJesus wept another time as well. Taking his last journey to Jerusalem before his crucifixion as he approached the city he began weeping over his own people. The people he had come to give his life for. Luke 19:41-44. The people that he said in Luke 13:34: often would I have gathered you under my wings as a hen does her chicks and yet you would not have it."  

The assault on the temple in Jerusalem, courtesy of Just GimenoJesus knew the destruction of Jerusalem was coming. He could see it, and they could not. Less than 40 years later, in 70 AD it came in one of the most gruesome and tragic sieges in history when more than 1,000,000 Jerusalem residents lost their lives and the Jewish Temple was destroyed by the Roman Government. Jesus knew it was coming, and that day he wept over his people because they did not have any idea and did not look to him for his salvation.

Jesus had compassion for his people. He has it for us. That is why he went to the cross for those that would acknowledge him and ask him into their lives. He still wants to take his children under his wings to keep them safe from the coming destruction. Because it will come. And it is not that far off. We see bible prophesy taking place more and more, as the times become more and more evil.

But he is waiting for those who will still repent because he loves them. He loves you and I. And he will wait until the time comes that he can wait no longer. And then for those that have not wanted to hide in the safety of his will be too late. As in the sad day of the destruction of Jerusalem when so many were destroyed so it will be in the coming of the Lord. Most likely he will weep for those that ..."would not have it."  Will he weep on that day for you? I truly pray not. You can have the assurance that it will not be you he is weeping for. But it is your decision. Please don't let it be too late when that time comes. If you need to know more about becoming a Christian and following Jesus, please go to my post: What is a Christian? for more help. You can find it under the word "saved" in the search engine as well.

February 21, 2019 Promise: Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Mathew 11:28

Hello, Freinds. Thanks for your visit. May God pour out his bountiful blessings on you today, and may you pass them on to those around you! Have a wonderful day!

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